Connect BONZO and PingBell to unlock the power of automation
- No credit card required
- Free forever for core features
- 14-day trial for premium features and apps
Choose a Trigger
Choose an Action
How Zapier works
Zapier makes it easy to integrate BONZO with PingBell - no code necessary. See how you can get setup in minutes.
Zapier is the automation platform of choice for 87% of Forbes Cloud 100 companies in 2023
Customers who say using Zapier has made them better at their job
Customers have created over 25 million Zaps on the platform
6 mins
The average user takes less than 6 minutes to set up a Zap
Supported triggers and actions
Zapier helps you create workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a workflow, and an action is an event a Zap performs.
- UuidRequired
- KeyRequired
- Created_after
Try It- UuidRequired
Try It- UuidRequired
- User_id
- Merge_duplicates
- Pipeline_stage_idRequired
- First_name
- Last_name
- Email
- Phone
- Marital_status
- Address
- Unit_number
- City
- State
- Zip
- Tags
- Note
- Field_1
- Field_2
- Field_3
- Field_4
- Field_5
- Birthday
- Fb_id
- Company_name
- Loan_amount
- Down_payment
- Loan_program
- Credit_score
- Purchase_price
- Cash_out_amount
- Loan_type
- Loan_purpose
- Property_value
- Property_address
- Property_unit_number
- Property_city
- Property_state
- Property_zip
- Property_county
- Found_home
- Bankruptcy
- Foreclosure
- Working_with_agent
- Buyer Agent name
- Buyer Agent phone
- Buyer Agent email
- Buyer Agent address
- Seller Agent name
- Seller Agent phone
- Seller Agent email
- Seller Agent address
- Lead_source
- Interest_rate
- Requested_apr
- Property_type
- Property_use
- Bankruptcy_details
- Foreclosure_details
- Occupation
- Household_income
- Current_step
- Close_date
- Application_date
- Rate_lock_date
- Referral_source
- Insurance_zip
- Insurance_city
- Insurance_state
- Insurance_address
- Apartment_number
- Height
- Weight
- Weight_change
- Income
- Work_phone
- Net_worth
- Insurance_declined
- Gender
- Dependents
- Smoker
- Credit_standing
- Flood_interest
- Earthquake_interest
- Deductible
- Coverage_amount
- Liability_amount
- Co-borrower first name
- Co-borrower last name
- Co-borrower email
- Co-borrower phone
- Co-borrower address
- Co-borrower unit number
- Co-borrower city
- Co-borrower ZIP
- Co-borrower state
- Co-borrower birthday
- Martial status
- Co-borrower Monthly Income
- Prospect_idRequired
- Campaign_idRequired
- Pipeline_stage_idRequired
Try It- Pipeline_stage_idRequired
- Merge_duplicates
- User_id
- First_name
- Last_name
- Email
- Phone
- Marital_status
- Address
- Unit_number
- City
- State
- Zip
- Tags
- Note
- Field_1
- Field_2
- Field_3
- Field_4
- Field_5
- Birthday
- Fb_id
- Company_name
- Loan_amount
- Down_payment
- Loan_program
- Credit_score
- Purchase_price
- Cash_out_amount
- Loan_type
- Loan_purpose
- Property_value
- Property_address
- Property_unit_number
- Property_city
- Property_state
- Property_zip
- Property_county
- Found_home
- Bankruptcy
- Foreclosure
- Working_with_agent
- Buyer Agent name
- Buyer Agent phone
- Buyer Agent email
- Buyer Agent address
- Seller Agent name
- Seller Agent phone
- Seller Agent email
- Seller Agent address
- Lead_source
- Interest_rate
- Requested_apr
- Property_type
- Property_use
- Bankruptcy_details
- Foreclosure_details
- Occupation
- Household_income
- Current_step
- Close_date
- Application_date
- Rate_lock_date
- Monthly_income
- Other_income
- Lien_position
- Amortization_type
- Amortization_term
- Monthly_payment
- New_loan_amount
- Rate_is_locked
- Referral_source
- Insurance_zip
- Insurance_city
- Insurance_state
- Insurance_address
- Apartment_number
- Height
- Weight
- Weight_change
- Income
- Work_phone
- Net_worth
- Insurance_declined
- Gender
- Dependents
- Smoker
- Credit_standing
- Flood_interest
- Earthquake_interest
- Deductible
- Coverage_amount
- Liability_amount
- Co-borrower first name
- Co-borrower last name
- Co-borrower email
- Co-borrower phone
- Co-borrower address
- Co-borrower unit number
- Co-borrower city
- Co-borrower ZIP
- Co-borrower state
- Co-borrower birthday
- Martial status
- Co-borrower Monthly Income
- Prospect_idRequired
- User_id
- Prospect_idRequired
- Pipeline_stage_idRequired
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