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4 min read

4 ways to automate YouTube with Zapier

By Daniel Kenitz · June 27, 2023
A hero image of the YouTube app logo connected to other app logos on a light yellow background.

Promises of breezy audience building and instant viral success might sound fun, but when it comes to the nitty-gritty of running a YouTube channel, the manual tasks can add up. If you aren't intentional about how you build your channel, video production can quickly overwhelm you.

So let's be intentional—through effective automation. With YouTube automation, you can assign Zapier to handle the manual tasks that otherwise make channel-building a chore. You can automatically promote new videos to your community, set Zapier to upload videos once you save them, or even create an automatic video archive. Do it right, and all that's left is the filming itself. Here's how to handle the rest with ease.

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Table of contents

  • Send notifications for new videos

  • Share YouTube videos on social media

  • Automatically upload your new YouTube videos

  • Create a video archive

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Send notifications for new videos

If a video posts to YouTube and no one clicks on it, does it make a sound? Yes, and it sounds like crickets. Your first mission is to make sure people click your videos. A great way to do that is to share your latest videos as soon as they're live in your community Discord or Slack channel:

Send new YouTube videos in Discord channel messages

Send new YouTube videos in Discord channel messages
  • YouTube logo
  • Discord logo
YouTube + Discord

Send new YouTube videos in a channel to Slack

Send new YouTube videos in a channel to Slack
  • YouTube logo
  • Slack logo
YouTube + Slack

Or send a Gmail message if that's how you typically communicate with your audience.

Send notifications via Gmail for new YouTube channel videos

Send notifications via Gmail for new YouTube channel videos
  • YouTube logo
  • Gmail logo
YouTube + Gmail

These workflows are also a great way to keep your internal team in the loop if they need to keep on top of your production schedule. If a separate team handles social promotion or you just want your team members to share your company's latest video with their friends and family, a quick Slack ping or email can do the trick.

Automatically share YouTube videos on social media

Family and friends are great, but a good YouTube channel will eventually rely on the interest of strangers, too. You need to get the word out. What if you have a social media presence somewhere else—say, Twitter? You can set your YouTube channel to automatically cross-post there. Think of it as multiplying your YouTube audience every time a video uploads…just without the extra work.

It doesn't have to be just Twitter, either. Facebook, public shares on LinkedIn, new posts on a WordPress blog—they can all be a part of your automated YouTube ecosystem. Ideally, you'll set it so every new YouTube upload creates a cascade of downstream promotional effects. 

Simply sending new YouTube videos to Webhooks by Zapier, for example, can create an automated system by itself. You can use Webhooks to send someone an email, send Slack channel messages, or even post new Facebook lead ads. 

Later on, we'll talk about some ways to automatically upload your videos to YouTube as well. But start here. Ensure each new video goes out to your audience the way you'd prefer. Then, when you automate uploading, you'll have nearly the entire process automated.

Send new YouTube videos in a channel to a Facebook Page

Send new YouTube videos in a channel to a Facebook Page
  • YouTube logo
  • Facebook Pages logo
YouTube + Facebook Pages

Create LinkedIn updates from new YouTube videos

Create LinkedIn updates from new YouTube videos
  • YouTube logo
  • LinkedIn logo
YouTube + LinkedIn

Create WordPress posts from new YouTube videos

Create WordPress posts from new YouTube videos
  • YouTube logo
  • WordPress logo
YouTube + WordPress

Post webhooks with new videos on a YouTube channel

Post webhooks with new videos on a YouTube channel
  • YouTube logo
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
YouTube + Webhooks by Zapier

Automatically upload your new YouTube videos

If you run a YouTube channel in your free time, then you know how it feels to burn daylight while you wait for a video to upload. After so many hours of planning, scripting, filming, and editing your videos, you still have to do the manual work of putting the video up on the Internet. And if YouTube is a side hustle, that means YouTube cuts into your free time. It cuts into your family time. It cuts into the time you could be resting.

So instead, cut down on the uploading time by letting Zapier handle this part. All you have to do is choose where you want to save your videos, then the following Zaps will automatically upload a video once you've saved it to a specific Google Drive or Dropbox folder. These can also double as a backup "archive" of your YouTube videos. 

Upload new Google Drive videos to YouTube

Upload new Google Drive videos to YouTube
  • YouTube logo

Upload new Dropbox files to YouTube as videos

Upload new Dropbox files to YouTube as videos
  • Dropbox logo
  • YouTube logo
Dropbox + YouTube

Read our full tutorial on how to automatically add new videos to YouTube from Google Drive.

If you want to add AI to this system to make it even easier, you might consider Jasper. For example, you can save a new video file to your selected Dropbox folder. The Zap will then send that info to Jasper, which can use AI to come up with the appropriate meta tags on your new YouTube video. Finally, the third step will send the new file directly to YouTube.

Upload new Dropbox files to YouTube as videos with Jasper generated content

Upload new Dropbox files to YouTube as videos with Jasper generated content
  • Dropbox logo
  • Jasper logo
  • YouTube logo
Dropbox + Jasper + YouTube

But there's another sneaky way to get more videos onto YouTube with minimal effort: Zoom. If you record podcasts where you regularly interview guests on a webcam, you can move a new Zoom recording to YouTube with a Zap. That means no editing, no extra manual labor—just the direct movement of a file from one platform to another. 

Upload new Zoom recordings in YouTube

Upload new Zoom recordings in YouTube
  • Zoom logo
  • YouTube logo
Zoom + YouTube

Turn your YouTube videos into an automatic archive

Imagine where we'd be as a civilization if an earthquake hadn't taken out the Library of Alexandria. Even in modern times, we have to be on the lookout for imminent disaster when it comes to our digital files. If the wrong folder gets corrupted, we may not have any digital files.

The effect is even worse if you have a great idea that becomes a hit on YouTube…but receives a strike against it. Maybe you'll want to re-upload the same file after some edits. If you don't have a great backup, you're stuck. You have to start all over.

The larger your YouTube following gets, the more detailed you'll want your archives to be. If you save your YouTube file names in a spreadsheet, for example, you can do a quick keyword search to find any file you need. 

Create Google Sheets spreadsheet rows for new YouTube videos in a channel

Create Google Sheets spreadsheet rows for new YouTube videos in a channel
  • YouTube logo
  • Google Sheets logo
YouTube + Google Sheets

Create new database items in Notion for new YouTube videos

Create new database items in Notion for new YouTube videos
  • YouTube logo
  • Notion logo
YouTube + Notion

Create Airtable records for new YouTube videos in a channel

Create Airtable records for new YouTube videos in a channel
  • YouTube logo
  • Airtable logo
YouTube + Airtable

Alternatively, use a YouTube playlist to manage your Google Sheets or Notion tables. This means you can organize your archives by specific topics, which is great if you want to create instructional experiences for your YouTube fans. It also helps you look at a list of your existing videos so you avoid creating duplicate content.

Create Airtable records for new videos in a YouTube playlist

Create Airtable records for new videos in a YouTube playlist
  • YouTube logo
  • Airtable logo
YouTube + Airtable

Create Notion pages for new YouTube playlist videos

Create Notion pages for new YouTube playlist videos
  • YouTube logo
  • Notion logo
YouTube + Notion

Turn YouTube into a productivity machine

YouTube can be tough to navigate. Video tags, unique descriptions, learning how to archive your videos…it's too much, especially if you're launching a new channel as a side hustle.

But if you set up the right YouTube Zaps from the beginning, you'll be surprised at how little work you really have to do. Once you have a finished product, you can click and drag the file into the right folder, then let automation handle the rest.

Related reading:

  • How to automate your video post-production tasks

  • 5 ways to automate Synthesia

  • How to automatically share new YouTube videos on Twitter

  • How to automatically share new YouTube videos on Discord

  • How to post new YouTube videos on Facebook

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'