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5 min read

4 ways to automate your IT management workflows

By Krystina Martinez · April 28, 2022
automate-it-management primary img

Companies wouldn't be able to operate as efficiently without the expertise of IT professionals. Whether helping teams automate workflows, protecting information, or troubleshooting issues, you spend your days making sure these tools and processes work. 

Solving these puzzles is part of the fun. The not-so-fun-part: when the processes get in the way of you doing your best work. With an automation tool like Zapier, you can automate apps and cut down on manual work for yourself, your team, or your company. 

Here are the top ways IT professionals use Zaps—what we call our automated workflows—to create alert systems, communicate with customers, and more. 

You'll need a Zapier account to use the workflows in this piece. If you don't have an account yet, it's free to get started.

Table of contents

  • Automate employee onboarding and offboarding

  • Build systems and connect platforms across your company

  • Create an internal alert system

  • Streamline customer communication

Automate your employee onboarding and offboarding

Onboarding and offboarding employees should feel like autopilot. After all, you're giving new colleagues access to the same apps and hardware and shutting off access when they leave. But it's a lot of moving parts to manage.  

If you use a formal identity management tool like Okta, you can connect it with Zapier to add new employees to your system. 

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Generate Okta users with new Typeform entries

Generate Okta users with new Typeform entries
  • Typeform logo
  • Okta logo
Typeform + Okta

Create users in Okta from new BambooHR employees

Create users in Okta from new BambooHR employees
  • BambooHR logo
  • Okta logo
BambooHR + Okta

Or, if you prefer, you can give your new colleagues access to specific apps automatically:

Invite new users to join your Zapier team when they are added to your company Slack

Invite new users to join your Zapier team when they are added to your company Slack
  • Slack logo
  • Zapier Manager logo
Slack + Zapier Manager

Add new BambooHR employees as LastPass team members

Add new BambooHR employees as LastPass team members
  • BambooHR logo
  • LastPass logo
BambooHR + LastPass

If you rely on managers notifying you of new hires or departures, Zapier can keep you organized, whether it's turning departure form submissions into tasks or creating tickets from a new hire spreadsheet. 

When configuring the action—the event your Zap performs once it's triggered—you can include a bulleted list of the onboarding or offboarding tasks you need to accomplish. That way, each time your onboarding Zap runs, it will automatically include your list. Think of it as insurance in case you have a brain fart. 

POST new Google Forms responses to a webhook URL

POST new Google Forms responses to a webhook URL
  • Google Forms logo
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
Google Forms + Webhooks by Zapier

Create Trello cards from new Typeform responses

Create Trello cards from new Typeform responses
  • Typeform logo
  • Trello logo
Typeform + Trello

Create Jira Service Management requests from new Google Forms responses

Create Jira Service Management requests from new Google Forms responses
  • Google Forms logo
  • Jira Service Management logo
Google Forms + Jira Service Management

Create Trello cards from new rows on Excel

Create Trello cards from new rows on Excel
  • Microsoft Excel logo
  • Trello logo
Microsoft Excel + Trello

Create Trello cards from new Airtable records

Create Trello cards from new Airtable records
  • Airtable logo
  • Trello logo
Airtable + Trello

But what if your company uses an app that doesn't have a Zapier integration? If it has webhook functionality, you can use webhooks in a Zap to create the same workflows as a Zapier integration. 

Turn webhooks into Zendesk tickets

Turn webhooks into Zendesk tickets
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • Zendesk logo
Webhooks by Zapier + Zendesk

Create a Trello card when a webhook is received

Create a Trello card when a webhook is received
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • Trello logo
Webhooks by Zapier + Trello

Create Jira Service Management requests from new Webhook POSTs

Create Jira Service Management requests from new Webhook POSTs
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • Jira Service Management logo
Webhooks by Zapier + Jira Service Management

Turn Webhooks into new conversations in Help Scout

Turn Webhooks into new conversations in Help Scout
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • Help Scout logo
Webhooks by Zapier + Help Scout

Send webhooks to create new users on Okta

Send webhooks to create new users on Okta
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • Okta logo
Webhooks by Zapier + Okta

Check out our guide to Webhooks by Zapier to learn more about setting this up. 

Build systems and connect platforms across your company

You're also responsible for ensuring different teams at work have the systems and data they need to do their jobs. This might include granting permissions, troubleshooting, helping a team implement a new tool, or even automating systems for your coworkers. After all, if your end users are happy, so are you. 

Here are a few ideas for creating automated systems across your organization

Reduce data entry 

Few people like manual data entry. Often it's a copy-and-paste task, but that doesn't mean someone won't make a mistake and enter the wrong information. 

These Zaps are a good starting point for streamlining your spreadsheets: 

Add new Excel rows to Google Sheets

Add new Excel rows to Google Sheets
  • Microsoft Excel logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Microsoft Excel + Google Sheets

Copy new rows between Excel spreadsheets

Copy new rows between Excel spreadsheets
  • Microsoft Excel logo
  • Microsoft Excel logo
Microsoft Excel

Save new Google Sheets rows to Airtable

Save new Google Sheets rows to Airtable
  • Google Sheets logo
  • Airtable logo
Google Sheets + Airtable

Save new Microsoft Excel rows to Airtable

Save new Microsoft Excel rows to Airtable
  • Microsoft Excel logo
  • Airtable logo
Microsoft Excel + Airtable

Read more: How to get more out of your spreadsheets with automation 

Zapier can also help you automate data collection or analytics gathering throughout your entire app stack, so you can reduce human errors. 

Create Google Analytics measurements from new Stripe payments

Create Google Analytics measurements from new Stripe payments
  • Stripe logo
  • Google Analytics logo
Stripe + Google Analytics

Create Google Analytics measurements from new Facebook Ads leads

Create Google Analytics measurements from new Facebook Ads leads
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • Google Analytics logo
Facebook Lead Ads + Google Analytics

Create Google Analytics measurements from Calendly Invitees

Create Google Analytics measurements from Calendly Invitees
  • Calendly logo
  • Google Analytics logo
Calendly + Google Analytics

Update Databox dashboards from new rows in Google Sheets

Update Databox dashboards from new rows in Google Sheets
  • Google Sheets logo
  • Databox logo
Google Sheets + Databox

Add new Microsoft Excel rows to a Databox dashboard

Add new Microsoft Excel rows to a Databox dashboard
  • Microsoft Excel logo
  • Databox logo
Microsoft Excel + Databox

Update Databox dashboards from new webhooks

Update Databox dashboards from new webhooks
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • Databox logo
Webhooks by Zapier + Databox

Automate lead management for your sales team

CRMs contain important information about your customers, which is why these tools can be a beast to manage. Setting up a few Zaps can help your sales colleagues manage leads more effectively.  

Add new LinkedIn Ads as leads in Salesforce

Add new LinkedIn Ads as leads in Salesforce
  • LinkedIn Ads logo
  • Salesforce logo
LinkedIn Ads + Salesforce

Add contacts to Hubspot from new Gravity Forms entries

Add contacts to Hubspot from new Gravity Forms entries
  • Gravity Forms logo
  • HubSpot logo
Gravity Forms + HubSpot

Turn new Zoom registrants into HubSpot contacts

Turn new Zoom registrants into HubSpot contacts
  • Zoom logo
  • HubSpot logo
Zoom + HubSpot

Send Slack messages for new Pipedrive deals

Send Slack messages for new Pipedrive deals
  • Pipedrive logo
  • Slack logo
Pipedrive + Slack

Add new Facebook Lead Ads leads as leads in Salesforce

Add new Facebook Lead Ads leads as leads in Salesforce
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • Salesforce logo
Facebook Lead Ads + Salesforce

Don't use a CRM? Learn how you can distribute leads with a form app and a spreadsheet.

Streamline processes for accounting and human resources

Your human resources team deals with critical employee information every day, from managing payroll and benefits to recruiting and sending out job offers. 

Here are a few automated workflows you can set up quickly to help your HR colleagues stay on top of everything:

Send a Confirmation Email to New Workable Applicants

Send a Confirmation Email to New Workable Applicants
  • Workable logo
  • Gmail logo
Workable + Gmail

Read more: Add automation to your human resources processes 

You can also use Zapier to help your accounting coworkers automate record-keeping and reduce errors, whether it's tracking paid customer accounts or employee expenses. 

Update HubSpot deals when PandaDoc documents are paid

Update HubSpot deals when PandaDoc documents are paid
  • PandaDoc logo
  • HubSpot logo
PandaDoc + HubSpot

Generate QuickBooks Online customers with new Salesforce accounts

Generate QuickBooks Online customers with new Salesforce accounts
  • Salesforce logo
  • QuickBooks Online logo
Salesforce + QuickBooks Online

Want to learn more about accounting automation? Get advice from experts on the best ways to add automation to your financial processes.

Build an internal alert system

When something technical goes wrong, you're the go-to team, so you want to ensure you're notified of issues as quickly as possible. 

Here are some ideas for automating internal communication and notifications.  

Monitor tickets

Whether you use a formal ticketing tool or a form app to manage requests, you don't want to leave your end users hanging. If your team uses a ticketing system, you can route new ticket alerts to a channel in your team chat app or direct message. 

Post new Zendesk tickets to Slack messages

Post new Zendesk tickets to Slack messages
  • Zendesk logo
  • Slack logo
Zendesk + Slack

Post new Zendesk tickets to Microsoft Teams

Post new Zendesk tickets to Microsoft Teams
  • Zendesk logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Zendesk + Microsoft Teams

Get Slack notifications for new Help Scout conversations

Get Slack notifications for new Help Scout conversations
  • Help Scout logo
  • Slack logo
Help Scout + Slack

If you normally use daily standup meetings to review tickets, you can save yourself time with Digest by Zapier. Available on our paid plans, you can use Digest in a Zap to automatically send regular reports of tickets submitted or closed. 

Post Help Scout stats weekly to Slack

Post Help Scout stats weekly to Slack
  • Schedule by Zapier logo
  • Help Scout logo
  • Slack logo
Schedule by Zapier + Help Scout + Slack

Perhaps you're pairing a form app with a project management tool instead of a ticketing system to get the job done. You can use Zapier to create alerts for your DIY ticketing system too.

Send Microsoft Teams channel messages for new Trello cards

Send Microsoft Teams channel messages for new Trello cards
  • Trello logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Trello + Microsoft Teams

Most ticketing systems will send an automated email once you close a ticket. If you're bootstrapping, you can replicate this notification with a Zap that automatically sends an email when you complete a task. 

Get emails when new cards move to a list on Trello

Get emails when new cards move to a list on Trello
  • Trello logo
  • Email by Zapier logo
Trello + Email by Zapier

Send Microsoft Outlook emails when new cards move to lists in Trello

Send Microsoft Outlook emails when new cards move to lists in Trello
  • Trello logo
  • Microsoft Outlook logo
Trello + Microsoft Outlook

Send emails from Gmail when new Trello cards are moved to a list

Send emails from Gmail when new Trello cards are moved to a list
  • Trello logo
  • Gmail logo
Trello + Gmail

Update HubSpot deals when PandaDoc documents are paid

Update HubSpot deals when PandaDoc documents are paid
  • PandaDoc logo
  • HubSpot logo
PandaDoc + HubSpot

Generate QuickBooks Online customers with new Salesforce accounts

Generate QuickBooks Online customers with new Salesforce accounts
  • Salesforce logo
  • QuickBooks Online logo
Salesforce + QuickBooks Online

Read more: 5 ways automation can help your customer support team

Keep an eye on major outages 

Time is of the essence when internal systems go down. You can catch errors early before they snowball into bigger issues by setting up alerts for systems you've created. 

For example, if you monitor a shared email inbox for error messages from business-critical apps, you can route those notifications to your team chat app. 

Send Slack notifications for new emails matching Gmail search queries

Send Slack notifications for new emails matching Gmail search queries
  • Gmail logo
  • Slack logo
Gmail + Slack

Send Microsoft Teams messages for new Microsoft Office 365 emails

Send Microsoft Teams messages for new Microsoft Office 365 emails
  • Microsoft Office 365 logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Microsoft Office 365 + Microsoft Teams

Send Slack messages from new Microsoft Outlook emails

Send Slack messages from new Microsoft Outlook emails
  • Microsoft Outlook logo
  • Slack logo
Microsoft Outlook + Slack

Send new Microsoft Outlook emails to a Microsoft Teams channel

Send new Microsoft Outlook emails to a Microsoft Teams channel
  • Microsoft Outlook logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Microsoft Outlook + Microsoft Teams

If you use a server monitoring tool such as PagerDuty or New Relic, these Zaps will help you stay on top of major events.

Trigger PagerDuty incidents for new RSS posts

Trigger PagerDuty incidents for new RSS posts
  • RSS by Zapier logo
  • PagerDuty logo
RSS by Zapier + PagerDuty

Send Slack messages for new incidents on PagerDuty

Send Slack messages for new incidents on PagerDuty
  • PagerDuty logo
  • Slack logo
PagerDuty + Slack

Create JIRA issues for new or updated PagerDuty incidents

Create JIRA issues for new or updated PagerDuty incidents
  • PagerDuty logo
  • Jira Software Server logo
PagerDuty + Jira Software Server

Get Slack notifications for new New Relic alerts or deployments

Get Slack notifications for new New Relic alerts or deployments
  • New Relic logo
  • Slack logo
New Relic + Slack

Send SMS messages for new New Relic alerts

Send SMS messages for new New Relic alerts
  • New Relic logo
  • SMS by Zapier logo
New Relic + SMS by Zapier

You can also monitor Zaps you create for your team and others. Zapier Manager allows you to set up Zaps for your Zaps. For example, if a Zap encounters an error or shuts off, you can receive an alert in your team chat app. 

Here are a few Zaps you can set up to monitor your workflows: 

Send Slack notifications if your Zaps run into errors

Send Slack notifications if your Zaps run into errors
  • Zapier Manager logo
  • Slack logo
Zapier Manager + Slack

Send Slack channel messages for new halted tasks

Send Slack channel messages for new halted tasks
  • Zapier Manager logo
  • Slack logo
Zapier Manager + Slack

Notify a Microsoft Teams channel for new Zap errors

Notify a Microsoft Teams channel for new Zap errors
  • Zapier Manager logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Zapier Manager + Microsoft Teams

Send Microsoft Teams channel messages for halted tasks in Zapier

Send Microsoft Teams channel messages for halted tasks in Zapier
  • Zapier Manager logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Zapier Manager + Microsoft Teams

Learn more: How to use Zapier Manager to automate your account management

It's also easy to set up notifications for any Zapier-wide incidents. You can subscribe to updates through email, text, Slack, or even RSS. 

Zapier and many other apps—such as Slack—send service status updates through an RSS feed. You can compile your critical apps into an RSS feed, then create a Zap to monitor these outages.

Send new items in multiple RSS feeds to a Microsoft Teams channel

Send new items in multiple RSS feeds to a Microsoft Teams channel
  • RSS by Zapier logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
RSS by Zapier + Microsoft Teams

Send channel messages in Slack for new items in multiple feeds

Send channel messages in Slack for new items in multiple feeds
  • RSS by Zapier logo
  • Slack logo
RSS by Zapier + Slack

Read more: 4 popular ways to use RSS by Zapier

Manage your on-call schedule

If your team has an on-call schedule, you can also remind team members when their shift is coming up. 

First, create a shared calendar in an app like Google Calendar. Then, set up one of the Zaps below, which will automatically send a reminder via text message or your team chat app.

Send Slack channel messages for new Google Calendar events

Send Slack channel messages for new Google Calendar events
  • Google Calendar logo
  • Slack logo
Google Calendar + Slack

Get messages in Microsoft Teams for upcoming Microsoft Outlook calendar events

Get messages in Microsoft Teams for upcoming Microsoft Outlook calendar events
  • Microsoft Outlook logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Microsoft Outlook + Microsoft Teams

Send Microsoft Office 365 calendar event reminders to a Microsoft Teams channel

Send Microsoft Office 365 calendar event reminders to a Microsoft Teams channel
  • Microsoft Office 365 logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Microsoft Office 365 + Microsoft Teams

Note: SMS by Zapier can only send messages to U.S. and U.K. phone numbers. Learn more here. 

If you manage your on-call schedule in an app without a Zapier integration, you can still send reminder messages with a webhook. 

Send SMS messages via new webhooks

Send SMS messages via new webhooks
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • SMS by Zapier logo
Webhooks by Zapier + SMS by Zapier

Send Slack channel messages from a Webhook

Send Slack channel messages from a Webhook
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • Slack logo
Webhooks by Zapier + Slack

Send Microsoft Teams messages from new caught webhooks

Send Microsoft Teams messages from new caught webhooks
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Webhooks by Zapier + Microsoft Teams

Streamline customer communication

Your sales and marketing teams are most likely to use automation, but they may not be especially tech-savvy or have the time to build the right systems to streamline their work. 

You can do the building while letting them focus on generating leads and sales. You can start by creating automated communication channels, so your sales and marketing colleagues can better engage with prospects and customers.  

Add new HubSpot contacts to Mailchimp lists

Add new HubSpot contacts to Mailchimp lists
  • HubSpot logo
  • Mailchimp logo
HubSpot + Mailchimp

Add new Salesforce leads to Constant Contact

Add new Salesforce leads to Constant Contact
  • Salesforce logo
  • Constant Contact logo
Salesforce + Constant Contact

Add new Stripe customers to Mailchimp lists

Add new Stripe customers to Mailchimp lists
  • Stripe logo
  • Mailchimp logo
Stripe + Mailchimp

Add new PayPal customers to ActiveCampaign as contacts

Add new PayPal customers to ActiveCampaign as contacts
  • PayPal logo
  • ActiveCampaign logo
PayPal + ActiveCampaign

Read more: How to take your drip emails to the next level with automation

Help you and your end-users succeed with automation

Solving technical problems is just a day in the life of an IT professional. Automation can help you and your company streamline manual tasks, so you can focus on problem-solving for your end-users.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'