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3 min read

6 ways to automate your HR processes

By Elena Alston · February 19, 2024
An orange hand holding up 3 people icons.

If you're in human resource management, it's likely because you want to help your company bring on the right people and help those employees be successful.  

On the downside, there are a lot of tasks involved: Scheduling interviews, looking through resumes, onboarding employees…the list goes on. And when you do all those tasks manually, it's easy for things to slip through the cracks. 

With Zapier, you can automate your HR processes, connecting the apps you use every day to automatically parse resumes, share job openings, and more. Here are some of the best Zaps—our word for automated workflows—that will help you automate your HR processes. 

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Table of contents

  • Share job openings across platforms

  • Get notified about new applications

  • Parse and save resumes and other links

  • Add candidates to your HR tool

  • Onboard and train new employees

  • Manage time off and birthdays

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Share job openings across platforms

Recruitment, especially at a growing company, involves a lot of juggling schedules and back-and-forth communication with candidates. But first, you have to make sure you spread the word about new job openings. 

If you're a growing company, sharing those openings across various platforms can take up a good portion of your day. Instead, set up a Zap that shares that job posting on LinkedIn, Facebook Pages, or wherever your professional network lives whenever you share a job posting on your company's job board.

Share new BrightMove jobs to LinkedIn

Share new BrightMove jobs to LinkedIn
  • BrightMove logo
  • LinkedIn logo
BrightMove + LinkedIn

Update companies on LinkedIn with new jobs in Jobtoolz

Update companies on LinkedIn with new jobs in Jobtoolz
  • Jobtoolz logo
  • LinkedIn logo
Jobtoolz + LinkedIn

Post new job posts in Jobtoolz to Facebook

Post new job posts in Jobtoolz to Facebook
  • Jobtoolz logo
  • Facebook Pages logo
Jobtoolz + Facebook Pages

Get notified about new applications

Once you post a job, you're likely to start seeing those applications roll in. But don't waste time and resources double-checking those sites every five minutes. Instead, you can use these Zaps to get notified in your team chat app every time a new application is submitted. 

That way, you and your employees can tag team the review process efficiently and leave no stone unturned in your search for the right person. 

Send new candidate applications in Recruitee to Slack

Send new candidate applications in Recruitee to Slack
  • Recruitee logo
  • Slack logo
Recruitee + Slack

Share Google Forms responses in a Slack channel

Share Google Forms responses in a Slack channel
  • Google Forms logo
  • Slack logo
Google Forms + Slack

Get Slack notifications for new Workable job applicants

Get Slack notifications for new Workable job applicants
  • Workable logo
  • Slack logo
Workable + Slack

Create a digest of Workable candidates in a designated stage and post to Slack weekly

Create a digest of Workable candidates in a designated stage and post to Slack weekly
  • Workable logo
  • Digest by Zapier logo
  • Slack logo
Workable + Digest by Zapier + Slack

Note: Want to create an entire onboarding process that collects and stores all of your employee data in one place? Follow our step-by-step guide to design an onboarding hub with Zapier Tables.  

Parse and save resumes and other links

You can set up an automated workflow to move email attachments, like resumes, to an organized folder in your cloud storage instead of keeping them in your email inbox, where they could get lost or accidentally deleted. 

You can also automatically parse resumes with an AI tool like Hirize to convert resume data from PDFs, texts, and images into structured, accessible formats.

Parse new Google Drive files with Hirize's resume parser

Parse new Google Drive files with Hirize's resume parser
  • Hirize logo

Add Google Sheets rows for new CandidateZip-parsed resume attachments in Gmail

Add Google Sheets rows for new CandidateZip-parsed resume attachments in Gmail
  • Gmail logo
  • CandidateZip Resume/Job Parser logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Gmail + CandidateZip Resume/Job Parser + Google Sheets

Alternatively, you might want to easily save other important candidate information in a safe place, like a portfolio, LinkedIn profile, or elsewhere. In that case, you can use this Zap to do exactly that: 

Push new URLs to rows in Google Sheets

Push new URLs to rows in Google Sheets
  • Zapier Chrome extension logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Zapier Chrome extension + Google Sheets

Add candidates to your HR tool

Now, let's say you've found the perfect candidate, and they've accepted a job offer. 

Before you can even begin onboarding them, you'll need to set their profiles up in your HR management tool, along with important employee information. That way, they'll be able to manage vacation time, access payroll information, and so on down the line. 

With these Zaps, whenever a new candidate is submitted via a form or database, they'll be added automatically to your HR tool. 

Create Zoho Recruit candidates from new Gravity Forms submissions

Create Zoho Recruit candidates from new Gravity Forms submissions
  • Gravity Forms logo
  • Zoho Recruit logo
Gravity Forms + Zoho Recruit

Create Recruitee candidates from new Typeform form applications

Create Recruitee candidates from new Typeform form applications
  • Typeform logo
  • Recruitee logo
Typeform + Recruitee

Add new hires in BambooHR from new rows in a Google Sheet

Add new hires in BambooHR from new rows in a Google Sheet
  • Google Sheets logo
  • BambooHR logo
Google Sheets + BambooHR

Create Workable Candidates from a Typeform Job Application Form

Create Workable Candidates from a Typeform Job Application Form
  • Typeform logo
  • Workable logo
Typeform + Workable

Onboard and train your employees

Effective, streamlined onboarding can shape the way your employees experience their first few weeks at a new company. 

With automation, you can make sure they receive the right training materials at the right time throughout the entire process—with nothing falling through the cracks. You could even set up Zaps that automatically invite them to a new Slack channel once they've completed certain onboarding steps. 

Assign new BambooHR employees a Seismic Learning lesson

Assign new BambooHR employees a Seismic Learning lesson
  • BambooHR logo
  • Seismic Learning logo
BambooHR + Seismic Learning

Create GoTo Training registrants from new employees in BambooHR

Create GoTo Training registrants from new employees in BambooHR
  • BambooHR logo
  • GoTo Training logo
BambooHR + GoTo Training

Invite users to a Slack channel when new Seismic Learning paths are assigned

Invite users to a Slack channel when new Seismic Learning paths are assigned
  • Seismic Learning logo
  • Slack logo
Seismic Learning + Slack

Manage time off and birthdays

It can be pretty difficult to keep track of everybody's OOO time, especially if you're part of a big team. 

While managers typically stay on top of their employees, you can make their lives easier by automatically posting summaries of those absent in your team chat app. You could even set up an automated workflow that sends them well wishes on their birthday.  

Get a BambooHR summary of who's out in a private Slack channel message everyday

Get a BambooHR summary of who's out in a private Slack channel message everyday
  • Schedule by Zapier logo
  • BambooHR logo
  • Slack logo
Schedule by Zapier + BambooHR + Slack

Get a BambooHR summary of who's out in a private Slack channel message weekly

Get a BambooHR summary of who's out in a private Slack channel message weekly
  • Schedule by Zapier logo
  • BambooHR logo
  • Slack logo
Schedule by Zapier + BambooHR + Slack

Get summaries in Slack of who has time off in BambooHR via the Zapier Chrome extension

Get summaries in Slack of who has time off in BambooHR via the Zapier Chrome extension
  • Zapier Chrome extension logo
  • BambooHR logo
  • Slack logo
Zapier Chrome extension + BambooHR + Slack

Send team members birthday wishes on Slack via Zoho People

Send team members birthday wishes on Slack via Zoho People
  • Zoho People logo
  • Slack logo
Zoho People + Slack

Streamline your HR processes with automation

A successful human resources department plays a key role in a positive work environment with happy, productive teams. You use your judgment to find quality candidates, your creativity to build engaging and effective onboarding processes, and your insight to support employees and help them navigate difficult situations.

By adding automation into the mix, you can spend more time focusing on the human side of HR and leave the admin to the bots. 

Related reading:

  • Popular ways to automate BambooHR

  • How to automate employee onboarding and offboarding

  • How Zapier's L&D team saved 1,000 hours of work with automation

This article was originally published in March 2017. It was most recently updated in February 2024 by Elena Alston.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'