Receive an AI-generated message about new calendar events in Slack
Get OpenAI to tell you when a meeting's been added to your calendar, what you need to prepare for it, and when it's scheduled for. That way, you never have to miss email notifications about new calendar events again—and come prepared. Whenever a new event is scheduled in Google Calendar, this integration prompts OpenAI to draft a personalized message for you, and then sends it to you as a private Slack message.
Get OpenAI to tell you when a meeting's been added to your calendar, what you need to prepare for it, and when it's scheduled for. That way, you never have to miss email notifications about new calendar events again—and come prepared. Whenever a new event is scheduled in Google Calendar, this integration prompts OpenAI to draft a personalized message for you, and then sends it to you as a private Slack message.
- When this happens...New Event
Triggers when an event is created.
TriggerInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly. - automatically do this!ActionWriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps
New Calendar
Triggers when a calendar is created.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planCalendarRequired
Search Term
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planCalendarRequired
Expand Recurring Events
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.CalendarRequired
Search TermRequired
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNameRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.CalendarRequired
Add Conferencing?
Start Date & TimeRequired
End Date & TimeRequired
Repeat Frequency
Repeat Until
Repeat How Many Times?
All day
Use Default Reminders?
Minutes Before Reminders
Show me as Free or Busy
Guests Can Modify Event
Event Type
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.CalendarRequired
Start Date & Time
End Date & Time
Repeat Frequency
Repeat Until
Repeat How Many Times?
All day
Use Default Reminders?
Minutes Before Reminders
Show me as Free or Busy
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.CalendarRequired
Event IDRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appCalendarRequired
Expand Recurring Events
Search Term
Start Time Before
End Time After
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app
Time Before
Time Before (Unit)
Search Term
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planCalendarRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.CalendarRequired
Notify Attendees?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.CalendarRequired
Describe EventRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Api Docs Info
Apply standard error handling?Required
HTTP MethodRequired
Query String Parameters
Additional Request Headers
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.CalendarRequired
Expand Recurring Events
Search Term
Start Time Before
End Time After
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appCalendarRequired
Expand Recurring Events
Search Term
Start Time Before
End Time After
Add Conferencing?
Start Date & TimeRequired
End Date & TimeRequired
Repeat Frequency
Repeat Until
Repeat How Many Times?
All day
Use Default Reminders?
Minutes Before Reminders
Show me as Free or Busy
Guests Can Modify Event
Event Type
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is found
Related categories
Related Zap Templates
- Create new Trello cards from new Google Calendar events
- Copy new Google Calendar events to another Google Calendar
- Add new Google Calendar events to as tasks
- Add Microsoft Outlook events to Google Calendar
- Add new Google Calendar events to databases in Notion
- Post Discord messages before events in Google Calendar
- Add new Google Calendar events to Todoist as tasks
- Generate Google Calendar events from new Google Sheets rows
- Create tasks in for new ended meetings in Google Calendar
- Create new Google Sheets row from a new Google Calendar event
- Add Microsoft Outlook events from new Google Calendar events
- Create tasks on for new Google Calendar events
- Get SMS alerts for new approaching Google Calendar events
- Copy new Google Calendar events to a different Google Calendar
- Send Slack channel messages for new Google Calendar events
- Get an email reminder in Gmail 1 hour before a new Google Calendar event starts
- Create Trello cards for upcoming Google Calendar events
- Update Slack status during new Google Calendar events
- Create new Asana tasks from new Google Calendar events
- Generate detailed events in Google Calendar from new Notion database items
- Create Streamtime To Dos from new events in Google Calendar
- Add new Strava activities as events in Google Calendar
- Create ClickUp tasks from Google Calendar events
- Create TickTick tasks from new Google Calendar events
- Add Google Tasks tasks for new Google Calendar events
- Add new Google Calendar events to Notion databases
- Update your Slack status when new Google Calendar events begin
- Create database items in Notion for new or updated events in Google Calendar
- Send emails from Gmail for upcoming Google Calendar events
- Create ChatWork message from Google Calendar events
- Create Google Calendar events from new Google Forms submissions
- Create tasks on Microsoft To-Do from new Google Calendar events
- Add new Pipefy cards to Google Calendar as events
- Send email reminders for new approaching Google Calendar events
- Log new Google Calendar events in Google Sheets rows
- Send new Google Calendar events to Discord channels
- Add new Eventbrite events to Google Calendar
- Add new Zoom meetings to Google Calendar
- Add new Google Calendar appointments to an Asana task list
- Create Google Calendar events from new scheduled Calendly events
- Add notes on OneNote for upcoming Google Calendar events
- Create Google Calendar events from new Gmail emails
- Post new Google Calendar events to a Slack channel
- Post approaching Google Calendar events to an RSS feed
- Wish clients "Happy Birthday!" with an automated email from your Gmail inbox
- Add new Typeform entries as detailed events in Google Calendar
- Send WhatsApp Notifications messages when new Google Calendar events are created
- Create detailed Google Calendar events for new Toggl Track time entries
- Create Google Calendar events from new Google Sheets rows
- Create Google Calendar events from new Trello cards
- Get Slackbot notifications for approaching Google Calendar events
- Create Google Calendar events from RSS feed items
- Post new approaching Google Calendar events to Google Chat
- Import new events from Google Calendar into Airtable
- Get Slack direct messages when Google Calender events start
- Add Google Calendar events for new tasks in
- Create Google Calendar events from new ZenMaid detailed events
- Quick add events to Google Calendar when new items are added to Notion databases
- Create Google Calendar events from new Mailchimp campaigns (Quick Add Event)
- Create Google Calendar events from new Clockify time entries
- Backup Google Calendar Events to Google Drive
- Create records in JODOO for new events in Google Calendar (Legacy)
- Create detailed events in Google Calendar from new Airtable records in views
- Add new Calendly events to Google Calendar
- Add notes to Evernote for new Google Calendar events
- Create Google Calendar events from new Acuity Scheduling appointments
- Create OmniFocus tasks from new Google Calendar events
- Post new Google Calendar events to an RSS feed
- Create detailed Google Calendar events for new Limo Anywhere reservations
- Create StreetFair neighborhood offers for new Google Calendar events
- Add newly approved absences from BrightHR to Google Calendar
- Generate Trello cards from new or updated Google Calendar events
- Send emails from Gmail for new Google Calendar events
- Add new events in OrbisX to Google Calendar
- Create detailed Google Calendar events from new Microsoft To Do tasks
- Create Google Calendar events from new Trello cards
- Create detailed Google Calendar events with new daily weather forecasts
- Create Taskade tasks from new Google Calendar events
- Create Google Calendar events from new Tally form responses
- Create new Google Calendar events from WPForms entries
- Share new Google Calendar events on your Facebook Page
- Start a Clockify timer when new Google Calendar events start
- Send Twilio SMS messages for Google Calendar events
- Add new Acuity Scheduling appointments to Google Calendar as detailed events
- Create Things to-dos for new Google Calendar events
- Add incomplete Todoist tasks to Google Calendar
- Create Google Calendar events from new Asana tasks
- Add attendee(s) to events for new Google Calendar events matching a search
- Create tasks for new or updated Google Calendar events
- Create Microsoft Outlook events for new or updated events in Google Calendar
- Add Google Calendar events for new tasks created in TickTick
- Create Asana tasks for new or updated Google Calendar events
- Create Google Calendar quick events from new Google Tasks
- Post Discord channel messages with new Google Calendar events
- Get email notifications for new Google Calendar events
- Create Microsoft To-Do tasks from new Google Calendar events
- Create Google Calendar events from new ClickUp tasks
- Block off Acuity Scheduling times for new Google Calendar events
- Create new Todoist tasks when your Google Calendar event starts
- Find and update existing Google Calendar events when Google Sheets rows are added or updated
Related Zap Templates
- Create new Trello cards from new Google Calendar events
- Add Microsoft Outlook events to Google Calendar
- Add new Google Calendar events to Todoist as tasks
- Create new Google Sheets row from a new Google Calendar event
- Get SMS alerts for new approaching Google Calendar events
- Get an email reminder in Gmail 1 hour before a new Google Calendar event starts
- Create new Asana tasks from new Google Calendar events
- Add new Strava activities as events in Google Calendar
- Add Google Tasks tasks for new Google Calendar events
- Create database items in Notion for new or updated events in Google Calendar
- Create Google Calendar events from new Google Forms submissions
- Send email reminders for new approaching Google Calendar events
- Add new Eventbrite events to Google Calendar
- Create Google Calendar events from new scheduled Calendly events
- Post new Google Calendar events to a Slack channel
- Add new Typeform entries as detailed events in Google Calendar
- Create Google Calendar events from new Google Sheets rows
- Create Google Calendar events from RSS feed items
- Get Slack direct messages when Google Calender events start
- Quick add events to Google Calendar when new items are added to Notion databases
- Backup Google Calendar Events to Google Drive
- Add new Calendly events to Google Calendar
- Create OmniFocus tasks from new Google Calendar events
- Create StreetFair neighborhood offers for new Google Calendar events
- Send emails from Gmail for new Google Calendar events
- Create Google Calendar events from new Trello cards
- Create Google Calendar events from new Tally form responses
- Start a Clockify timer when new Google Calendar events start
- Create Things to-dos for new Google Calendar events
- Add attendee(s) to events for new Google Calendar events matching a search
- Add Google Calendar events for new tasks created in TickTick
- Post Discord channel messages with new Google Calendar events
- Create Google Calendar events from new ClickUp tasks
- Find and update existing Google Calendar events when Google Sheets rows are added or updated
- Copy new Google Calendar events to another Google Calendar
- Add new Google Calendar events to databases in Notion
- Generate Google Calendar events from new Google Sheets rows
- Add Microsoft Outlook events from new Google Calendar events
- Copy new Google Calendar events to a different Google Calendar
- Create Trello cards for upcoming Google Calendar events
- Generate detailed events in Google Calendar from new Notion database items
- Create ClickUp tasks from Google Calendar events
- Add new Google Calendar events to Notion databases
- Send emails from Gmail for upcoming Google Calendar events
- Create tasks on Microsoft To-Do from new Google Calendar events
- Log new Google Calendar events in Google Sheets rows
- Add new Zoom meetings to Google Calendar
- Add notes on OneNote for upcoming Google Calendar events
- Post approaching Google Calendar events to an RSS feed
- Send WhatsApp Notifications messages when new Google Calendar events are created
- Create Google Calendar events from new Trello cards
- Post new approaching Google Calendar events to Google Chat
- Add Google Calendar events for new tasks in
- Create Google Calendar events from new Mailchimp campaigns (Quick Add Event)
- Create records in JODOO for new events in Google Calendar (Legacy)
- Add notes to Evernote for new Google Calendar events
- Post new Google Calendar events to an RSS feed
- Add newly approved absences from BrightHR to Google Calendar
- Add new events in OrbisX to Google Calendar
- Create detailed Google Calendar events with new daily weather forecasts
- Create new Google Calendar events from WPForms entries
- Send Twilio SMS messages for Google Calendar events
- Add incomplete Todoist tasks to Google Calendar
- Create tasks for new or updated Google Calendar events
- Create Asana tasks for new or updated Google Calendar events
- Get email notifications for new Google Calendar events
- Block off Acuity Scheduling times for new Google Calendar events
- Add new Google Calendar events to as tasks
- Post Discord messages before events in Google Calendar
- Create tasks in for new ended meetings in Google Calendar
- Create tasks on for new Google Calendar events
- Send Slack channel messages for new Google Calendar events
- Update Slack status during new Google Calendar events
- Create Streamtime To Dos from new events in Google Calendar
- Create TickTick tasks from new Google Calendar events
- Update your Slack status when new Google Calendar events begin
- Create ChatWork message from Google Calendar events
- Add new Pipefy cards to Google Calendar as events
- Send new Google Calendar events to Discord channels
- Add new Google Calendar appointments to an Asana task list
- Create Google Calendar events from new Gmail emails
- Wish clients "Happy Birthday!" with an automated email from your Gmail inbox
- Create detailed Google Calendar events for new Toggl Track time entries
- Get Slackbot notifications for approaching Google Calendar events
- Import new events from Google Calendar into Airtable
- Create Google Calendar events from new ZenMaid detailed events
- Create Google Calendar events from new Clockify time entries
- Create detailed events in Google Calendar from new Airtable records in views
- Create Google Calendar events from new Acuity Scheduling appointments
- Create detailed Google Calendar events for new Limo Anywhere reservations
- Generate Trello cards from new or updated Google Calendar events
- Create detailed Google Calendar events from new Microsoft To Do tasks
- Create Taskade tasks from new Google Calendar events
- Share new Google Calendar events on your Facebook Page
- Add new Acuity Scheduling appointments to Google Calendar as detailed events
- Create Google Calendar events from new Asana tasks
- Create Microsoft Outlook events for new or updated events in Google Calendar
- Create Google Calendar quick events from new Google Tasks
- Create Microsoft To-Do tasks from new Google Calendar events
- Create new Todoist tasks when your Google Calendar event starts