Add Microsoft Outlook events to Google Calendar
Some people prefer to use Google Calendar, but others like to have their email, contacts and calendar in Microsoft Outlook. If you're reading this, you probably use both, and need a way to keep them on the same page. Use this Zapier automation to add detailed events in Google Calendar whenever new events are created in Microsoft Outlook.
Some people prefer to use Google Calendar, but others like to have their email, contacts and calendar in Microsoft Outlook. If you're reading this, you probably use both, and need a way to keep them on the same page. Use this Zapier automation to add detailed events in Google Calendar whenever new events are created in Microsoft Outlook.
- When this happens...New Calendar Event
Triggers when a new event is created in your calendar.
TriggerPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free plan - automatically do this!ActionWriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps
Time BeforeRequired
Time Before (Unit)Required
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planParent FolderRequired
Child Folder
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planParent Folder
Child Folder
Search termsRequired
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planShared Inbox
Parent Folder
Child Folder
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planEvent
Merge with existing attendees?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Contact Folder
First NameRequired
Last Name
Email Addresses
Business Phones
Home Phones
Mobile Phone
Job Title
Company Name
Business Website URL
File As
Personal Notes
Postal Code
Country or Region
Postal Code
Country or Region
Postal Code
Country or Region
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Email IDRequired
To Email(s)
CC Email(s)
BCC Email(s)
Reply-To Email
Action for Files Larger Than 150MB
Reply to All
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Email IDRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Event
Start Date & Time
End Date & Time
All Day Event?
Is Online Meeting?
Hide attendees list?
Show me as Free or Busy
The importance of the event
Merge with existing attendees?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Api Docs Info
Apply standard error handling?Required
HTTP MethodRequired
Query String Parameters
Additional Request Headers
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Contact Folder
First Name
Last Name
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appContact Folder
First NameRequired
Last Name
Business Phones
Home Phones
Mobile Phone
Job Title
Company Name
Business Website URL
File As
Personal Notes
Postal Code
Country or Region
Postal Code
Country or Region
Postal Code
Country or Region
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is found
Cancelled Calendar Event
Triggers when an event is cancelled.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.New Flagged Email
Triggers when a new email is flagged.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planCalendar
Start Date & TimeRequired
End Date & TimeRequired
Location Name
Is this an All Day Event?
Show me as Free or Busy
Is this an Online Meeting?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.To Email(s)Required
CC Email(s)
BCC Email(s)
Reply-To Email
Body FormatRequired
Action for Files Larger Than 150MB
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.EventRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.From Email
To Email(s)Required
CC Email(s)
BCC Email(s)
Reply-To Email
Body FormatRequired
Action for Files Larger Than 150MB
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Contact Folder
First Name
Last Name
Email Addresses
Business Phones
Home Phones
Mobile Phone
Job Title
Company Name
Business Website URL
Personal Notes
Postal Code
Country or Region
Postal Code
Country or Region
Postal Code
Country or Region
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Calendar
Search TermRequired
Start Date & Time
End Date & Time
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appSearch Info
Search ValueRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app
Similar apps
Related Zap Templates
- Add Microsoft Outlook events from new Google Calendar events
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails for new Typeform entries
- Add new Microsoft Outlook calendar events to Notion databases
- Create tasks in when new meetings start in Outlook Calendar
- Add new Microsoft Outlook events to Todoist as tasks
- Create tasks on for new Microsoft Outlook events
- Dispatch emails in Microsoft Outlook with new leads in Facebook Lead Ads
- Create tasks in Motion from new flagged emails in Microsoft Outlook
- Create tasks in Microsoft To-Do from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Send emails in Microsoft Outlook for new submissions in Jotform
- Create email copy with ChatGPT from new Microsoft Outlook emails and save as drafts
- Copy Google Contacts contacts to Microsoft Outlook
- Create events in Microsoft Outlook for new Jotform submissions
- Create Trello cards from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Create Microsoft Outlook events for new or updated events in Google Calendar
- Create Notion database items from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Create calendar events for new Microsoft Outlook calendar events
- Create Events in Microsoft Outlook for New Approved Absence Requests in BrightHR
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails for new Google Ads leads
- Add or update Mailchimp subscribers with new contacts in Microsoft Outlook
- Create ChatGPT conversations from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Create Microsoft Outlook emails for new submissions on Zapier Interfaces
- Add new Microsoft Outlook calendar event starts to Notion databases
- Create new Microsoft Outlook events from new Jotform submissions
- Create mems in Mem from new Outlook emails
- Create tasks in ClickUp from new calendar events in Microsoft Outlook
- Add events to Microsoft Outlook with new Google Calendar events
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails with newly-updated rows in Google Sheets
- Create Asana tasks from new Microsoft Outlook calendar events
- Convert new flagged emails in Microsoft Outlook into tasks in Personal
- Add new Microsoft Outlook events to TickTick
- Send Slack messages from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Send AI-generated email responses in Microsoft Outlook with ChatGPT
- Add new Google Calendar events from events in Microsoft Outlook
- Create events in Microsoft Outlook for new Jotform submissions
- Create Microsoft Outlook calendar events for new tasks in
- Add rows to Google Sheets with new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails every month
- Update new Microsoft Outlook events in Google Calendar
- Send WhatsApp Notifications messages when new emails arrive in Microsoft Outlook
- Create tasks in Microsoft To-Do from new calendar events in Microsoft Outlook
- Create Microsoft Outlook contacts from new Jotform submissions
- Send emails in Microsoft Outlook for new items in Notion databases
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails for new incoming emails to a specific mailbox
- Send channel messages in Discord with new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Create Trello cards from new flagged emails in Microsoft Outlook
- Add new Microsoft Outlook contacts to Google Contacts
- Add new Popl connections as Microsoft Outlook contacts
- Create Microsoft Outlook events for new invitees created in Calendly
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails for new EMnify events
- Send emails in Microsoft Outlook for new Adalo records
- Create AI-generated tasks in Notion from new Microsoft Outlook emails with ChatGPT
- Send weekly emails with Microsoft Outlook
- Create new status updates in Slack with Microsoft Outlook calendar events
- Add or update absences in Out of Office Assistant for Jira from new Microsoft Outlook calendar events
- Create to-dos in Things from new flagged emails in Microsoft Outlook
- Create Microsoft Outlook Contacts from new RepairShopr Customers
- Create personal to-dos in Streamtime for new Microsoft Outlook calendar event
- Create Trello cards when Microsoft Outlook calendar events begin
- Create events in Microsoft Outlook from new tasks in Microsoft To Do
- Add new Google Calendar events to Microsoft Outlook
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails from new rows in Google Sheets
- Create Microsoft Outlook contacts for new contacts in HubSpot
- Update AdviserLogic diary events from new updated calendar events in Microsoft Outlook
- Add new contacts from BizConnect to Microsoft Outlook
- Send messages in WhatsApp Notifications when new calendar events start in Microsoft Outlook
- Create Microsoft Outlook events from new Notion database items
- Create Notion database items from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails for new Webflow form submissions
- Create tasks in Taskade for new emails in Microsoft Outlook
- Upload new Microsoft Outlook attachments to OneDrive as files
- Create activities in Redtail from new calendar events in Microsoft Outlook
- Create Taskade tasks from new Microsoft Outlook calendar events
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails for new responses in Google Forms spreadsheets
- Forward new Microsoft Outlook emails with Email by Zapier
- Create tasks in TickTick from new flagged emails in Microsoft Outlook
- Create Todoist tasks from new flagged Microsoft Outlook emails
- Create HubSpot contacts from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Create Microsoft Outlook events from new Google Sheets rows
- Add new Zoom meetings to Microsoft Outlook
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails from a webhook
- Add row in Microsoft Excel for new Outlook emails with specific term in the subject line
- Send emails in Gmail from new emails in Microsoft Outlook
- Create ClickUp tasks from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Send text alerts for upcoming Microsoft Outlook events
- Create Microsoft Outlook events for new incomplete tasks in Todoist
- Send emails via Microsoft Outlook for new EventTemple Bookings
- Create and update Microsoft Outlook contacts when new or updated people are added in MyCase
- Create Streamtime personal to-dos for new Microsoft Outlook calendar events
- Create new Microsoft Outlook events from new Morningstar AdviserLogic diary events
- Create Workspace tasks from new flagged emails in Microsoft Outlook
- Create a meeting agenda in OneNote for new Microsoft Outlook events
- Create Microsoft Outlook events for new Livestorm session registrants
- Create new Notion pages from flagged Microsoft Outlook emails
- Manage new flagged Microsoft Outlook emails by creating database items in Notion
- Send emails in Microsoft Outlook when new employees are added in BrightHR
- Create MaintainX work requests from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Create tasks in ClickUp for new flagged emails in Microsoft Outlook
- Create Ad Hoc tasks in Levvy from new message in folder in Microsoft Outlook
Related Zap Templates
- Add Microsoft Outlook events from new Google Calendar events
- Create tasks in when new meetings start in Outlook Calendar
- Dispatch emails in Microsoft Outlook with new leads in Facebook Lead Ads
- Send emails in Microsoft Outlook for new submissions in Jotform
- Create events in Microsoft Outlook for new Jotform submissions
- Create Notion database items from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails for new Google Ads leads
- Create Microsoft Outlook emails for new submissions on Zapier Interfaces
- Create mems in Mem from new Outlook emails
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails with newly-updated rows in Google Sheets
- Add new Microsoft Outlook events to TickTick
- Add new Google Calendar events from events in Microsoft Outlook
- Add rows to Google Sheets with new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Send WhatsApp Notifications messages when new emails arrive in Microsoft Outlook
- Send emails in Microsoft Outlook for new items in Notion databases
- Create Trello cards from new flagged emails in Microsoft Outlook
- Create Microsoft Outlook events for new invitees created in Calendly
- Create AI-generated tasks in Notion from new Microsoft Outlook emails with ChatGPT
- Add or update absences in Out of Office Assistant for Jira from new Microsoft Outlook calendar events
- Create personal to-dos in Streamtime for new Microsoft Outlook calendar event
- Add new Google Calendar events to Microsoft Outlook
- Update AdviserLogic diary events from new updated calendar events in Microsoft Outlook
- Create Microsoft Outlook events from new Notion database items
- Create tasks in Taskade for new emails in Microsoft Outlook
- Create Taskade tasks from new Microsoft Outlook calendar events
- Create tasks in TickTick from new flagged emails in Microsoft Outlook
- Create Microsoft Outlook events from new Google Sheets rows
- Add row in Microsoft Excel for new Outlook emails with specific term in the subject line
- Send text alerts for upcoming Microsoft Outlook events
- Create and update Microsoft Outlook contacts when new or updated people are added in MyCase
- Create Workspace tasks from new flagged emails in Microsoft Outlook
- Create new Notion pages from flagged Microsoft Outlook emails
- Create MaintainX work requests from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails for new Typeform entries
- Add new Microsoft Outlook events to Todoist as tasks
- Create tasks in Motion from new flagged emails in Microsoft Outlook
- Create email copy with ChatGPT from new Microsoft Outlook emails and save as drafts
- Create Trello cards from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Create calendar events for new Microsoft Outlook calendar events
- Add or update Mailchimp subscribers with new contacts in Microsoft Outlook
- Add new Microsoft Outlook calendar event starts to Notion databases
- Create tasks in ClickUp from new calendar events in Microsoft Outlook
- Create Asana tasks from new Microsoft Outlook calendar events
- Send Slack messages from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Create events in Microsoft Outlook for new Jotform submissions
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails every month
- Create tasks in Microsoft To-Do from new calendar events in Microsoft Outlook
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails for new incoming emails to a specific mailbox
- Add new Microsoft Outlook contacts to Google Contacts
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails for new EMnify events
- Send weekly emails with Microsoft Outlook
- Create to-dos in Things from new flagged emails in Microsoft Outlook
- Create Trello cards when Microsoft Outlook calendar events begin
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails from new rows in Google Sheets
- Add new contacts from BizConnect to Microsoft Outlook
- Create Notion database items from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Upload new Microsoft Outlook attachments to OneDrive as files
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails for new responses in Google Forms spreadsheets
- Create Todoist tasks from new flagged Microsoft Outlook emails
- Add new Zoom meetings to Microsoft Outlook
- Send emails in Gmail from new emails in Microsoft Outlook
- Create Microsoft Outlook events for new incomplete tasks in Todoist
- Create Streamtime personal to-dos for new Microsoft Outlook calendar events
- Create a meeting agenda in OneNote for new Microsoft Outlook events
- Manage new flagged Microsoft Outlook emails by creating database items in Notion
- Create tasks in ClickUp for new flagged emails in Microsoft Outlook
- Add new Microsoft Outlook calendar events to Notion databases
- Create tasks on for new Microsoft Outlook events
- Create tasks in Microsoft To-Do from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Copy Google Contacts contacts to Microsoft Outlook
- Create Microsoft Outlook events for new or updated events in Google Calendar
- Create Events in Microsoft Outlook for New Approved Absence Requests in BrightHR
- Create ChatGPT conversations from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Create new Microsoft Outlook events from new Jotform submissions
- Add events to Microsoft Outlook with new Google Calendar events
- Convert new flagged emails in Microsoft Outlook into tasks in Personal
- Send AI-generated email responses in Microsoft Outlook with ChatGPT
- Create Microsoft Outlook calendar events for new tasks in
- Update new Microsoft Outlook events in Google Calendar
- Create Microsoft Outlook contacts from new Jotform submissions
- Send channel messages in Discord with new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Add new Popl connections as Microsoft Outlook contacts
- Send emails in Microsoft Outlook for new Adalo records
- Create new status updates in Slack with Microsoft Outlook calendar events
- Create Microsoft Outlook Contacts from new RepairShopr Customers
- Create events in Microsoft Outlook from new tasks in Microsoft To Do
- Create Microsoft Outlook contacts for new contacts in HubSpot
- Send messages in WhatsApp Notifications when new calendar events start in Microsoft Outlook
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails for new Webflow form submissions
- Create activities in Redtail from new calendar events in Microsoft Outlook
- Forward new Microsoft Outlook emails with Email by Zapier
- Create HubSpot contacts from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Send Microsoft Outlook emails from a webhook
- Create ClickUp tasks from new Microsoft Outlook emails
- Send emails via Microsoft Outlook for new EventTemple Bookings
- Create new Microsoft Outlook events from new Morningstar AdviserLogic diary events
- Create Microsoft Outlook events for new Livestorm session registrants
- Send emails in Microsoft Outlook when new employees are added in BrightHR
- Create Ad Hoc tasks in Levvy from new message in folder in Microsoft Outlook