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4 ways to automate LeadConnector with Zapier

By Nicole Replogle · July 18, 2024
Hero image for a blog post about automating LeadConnector with Zapier

Sales has come a long way from the days of cold-calling and analog order forms. Modern sales teams need to be tech wizards in their own right, managing everything from sophisticated digital ad campaigns to frequent, personalized messaging through SMS, email, and video calls.

The right customer relationship management (CRM) tool can go a long way toward simplifying the sales process. LeadConnector is an AI-powered CRM platform that can help your team manage leads, even in high volumes across multiple sales reps.

But sometimes the digital noise can still get in the way of doing the most important part of your job: actually nurturing leads. Zapier lets you connect LeadConnector with the rest of your team's most-used apps, reducing the time you spend on data entry and creating a reliable, scalable process. Here are some of the top ways to help you get started. 

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Skip ahead

  • Collect leads automatically 

  • Send lead data to a spreadsheet

  • Notify your team about new lead activity

  • Add leads to LeadConnector campaigns

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Collect leads automatically

Your leads (hopefully) find you in several places. But that means if you want to keep your CRM organized and up to date, you have to keep your eye on website contact forms, social media ad campaigns, and more. And that's not to mention remembering to enter new email inquiries and calls into LeadConnector.

As your business grows, the number of prospects will increase—which means you could easily spend all your time just wrangling contact information from multiple lead sources. Automation lets you funnel all incoming leads neatly into your CRM, giving you time to actually nurture leads and close deals.

From forms

If you collect lead data using a form, you can use one of these Zaps to add that information to LeadConnector automatically. Whenever a new entry is submitted in Typeform, Gravity Forms, or Jotform, Zapier will add a new contact or opportunity in LeadConnector. Or if that lead's profile already exists in your system, Zapier will update it with the new form information. That way, you'll keep your CMS up to date without any double entry.

Add or update LeadConnector contacts with new Typeform entries

Add or update LeadConnector contacts with new Typeform entries
  • Typeform logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Typeform + LeadConnector

Add or update LeadConnector contacts from new Gravity Forms submissions

Add or update LeadConnector contacts from new Gravity Forms submissions
  • Gravity Forms logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Gravity Forms + LeadConnector

Add or update opportunities in LeadConnector with new Typeform entries

Add or update opportunities in LeadConnector with new Typeform entries
  • Typeform logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Typeform + LeadConnector

Add or update LeadConnector contacts from new Jotform submissions

Add or update LeadConnector contacts from new Jotform submissions
  • Jotform logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Jotform + LeadConnector

From ad campaigns and funnels

When a lead clicks on your social media ad or landing page, that's when they're most open to hearing more from you. It's crucial to follow up while you still have their attention.

These Zaps send new lead information from Facebook Lead Ads, ClickFunnels, or TikTok straight to your CMS. That way, you have everything you need for prompt follow-up.

Add or update LeadConnector contacts for new leads in Facebook Lead Ads

Add or update LeadConnector contacts for new leads in Facebook Lead Ads
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Facebook Lead Ads + LeadConnector

Add or update LeadConnector contacts with new contact activity in ClickFunnels Classic

Add or update LeadConnector contacts with new contact activity in ClickFunnels Classic
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • LeadConnector logo
ClickFunnels Classic + LeadConnector

Update and manage LeadConnector contacts when new contacts are identified in ClickFunnels

Update and manage LeadConnector contacts when new contacts are identified in ClickFunnels
  • ClickFunnels logo
  • LeadConnector logo
ClickFunnels + LeadConnector

Add or update LeadConnector opportunities with new leads in Facebook Lead Ads

Add or update LeadConnector opportunities with new leads in Facebook Lead Ads
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Facebook Lead Ads + LeadConnector

Add or update LeadConnector contacts with new TikTok Lead Generation leads

Add or update LeadConnector contacts with new TikTok Lead Generation leads
  • TikTok Lead Generation logo
  • LeadConnector logo
TikTok Lead Generation + LeadConnector

From meetings

There are few better ways for a lead to signal interest than to book a call or email with you directly. If someone contacts you or schedules a meeting, you probably jump straight into the conversation. Your focus is on nurturing that lead (as it should be), but it's all too easy to forget to update your CRM with that lead's information. 

Don't let interested prospects slip through the cracks. These Zaps add new leads from your calendar booking apps, ensuring each appointment makes it into LeadConnector for follow-up later.

Add or update LeadConnector opportunities for new Calendly invitees

Add or update LeadConnector opportunities for new Calendly invitees
  • Calendly logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Calendly + LeadConnector

Add or update LeadConnector contacts when new Calendly invitees are created

Add or update LeadConnector contacts when new Calendly invitees are created
  • Calendly logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Calendly + LeadConnector

Create and update LeadConnector contacts from new YouCanBook.Me bookings

Create and update LeadConnector contacts from new YouCanBook.Me bookings
  • YouCanBookMe logo
  • LeadConnector logo
YouCanBookMe + LeadConnector

Create or update contacts in LeadConnector for every new booking in Cal.com

Create or update contacts in LeadConnector for every new booking in Cal.com
  • Cal.com logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Cal.com + LeadConnector

You can also set up automated workflows to send information from emails directly to your CRM. Use Email Parser by Zapier to extract lead information from incoming emails or have Zapier watch for labeled emails in Gmail. Or, if you use a dedicated Gmail address for inquiries, you can send every new email to LeadConnector.

Add or update LeadConnector contacts with new emails in Email Parser by Zapier

Add or update LeadConnector contacts with new emails in Email Parser by Zapier
  • Email Parser by Zapier logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Email Parser by Zapier + LeadConnector

Create and update LeadConnector opportunities from new labeled Gmail emails

Create and update LeadConnector opportunities from new labeled Gmail emails
  • Gmail logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Gmail + LeadConnector

Create or update LeadConnector contacts from new Gmail emails

Create or update LeadConnector contacts from new Gmail emails
  • Gmail logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Gmail + LeadConnector

From anywhere else

If the tool you're using to gather leads doesn't have a Zapier integration, you still have options. A custom webhook is an easy way to add lead data from other apps to your CRM. 

Whether you use an obscure form builder or a custom meeting scheduler, you can still save time with automation. You can even add a ChatGPT step to summarize information (like an inquiry message or sales call transcript) before sending that update to LeadConnector. These templates can help get you started.

Create or update contacts in LeadConnector for newly caught webhooks

Create or update contacts in LeadConnector for newly caught webhooks
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Webhooks by Zapier + LeadConnector

Add or update leads in LeadConnector with ChatGPT

Add or update leads in LeadConnector with ChatGPT
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Webhooks by Zapier + ChatGPT + LeadConnector

Send lead data to a spreadsheet

LeadConnector is a great tool for managing and connecting with leads on a daily basis—but you probably want a backup storage option for your lead information. Tools like Google Sheets and Zapier Tables let you keep a copy of your most essential sales data, not to mention sort, filter, and analyze trends in lead generation and conversion over time. 

A spreadsheet also works as a central source of truth that makes it easier to stay consistent across your organization. Not everyone in your business uses LeadConnector or your other sales tools—but odds are good everyone is familiar with spreadsheets.

These Zaps let you create automatic backups of your LeadConnector contacts. Anytime a pipeline stage changes in LeadConnector, a new matching row is created in Google Sheets or Zapier Tables.

Log Google Sheets rows when HighLevel pipeline stages change

Log Google Sheets rows when HighLevel pipeline stages change
  • LeadConnector logo
  • Google Sheets logo
LeadConnector + Google Sheets

Create records in Zapier Tables when pipeline stages change in LeadConnector

Create records in Zapier Tables when pipeline stages change in LeadConnector
  • LeadConnector logo
  • Zapier Tables logo
LeadConnector + Zapier Tables

You can also use automation to add contacts in LeadConnector for new spreadsheet rows. If you exported leads to Google Sheets from another app and now want to upload them to LeadConnector, use one of these Zaps to simplify the process.

Add/update LeadConnector contacts from new or updated Google Sheets team drive rows

Add/update LeadConnector contacts from new or updated Google Sheets team drive rows
  • Google Sheets logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Google Sheets + LeadConnector

Add or update LeadConnector contacts from new Google Sheets rows

Add or update LeadConnector contacts from new Google Sheets rows
  • Google Sheets logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Google Sheets + LeadConnector

Notify your team about new lead activity

As leads progress through the deal cycle, it's important to keep your team in the loop. Otherwise, sales reps might miss an opportune time to reach out, and an engaged prospect could slip through the cracks.

With the Zaps below, you can send messages to your team—via Slack, Teams, or email—when the pipeline stage changes for a contact, giving everyone an accurate and up-to-date view of the lead funnel.

Send channel messages in Slack for new stage changes in LeadConnector pipelines

Send channel messages in Slack for new stage changes in LeadConnector pipelines
  • LeadConnector logo
  • Slack logo
LeadConnector + Slack

Send direct messages in Slack for updated pipeline stages in LeadConnector

Send direct messages in Slack for updated pipeline stages in LeadConnector
  • LeadConnector logo
  • Slack logo
LeadConnector + Slack

Update Microsoft Teams with messages when LeadConnector pipeline stages change

Update Microsoft Teams with messages when LeadConnector pipeline stages change
  • LeadConnector logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
LeadConnector + Microsoft Teams

Send emails via Gmail for new changes to LeadConnector pipeline stages

Send emails via Gmail for new changes to LeadConnector pipeline stages
  • LeadConnector logo
  • Gmail logo
LeadConnector + Gmail

Send outbound emails in Email by Zapier when pipeline stages change in LeadConnector

Send outbound emails in Email by Zapier when pipeline stages change in LeadConnector
  • LeadConnector logo
  • Email by Zapier logo
LeadConnector + Email by Zapier

Add leads to LeadConnector campaigns 

Each new prospect should get a timely message when they're most engaged. If a lead clicks on an ad or landing page, saving them to your CRM is important—but it's also a good idea to take immediate action. Capitalize on their interest by adding them to an automated campaign in LeadConnector right away.

The Zaps below automatically add new contacts from Facebook Lead Ads, ClickFunnels, or your custom webhook straight into a LeadConnector campaign. That way, you maximize the chances of turning those leads into customers. 

Capture raw hooks in Webhooks by Zapier and add new leads to campaigns in LeadConnector

Capture raw hooks in Webhooks by Zapier and add new leads to campaigns in LeadConnector
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Webhooks by Zapier + LeadConnector

Add leads to campaigns on LeadConnector from new Facebook Lead Ads leads

Add leads to campaigns on LeadConnector from new Facebook Lead Ads leads
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Facebook Lead Ads + LeadConnector

Add leads to LeadConnector campaigns from new ClickFunnels Classic contact activities

Add leads to LeadConnector campaigns from new ClickFunnels Classic contact activities
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • LeadConnector logo
ClickFunnels Classic + LeadConnector

Add new identified ClickFunnels contacts to LeadConnector campaign as leads

Add new identified ClickFunnels contacts to LeadConnector campaign as leads
  • ClickFunnels logo
  • LeadConnector logo
ClickFunnels + LeadConnector

Optimize your lead management by automating LeadConnector

The best sales process involves an airtight lead funnel. You need a chance to stay in touch with prospects at all stages of their journey—and make sure none of them slip through the cracks along the way. By automating LeadConnector with Zapier, you can do precisely that.

Related reading:

  • How to add leads to LeadConnector from a webhook

  • Grow your business with marketing automation

  • How to automate your marketing automation apps

  • Popular ways to automate your email marketing

  • How to add leads from Facebook Lead Ads to LeadConnector

This article was originally published in June 2023, written by Will Harris. It was most recently updated in July 2024 by Nicole Replogle.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'