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How to turn Google Forms entries into tasks and projects

By Justin Pot · July 21, 2022
turn-google-forms-entries-into primary img

Because it comes with your Google account, Google Forms is an easy way to ask people for their information or opinions, but how can you ensure you'll act on that information? Your best bet: send every response over to your to do list or task manager as a task or project.

You could manually copy information from Google Sheets over to your task or project management app of choice, of course, but that's tedious and time-consuming. We recommend you automate the process instead.

We'll show you how you can use Zapier to turn Google Forms responses into Trello cards. If you don't use Trello, don't worry: you can use any other task or project management app that integrates with Zapier.

Zapier is a no-code automation tool that lets you connect your apps into automated workflows, so that every person and every business can move forward at growth speed. Learn more about how it works.

Create Trello Cards With Google Forms Responses

Zapier makes it possible to connect Google Forms with thousands of apps, and we'll be using it to send responses over to Trello.

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button next to the name of a Zap you'd like to try. It only takes a few minutes to set it up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Create Trello cards from new Google Forms responses

Create Trello cards from new Google Forms responses
  • Google Forms logo
  • Trello logo
Google Forms + Trello

First, you'll select Google Forms as your trigger—the event that starts a Zap—and New Form Response as the event. Click Continue.

Selecting the trigger in the Zap editor. Google Forms is the trigger app and "New Form Response" is the trigger event.

Next, you'll sign into your Google account. If you've connected Google Forms to Zapier before, you'll see your account in the dropdown menu. If it's your first time, click + Connect a new account.

A box highlights the button to connect a new account in the Zap editor.

Once you've signed in to your Google account and given the appropriate permissions, click Continue.

For each app you connect, Zapier will ask for a general set of permissions which allows you to be flexible with your Zaps. The only actions Zapier takes on your app accounts are those a given Zap needs to accomplish what you've set up.

Next, select the Google Form you want to use, and click Continue.

A specific Google Form is select in the Zap editor.

You'll test your trigger to see if Zapier can find a new Google Form response. This will help you set up the rest of your Zap. Click Test trigger, and then Continue.

Now you can move on to setting up your Trello action.

The Trello action in the Zap editor. "Create Card" is selected as the trigger event.

You'll need to sign into your Trello account if you haven't connected it to Zapier. Then you can start setting everything up.

Set up Trello card

Using the dropdown menus, choose which board and list you'd like new entries to appear.

A Trello board and list selected in the Zap editor.

Next, you can choose a name for all new cards. You can type in text—which will appear the same each time your Zap runs—or map fields from your Google Form trigger. To start field mapping, click inside any field and select the Google Forms data you want to use.

Field mapping in the Zap editor. A dropdown menu shows Google Forms information from the trigger.

A dynamic value is any data from a previous Zap step that you've mapped to a field in the Zap editor. When you map a dynamic value—such as a contact name—what you see in the editor is a placeholder. Field mapping dynamic values are how you pass data from one app to another. Once your Zap is turned on, Zapier will send the information that the field contains every time your Zap runs.

Click whichever question will help you identify the response—I'm going to use the name.

A Google Form answer selected as the name for the new Trello card.

Want a little more detail included in your description? Add static text and information from your Google Form response. If you need to see more data options, click Show all options.

Field mapping in the Zap editor. A box highlights the "Show all options" button in the dropdown menu of data from the previous Zap step.

Add more information you'd like, such as labels or where you'd like the card to appear on the list.

Additional options to customize your Trello card.

Customize the rest of your card, including any due dates, file attachments, links, or checklist items you want to include.

You can use modifiers to adjust date and time fields within a Zap. Learn how in this help doc.

Click Continue when everything looks just right.

Now you'll test your Trello action. Zapier will create a Trello card according to how you set it up. We recommend testing so you can make sure everything works. Click Test & review.

You'll see a success message in the Zap editor, but let's also check our Trello board.

A Trello card created from the Zap test.

When you're done, don't forget to ensure that your Zap is on. Now all new Google Form submissions will appear in Trello.

Connect Google Forms to other project management systems

Not a Trello user? No worries! You can use Zapier to connect Google Forms to thousands of apps.

Create Jira issues from new Google Forms responses

Create Jira issues from new Google Forms responses
  • Google Forms logo
  • Jira Software Server logo
Google Forms + Jira Software Server

Add new Google Form responses as Basecamp 3 to-dos

Add new Google Form responses as Basecamp 3 to-dos
  • Google Forms logo
  • Basecamp 3 logo
Google Forms + Basecamp 3

You can also turn responses into Google Calendar appointments. Check out our tutorial to learn how to set this up.

Create Google Calendar events from new Google Forms submissions

Create Google Calendar events from new Google Forms submissions
  • Google Forms logo
  • Google Calendar logo
Google Forms + Google Calendar

This is just the beginning: you can create your own Zaps that send Google Forms information to the apps you use most. Discover popular ways to automate Google Forms, or head to our App Directory to explore more ideas.

This article was originally published in April 2019 by Justin Pot and was updated in July 2022 by Krystina Martinez.

Related reading: How to automatically answer form responses with OpenAI and Zapier

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