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3 ways to automate Freshservice

By Will Harris · January 5, 2023
automate freshservice hero image

As an IT professional, you're all too familiar with the high demands that come with your work. Not only are you serving customers and resolving any issues they might be experiencing, but you're also doing the same for your own team. There aren't a lot of disciplines tasked with serving both ends of the spectrum.

With so many people to answer to, you can't afford any slowdowns. And if some of your systems or processes aren't working as efficiently as they should, there's no better time than now to fix them.

If you're using Freshservice as your ITSM, here are three different processes you can automate so you can focus on the work you do best.

Zapier is the leader in workflow automation—integrating with 6,000+ apps from partners like Google, Salesforce, and Microsoft. Use interfaces, data tables, and logic to build secure, automated systems for your business-critical workflows across your organization's technology stack. Learn more.

3 ways to automate Freshservice

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Create new tickets automatically

Adding tickets manually in Freshservice can open up the risk of human error as you copy and paste information from one app to another. The good news is, it's also unnecessary. With Zapier, you can build workflows that create tickets automatically from virtually anywhere, allowing you to get right to work on resolving them.

From Slack

Do you have a Slack channel set up specifically for reporting technical issues? If so, you can use the Zaps below to create new tickets from Slack messages automatically, eliminating the need to monitor the channel and manually create new tickets.

You can use different trigger options to start the automation as well—whether it's every time a message is posted in a particular channel or if a particular reaction is added to a message.

Create new tickets in Freshservice for new messages in Slack

Create new tickets in Freshservice for new messages in Slack
  • Slack logo
  • Freshservice logo
Slack + Freshservice

From email

Does your team have a dedicated email for issues? This method makes it easy to report issues, but keeping an eye on that inbox for new issues requires a dedicated person whose time could be better spent on more strategic tasks—like actually resolving those issues.

With the Zap below, you can create new tickets automatically for each email that comes to that email address, making sure each ticket is seen and resolved quickly.

From a form

One user-friendly way to report issues is to set up a form to fill out. But again, keeping an eye out for responses and moving that data over to Freshservice is unnecessarily inefficient.

With the Zaps below, you can integrate your form with Freshservice to add responses automatically as new tickets. This way, you don't need to keep monitoring replies and manually adding that information every time.

From anywhere

If you're gathering customer issues using a tool that doesn't have a Zapier integration, webhooks are a great way to capture them. Just set up your custom webhook and use one of these Zaps to pass along that information to Freshservice automatically and reliably.

Alert your team about activity in Freshservice

When tickets are created or updated in Freshservice, you want to make sure your team sees and responds to that activity as soon as possible. That means sending a notification where you know your team will see it.

If most of your team communication happens in Slack, for instance, you don't want to bank on an email notification to make sure they stay up to date—you want them to get a notification in your team chat, so you know it'll get noticed.

With the Zaps below, you can let your team know immediately when a ticket is created or updated in Freshservice, no matter what medium they prefer.

Duplicate Freshservice tickets on other platforms

In some cases, you may need to loop in help from another team outside your IT team to resolve a ticket. But if other teams in your company don't have access to Freshservice, collaborating can be tricky.

With the Zaps below, you can automatically duplicate new tickets in Freshservice to other platforms, making it easy to loop in other team members and keep a record of how tickets get resolved.

Enable your IT team with automation

In IT, you're used to putting out everyone else's fires. But every once in a while, you need to put out some of your own.

By integrating Freshservice with the tools your company uses every day, you can automate the critical workflows that keep your IT team running—helping them get back to the work that matters most.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'