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25+ Slack slash commands every power user needs to know

By Jessica Lau · November 10, 2022
Logo icon for Slack.

Not to brag or anything, but I once held the record for the most Mario Kart 64 losses in my household. That was, until I learned about the game's secret passages: shortcuts that allowed racers to shave down their time by a few seconds. Then I was taking home wins left, right, and center! 

Just kidding. I never stood a chance against my older brother. Regardless, these shortcuts made me just a little bit faster—and that, in itself, was thrilling enough. 

Slack also allows you to be just a little bit faster in your daily communications with slash commands. Here, I'll show you more than 25 Slack slash commands you didn't know you needed—until now. 

How to use Slack slash commands 

To perform any Slack slash command, enter the forward slash (/) in the message field of a direct message or channel. This will immediately make a pop-up window appear on top of your message box. From there, you can: 

  • Enter specific words to trigger the desired action, and then hit ENTER.  

  • Enter the name of the app you want to use to browse the app's available shortcuts. 

Below are some of the most useful slash commands and how they're used. 

  • How to send a GIF

  • Slack slash commands to set your status

  • Slack slash commands to manage and navigate channels

  • Slack slash commands to set reminders

  • Other useful Slash slack commands

How to send a GIF in Slack with a slash command

Sometimes, a simple "OK" doesn't convey the same level of enthusiasm as a classic "You got it, dude" GIF. To add a little fun to your daily communications, you can send an animated GIF as a message by entering /giphy [word or phrase] in the message field. For example, /giphy you got it dude. You may need to select Shuffle until you find the GIF you're looking for. 

A GIF of Michelle Tanner from the TV show Full House giving a thumbs up. There's text overtop the GIF that reads "You got it dude."

If GIFs aren't appearing for you, your organization's Workspace Owner may first need to add the GIPHY integration

Note: Common words and phrases can return inappropriate results. Proceed with caution! 

How to add captions to GIFs with a slash command

Adding captions to GIFs makes them more accessible to everyone, including users of assistive technologies. To do this, enter /giphy #caption "[brief, descriptive text]" [giphy search term] in the message field. For example, /giphy #caption "bear waving" wave.

A GIF in a Slack message from Jessica Lau. The GIF is a bear waving with text overtop the GIF that reads "bear waving" and text above the GIF that reads "#caption 'bear waving' wave". There are arrows pointing to the text overtop the image and the text above the GIF that reads "descriptive text."

Tip: Check out our guide to Slack etiquette for even more ways to make Slack inclusive and accessible. 

Slack slash commands to set your status

  • /active: Set yourself as active. 

  • /away: Set yourself as away. 

  • /status: Set or clear your status. 

  • /dnd [description of time]: Pause your notifications for a set period of time. For example, /dnd 1 hour or /dnd until 5 p.m. To resume notifications, use /dnd again. 

A Slackbot notification that reads "All set. I've turned on Do Not Disturb for 1 hour."

Slash slash commands to manage and navigate channels 

  • /join [#channel]: Join a channel from a different channel or private message. 

  • /leave: Leave the current channel. 

  • /leave [#channel]: Leave a channel from a different channel or private message. 

  • /invite @[name]: Invite a member to the current channel. 

  • /invite @[name][#channel]: Invite a member to a different channel from the one you're currently in. 

  • /remove @[name] or /kick @[name]: Remove a member from the current channel. Note: This action is limited to Workspace Owners and Workspace Admins.

  • /mute: Mute the current channel. To unmute the channel, use /mute again. 

  • /mute [#channel]: Mute a different channel from the one you're currently in. To unmute the channel, use /mute [#channel] again. 

  • /open [#channel]: Jump directly to a channel from another channel or private message. This is extremely helpful if you have a lot of channels to scroll through. 

  • /search [search terms]: Search Slack messages and files using the designated search terms. Note: This feature is not available on all Slack mobile apps.

  • /archive: Archive the current channel. (Tread lightly.)

  • /topic [text]: Set the channel topic.  

  • /rename [#new-channel-name]: Rename the current channel. Be sure to use hyphens to separate words in channel names. This is especially helpful when channel names are being read aloud via assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Note: This action is limited to Workspace Owners and Workspace Admins. 

  • /who: Show the full list of channel members (up to 100 members) in the current channel. 

Slack slash commands to set reminders 

  • /remind list: Get a list of upcoming reminders, as well as past and incomplete reminders. 

  • /remind [@someone or #channel] "[what]" [when]: Set a reminder for yourself, another teammate, or an entire channel of something at a specified time and date. For example, /remind @jesslau "submit expenses" on November 30.

Tip: Use quotation marks before and after your reminder message, so that Slack doesn't confuse any dates, times, or numbers in your reminder message for when to send your reminder. For example, the command /remind @jesslau submit expenses by November 30 on November 29 at 9:00 a.m. will result in Slack reminding me to "submit expenses" at 9:00 a.m. on November 30—not November 29 at 9:00 a.m.   

Other useful Slack slash commands 

  • /call: Start a voice or video call with one other person in a private message or all members of a channel. 

  • /collapse: Collapse all inline images and videos in the current channel.

A Slack message from Jessica Lau with an inline GIF that's been collapsed i.e., hidden from view.
  • /expand: Expand all inline images and videos in the current channel.

A Slack message from Jessica Lau with an inline GIF that's been expanded. An arrow points to the GIF with text that reads "inline image."
  • /dm @[name] [your message]: Send a private message (a direct message or "DM") to another person directly from a different private message or channel.

  • /msg [#channel] [your message]: Send a message to a channel directly from another channel or private message. 

  • /shrug [your message]: Adds a series of characters to create an amusing shrug emoji ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to the end of your message. 

A Slack message from Jessica Lau that reads "How I feel when someone asks me, 'Is a hot dog a sandwich?'" followed by a series of characters that resemble a stick figure shrugging.

Build Slack to fit your needs 

When you send 481,905 messages a month as an organization (actual Zapier stat 😬), every second counts. But Slack slash commands are just one of the many ways you can boost your productivity. To save even more time and take your automation even further, check out these tips: 

  • How to build your own Slack bot

  • The best automations for Slack users

  • How to survive on a Slack that's way too busy

  • The best Slack apps

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'