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How AI can help you repurpose content for social media

By Sara J. Nguyen · April 4, 2023
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Content marketing is a huge lift, but repurposing your content for social media is a whole different beast. After spending years in the content marketing world, I can easily say that adapting different types of media—videos, audio, and the written word—to fit the very specific demands of social media is no walk in the park.

So when AI became more accessible, content repurposing was one of the first use cases I thought of. There are tons of ways to do this, but here, I'll share a few of my favorite ways to use AI to improve your content repurposing workflow.

Turn your video into social media snippets

If you're lucky, your video team has worked their magic and created some amazing content (maybe even using AI). But you can't just share your long-form video on every social channel and call it a day. You need to:

  • Choose clips that capture your viewer's attention quickly.

  • Trim the video to meet time limits.

  • Readjust video ratio and size to meet the app's criteria.

  • Add sounds, text, or music to make it more appealing.

AI can help make this process go faster. Take ClipMaker.ai, for example. It takes a video from YouTube and lets you reformat it into a size perfect for Instagram or TikTok. Then it uses AI to find clips and add subtitles to the video. You can even take it a step further by adding more fun effects (like music) or go straight to hitting publish.

A screenshot of ClipMaker.ai, which repurposes videos for different social channels

Here are a few other tools you can use to turn your videos into social media clips:

  • Kamua

  • Kapwing

  • Nova A.I.

Use AI to write social media posts 

Writing social media posts from scratch isn't as easy as it seems, and the idea of passing it off to AI is tempting. Our AI bot friends are great at inserting wit when you ask for it, and they're pretty solid copywriters. I've found that they can especially be a great source of inspiration for generating ideas, workshopping the perfect caption, adding hashtags, and creating visual pairings. Just don't let it work unsupervised.

Zubtitle uses AI to help you create a caption, and it'll also include relevant hashtags and add subtitles to social media videos. If all you want is captions, then any free generative AI tool (even ChatGPT) will get the job done.

Some other caption-writers to check out:

  • Copy.ai 

  • SocialBu

  • Writr

Create social media posts with audio content 

You can take your podcast or other voiceover to the next level by turning audio clips into eye-catching videos. Whether you're sharing highlights or teasing upcoming episodes, audiograms are a must-have in your social media arsenal.

Wavve uses Smart Highlight AI to do the heavy lifting and find audio highlights for you. From there, you can create an audiogram with animations and captions. You can even automate the whole process with Wavve's Zapier integration.

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Here are a couple other similar tools that can help you turn your audio content into fun social media:

  • Steve.AI

  • Melobytes

Create social media posts from blog content 

I know how hard it is to sift through blog posts and pull out the core message—the point that will make your social media pop. But you can use AI to summarize any article on the web—straight from your browser. Many AI content creators can also summarize text and pull out important quotes, too, so you don't have to do the heavy lifting.

Some apps will do all this and then even use AI to turn the text into videos for social. I checked out Pictory as an example. It reviews your blog post, chooses the best summary sentences, and selects visuals to create a storyboard. You can even customize the video to fit your branding.

A screenshot of Pictory, an AI tool that turns text into videos

AI-generated images work just as well. Instead of using the same old stock photos, you can create a custom image. Canva, for example, now has a free AI image generator as part of its drag-and-drop editor.

AI is changing almost every role, and the sooner you embrace it, the less catch-up you'll have to do down the road. Start using AI to help repurpose your social media content, so you can focus on the human creativity and strategy involved in the social media game.

You can use Zapier's pre-built social media planner template to create captivating posts for different social channels, schedule them effortlessly, and track their posting status—all in one centralized tool.

Related reading:

  • 7 ways to use social media automation to promote your content

  • 4 ways automation will make you better at social media management

  • Why I use Zapier to crosspost to multiple social media platforms

  • The best AI marketing tools

  • How to get a transcript of a YouTube video

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