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How Jotform keeps users in the product longer with Zapier

By Krystina Martinez · October 20, 2023
Hero with Jotform and Zapier logos.

Without a form, you can't capture leads, accept payments, or support customers. That's why businesses turn to Jotform's powerful drag-and-drop form builder—to keep their operations running smoothly. 

It was a no-brainer for Jotform to partner with Zapier from the beginning. Spending hours building a form and manually routing responses is no one's idea of fun. But would a Zapier integration take users away from the product or make them believe Jotform isn't powerful enough?

Spoiler alert: It didn't. Jotform's retention rate is 50 percent higher among customers who use Zapier through the embedded experience.

How Jotform embedded Zapier and built a seamless user experience

When you explore Jotform, you would think Zapier is a built-in feature at first glance. Jotform used Zapier's suite of partner tools to embed the automation experience directly into their form builder. With Zapier's Partner API, Jotform built a seamless way for users to build powerful forms and automated workflows directly within their platform. 

Thanks to strategic implementation and marketing, Jotform's Zapier embed keeps customers in the product longer—and they want even more of what Jotform is offering. Jotform users who automate with Zapier are 25 times more likely to upgrade to a paid plan. 

Jump ahead:

  • Embed Zapier where users spend the most time

  • Increase discoverability throughout the user journey

  • Spotlight successes and use cases through co-marketing campaigns

Jotform's team:

  • Engineering resources: Two full-time developers

  • Marketing resources: A team of around 20 marketers supporting various adoption campaigns

Embed Zapier where users spend the most time

Once Jotform users click on Zapier from the integration tab of the form builder, the Zapier embed lets users connect their account, explore templates, and build Zaps.
Jotform customers can connect their Zapier account, explore Zap templates, and build Zaps without leaving the form builder.

Jotform embedded Zapier in the most prominent spot in-product—their form builder. Users can connect to Zapier and start automating at any point, whether building a new form or editing an existing one.  

Zapier's Partner API gave the Jotform team a head start to build a frictionless, in-app automation experience in no time. Instead of coding from scratch, the Partner API provided flexibility so the team could customize the automation experience within the form builder—from surfacing relevant Jotform Zap templates to streamlining Zap setup.

"[The] API allowed us to present a consistent user experience with our branding and style while offering Zapier functionality," says Uğur Ugurlu, Head of Integrations at Jotform.  

Customers have a one-stop shop for building powerful forms and automated workflows, and Uğur says this makes for stickier customers.

Zapier’s Partner API allowed us to present a consistent, native user experience with our branding and style while offering Zapier functionality.

Uğur Ugurlu, Head of Integrations at Jotform

Jotform's embed experience, by the numbers:

  • Higher retention rates: Connected Jotform customers have a 50 percent higher retention rate than non-Zapier users.  

  • Increased likelihood to upgrade: Jotform customers who use Zapier within the form builder are 25 times more likely to upgrade to a paid plans

Increase discoverability throughout the user journey

Jotform's Zapier integration is easy for users to find throughout the platform.
Users can find Jotform's Zapier integration within the form builder and their partner app directory.

Jotform customers build forms to power critical processes, so they need an easy way to route responses to their business tools. That's why Jotform prioritized making Zapier easy to discover and use throughout their platform. 

No matter how users find the Zapier integration within Jotform—whether it's Jotform's partner app directory or exploring the Integrations tab in the form builder—users can seamlessly discover new ways to automate Jotform processes, then create and edit Zaps without leaving the main form builder. And the experience looks and feels like it's part of Jotform, rather than a clunky third-party add-on.   

Jotform also created help articles for their Zapier integration and hosted them within their help center rather than redirecting users off their site to other help docs. This creates a frictionless customer experience and shows that Jotform fully endorses Zapier as an integration solution that users can trust.

Jotform created help articles for their Zapier integration and highlight them anywhere the integration is mentioned.
Jotform created help articles for their Zapier integration. These resources are easy to access from the Zapier embed and Jotform's partner app directory.

Check out our tips for showcasing your Zapier integration throughout your customer journey.

Spotlight successes and use cases with co-marketing campaigns

Jotform took advantage of the marketing benefits available as a member of Zapier's Partner Program to work with Zapier on co-marketing campaigns that drive awareness and adoption even further. 

First, they launched a promotional campaign for Automate Your Busywork, written by Jotform founder and CEO Aytekin Tank. Jotform and Zapier joined forces to feature use cases and automation thought leadership on their blog, podcast, and social media channels

They also published a joint case study on their respective blogs and promoted it in their newsletters. Jotform also jumped into the conversation about AI by sponsoring this year's ZapConnect, Zapier's annual automation conference, which had more than 30,000 registrants. 

By tackling thought leadership, use case discovery, and customer advocacy, Jotform framed its Zapier integration as a trusted solution that extends its primary product offerings.

The results:

  • Increased awareness and adoption: Jotform's co-marketing campaigns drove engagement and greater awareness of their Zapier integration. 

  • Influenced brand perception: Jotform built credibility with thought leadership and used sponsorship opportunities to further associate their brand with automation and AI.

Partners in product stickiness

By treating their Zapier integration as a complement, not a competitor, Jotform increased upgrades, retention, and time spent in-product. But the real winners are their customers. 

Our case studies explore how Zapier partners of all sizes build better user experiences, retain customers, and drive business growth with our suite of tools. Learn why thousands of developers partner with Zapier

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'