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6 ways to use the Zapier Typeform integration

By Elena Alston · March 26, 2024
The logos for Typeform, HubSpot, WordPress, and Zendesk.

Typeform makes it easy to build forms and surveys that help you collect everything from customer data to product insights for your business. But what do you do with that data after you collect it? You'll likely need to break that data down, analyze it, and send it to other apps so everyone in your team can get the information they need. 

Automation can make that process a breeze. With a few Zaps—our word for Zapier's automated workflows—you can automatically send form data to your CRM, get the right people involved, and streamline support. Here are the best ways to automate Typeform.

Table of contents

  • Get notifications for new Typeform responses

  • Add leads to your email and CRM tools

  • Send lead information to your ad tools

  • Create calendar events and webinar registrants

  • Track survey results in a spreadsheet or database

  • Create support tickets

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Send notifications for new Typeform responses

Manually checking for form responses isn't a great way for anyone to spend their time. But timely follow-up is important if you want to keep leads warm or customers happy. With one of these workflows you can notify the right members of your team about new form responses with a quick text, chat message, or email. 

Get email notifications or send follow-ups to new Typeform respondents

Get email notifications or send follow-ups to new Typeform respondents
  • Typeform logo
  • Gmail logo
Typeform + Gmail

Get email notifications for new Typeform entries

Get email notifications for new Typeform entries
  • Typeform logo
  • Email by Zapier logo
Typeform + Email by Zapier

Send Microsoft Outlook emails for new Typeform entries

Send Microsoft Outlook emails for new Typeform entries
  • Typeform logo
  • Microsoft Outlook logo
Typeform + Microsoft Outlook

Get Slack notifications for new Typeform entries

Get Slack notifications for new Typeform entries
  • Typeform logo
  • Slack logo
Typeform + Slack

Send SMS messages for new Typeform entries

Send SMS messages for new Typeform entries
  • Typeform logo
  • SMS by Zapier logo
Typeform + SMS by Zapier

Read more:

  • Build a custom notification bot for new leads

  • Send an email for new Typeform responses

  • Send a Slack notification for new Typeform responses

Add leads to your email and CRM tools

Collecting customer information in a form is probably the first of what should be many touch points along their greater marketing journey. By automatically adding form respondents to your email marketing tool or CRM, you can automatically send them messages at the right time. 

(Just make sure they've opted in to receive emails from you.)

Create Mailchimp subscribers from new Typeform responses

Create Mailchimp subscribers from new Typeform responses
  • Typeform logo
  • Mailchimp logo
Typeform + Mailchimp

Add new Typeform forms respondents to ConvertKit sequences

Add new Typeform forms respondents to ConvertKit sequences
  • Typeform logo
  • ConvertKit logo
Typeform + ConvertKit

Create or update HubSpot contacts from new entries on Typeform

Create or update HubSpot contacts from new entries on Typeform
  • Typeform logo
  • HubSpot logo
Typeform + HubSpot

Create deals in HubSpot from new Typeform responses

Create deals in HubSpot from new Typeform responses
  • Typeform logo
  • HubSpot logo
Typeform + HubSpot

Add new Typeform form entries to Salesforce as leads

Add new Typeform form entries to Salesforce as leads
  • Typeform logo
  • Salesforce logo
Typeform + Salesforce

Read more:

  • 6 ways automation can help you nurture and manage leads

  • How to add subscribers to ConvertKit forms from Typeform

Send lead information to your ad tools

When you get a new lead you want to add them to your marketing campaigns immediately—while your business is top of mind. Plus, if a lead fails to convert, adding them to a retargeting campaign in a timely manner is a valuable way to recapture their interest. 

If you're leveraging high-converting ads tools like LinkedIn or Google Ads, you'll want to pair them with Typeform. That way, whenever a new lead fills out a form, you can get your campaigns in front of them while their interest in you is still fresh. These Zaps will transfer your lead data to your campaigns quickly and accurately:

Add new Typeform entries to LinkedIn Ads as audiences

Add new Typeform entries to LinkedIn Ads as audiences
  • Typeform logo
  • LinkedIn Ads logo
Typeform + LinkedIn Ads

Add new Typeform entries as Facebook Offline Conversion events

Add new Typeform entries as Facebook Offline Conversion events
  • Typeform logo
  • Facebook Offline Conversions logo
Typeform + Facebook Offline Conversions

Add people to Google Ads Custom Lists from new Typeform entries

Add people to Google Ads Custom Lists from new Typeform entries
  • Typeform logo
  • Google Ads logo
Typeform + Google Ads

Create calendar events and webinar registrants

If you're opening up time on your calendar for customer appointments, events, interviews, or demos, you'll likely send out a form for folks to book time. 

By adding a "date" field to your form, you can automatically create a detailed event in Google Calendar or Outlook when a new submission comes through. And, if you use Zoom to host webinars, you can also automatically create registrants from form submissions. 

Add new Typeform entries as detailed events in Google Calendar

Add new Typeform entries as detailed events in Google Calendar
  • Typeform logo
  • Google Calendar logo
Typeform + Google Calendar

Create Microsoft Outlook events from new Typeform entries

Create Microsoft Outlook events from new Typeform entries
  • Typeform logo
  • Microsoft Outlook logo
Typeform + Microsoft Outlook

Add new Typeform leads as Zoom registrants

Add new Typeform leads as Zoom registrants
  • Typeform logo
  • Zoom logo
Typeform + Zoom

Track survey results in a spreadsheet or database

Even if you haven't invested in a dedicated CRM or drip email manager, you're probably maintaining spreadsheets or databases of contacts, subscribers, and leads. These templates will move information from Typeform responses to your data tool without the need for manual downloads and uploads.

Collect new Typeform responses as rows on Google Sheets

Collect new Typeform responses as rows on Google Sheets
  • Typeform logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Typeform + Google Sheets

Add new Typeform entries as rows on an Excel spreadsheet

Add new Typeform entries as rows on an Excel spreadsheet
  • Typeform logo
  • Microsoft Excel logo
Typeform + Microsoft Excel

Save Typeform form entries to a MySQL Database

Save Typeform form entries to a MySQL Database
  • Typeform logo
  • MySQL logo
Typeform + MySQL

If you don't have time to analyze your form results or you want help categorizing the contents, you can easily add AI into the mix. These workflows, powered by AI, will analyze your form submissions for you into predefined segments or topics.

Categorize Typeform responses with ChatGPT

Categorize Typeform responses with ChatGPT
  • Typeform logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Typeform + ChatGPT + Google Sheets

Analyze new Typeform entries with OpenAI and send to a Google Sheet

Analyze new Typeform entries with OpenAI and send to a Google Sheet
  • Typeform logo
  • OpenAI (GPT-4, DALL-E, Whisper) logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Typeform + OpenAI (GPT-4, DALL-E, Whisper) + Google Sheets

Don't like to track entries in a spreadsheet? If you prefer using a document for easy reading, you can use this Zap to automatically send form entries to a Google Doc:

Save Typeform form entries to Google Docs

Save Typeform form entries to Google Docs
  • Typeform logo
  • Google Docs logo
Typeform + Google Docs

Read more: How to automate your data collection

Create support tickets

You can embed a form on your website to generate new support tickets as they arise. And with Typeform's branching logic and friendly interface, customers can provide a lot of helpful information to help identify the issue and the resources best suited to provide assistance.

Just set up a Zap to automatically move the data from a completed response to your support app. Here are a few Zap templates to get you started.

Create Zendesk tickets from new Typeform entries

Create Zendesk tickets from new Typeform entries
  • Typeform logo
  • Zendesk logo
Typeform + Zendesk

Create Jira Service Management requests from new Typeform entries

Create Jira Service Management requests from new Typeform entries
  • Typeform logo
  • Jira Service Management logo
Typeform + Jira Service Management

No matter what tool you use to provide customer support, you can set up Zaps to send customer feedback from Typeform. Don't see your app in the examples above? Browse the customer support apps in our app directory.

Do more with automation

Typeform helps you encourage prospects, customers and even employees to provide vital information that will fuel your organization's growth. And when you connect Typeform with Zapier, you can easily build end-to-end automated solutions that eliminate the need for tedious manual processes—and the errors that often come with them.

Zapier is the leader in workflow automation—integrating with 6,000+ apps from partners like Google, Salesforce, and Microsoft. Use interfaces, data tables, and logic to build secure, automated systems for your business-critical workflows across your organization's technology stack. Learn more.

This piece was originally published in July 2016, with previous contributions by Carlin Sack and Jack Beaudoin. It was most recently updated in March 2024 by Elena Alston.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'