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How to add subscribers to ConvertKit forms from Typeform

By Khamosh Pathak · February 5, 2024
The Typeform app logo connected to the ConvertKit app logo on a light blue background.

There are countless ways to find leads, from website forms to digital ads. But they don't do you much good if they sit collecting dust in your lead generation app. 

With automation, you can level up your email marketing game by automatically connecting your drip email tools like ConvertKit to your other business-critical tools. With a simple Zap—Zapier's automated workflows—you can add each new lead you collect in Typeform to the right email list with no extra effort. Here's how.

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Before you begin

By default, ConvertKit has a double opt-in system for email subscribers. It’s an industry standard where the subscription is activated after the subscriber clicks a confirmation link from the email. 

This is a great way to make sure that you have consent from the subscribers, and it’s also better for your data and analysis. The open rate from subscribers who double opt-in is higher, plus this process makes sure that you aren’t adding wrong emails or spammers to your database, which can create a misleading analytical picture. 

If you wish to disable this option in ConvertKit for users you're collecting from Typeform, open the form in ConvertKit, and click the Settings icon in the top toolbar. Next, choose Incentive from the sidebar, and enable the Auto-confirm new subscribers option. 

The subscription opt-in settings page in ConvertKit.

Add subscribers to ConvertKit forms from Typeform

Zapier lets you create automated workflows called Zaps, which send your information from one app to another. You can create your own Zap from scratch without any coding knowledge, but we also offer quick templates to get you started. 

If you'd like to start with a template, click on it below, and you'll be taken to the Zap editor. You'll need to create a Zapier account if you don't already have one. Then, follow the directions to set up your Zap.

Add subscribers to forms in ConvertKit for new Typeform entries

Add subscribers to forms in ConvertKit for new Typeform entries
  • Typeform logo
  • ConvertKit logo
Typeform + ConvertKit

Set up your Typeform trigger

Let's start with the trigger—the event that starts your Zap. If you're using the Zap template, this will be selected for you. Otherwise, search for and select Typeform as the trigger app and New Entry as the trigger event, then click Continue.

A trigger step in the Zap editor with Typeform selected as the action app and New Entry selected for the trigger event.

Next, connect your Typeform account, if you haven’t already, then click Continue.

Now you'll need to select the form where you're collecting the responses you want to add to ConvertKit. In the Form dropdown, select the appropriate form, then click Continue

A Form field in the Zap editor with a specific Typeform form selected.

Now you need to test your trigger. Zapier will find a recent response to your Typeform, which will be used to set up the rest of your Zap. If you don't have any responses to your Typeform, you should submit a sample response before testing your Zap so you can make sure your Zap is working properly.

Once you have at least one response to your form, click Test trigger, select a record, then click Continue with selected record

A set of Typeform results sample data.

Set up your ConvertKit action

Now it's time to set up your action—the event your Zap performs once it's triggered. If you're using the Zap template, this will be selected for you. Otherwise, search for and select ConvertKit as the action app and Add Subscriber to Form as the action event, then click Continue.

An action step in the Zap editor with ConvertKit selected for the action app and Add Subscriber to Form selected for the action event.

Now it’s time to connect your ConvertKit account. If you’re doing this for the first time, you’ll need to add ConvertKit’s API key to Zapier. 

To find this, open your ConvertKit account, click your profile name in the top-right corner, then select Settings

The account dropdown in ConvertKit that shows the Settings menu.

Select Advanced in the Settings menu. Then, under the API section, click the show icon under API Secret to reveal the secret API key. Finally, click the Copy button to copy the API key to your clipboard. 

The API menu in ConvertKit.

Back in the Zap editor, click Sign In. In the new tab, paste in the API you just copied, then click Yes, Continue to ConvertKit.

A pop-up window asking for permission for Zapier to access your ConvertKit account with a field to paste in an API key.

This will bring you back to the Zap editor, and you’ll see that your ConvertKit account will be connected. Click Continue

Now, it's time to set up your action step. First, select the Form in ConvertKit where you want your lead data to go. 

Next, map the data from Typeform that you want to add to ConvertKit. For example, we'll click in the Email field and select the email address we collected from Typeform in the Insert Data dropdown. We'll do the same in the First Name field. Once you're done mapping your fields, click Continue

ConvertKit fields in the Zap editor with Typeform data added to the fields.

Now, click Test Step to test your Zap. If you have the double-opt feature enabled, go to the email Inbox you used for testing this workflow, open the email from ConvertKit, and click Confirm your subscription.

An email with a blue "Confirm your subscription" button.

Once you've confirmed your subscription or if you've skipped the double-opt option, you can double check your lead information made it to ConvertKit. Here's what ours looked like:

A ConvertKit account with one new subscriber added.

If everything looks alright, you're ready to use your Zap. Now every time you get a new Typeform submission, the email address will get added to your ConvertKit form, just like that. 

Related reading:

  • Email marketing automation ideas to enhance your campaigns

  • Popular ways to automate ConvertKit

  • How to automate Typeform

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'