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Automatically create Salesforce leads from new ClickFunnels contact activities

By Elena Alston · April 28, 2022
Hero image of the ClickFunnels app logo connected to the Salesforce app logo with a line on a light orange background.

Selling products online through ClickFunnels? Then chances are you're capturing a lot of contact information through the different pages and funnels you've set up. But if your sales team also uses Salesforce to reach out to prospects and customers, you're probably spending too much time copying and pasting leads from one app to another.

We'll show you how to create a Zap—our word for the automated workflows you create with Zapier—that will automatically create leads in Salesforce based on ClickFunnels contact activity. You'll have more time to focus on what matters the most, like converting those prospects or fostering customer loyalty.  

Salesforce is a premium app—available on Zapier's paid plans. Learn more about premium apps

Create Salesforce leads from ClickFunnels contacts

Zapier lets you create automated workflows called Zaps, which send your information from one app to another. You can create your own Zap from scratch without any coding knowledge, but we also offer quick templates to get you started. 

If you'd like to start with a template, click on the Zap template below, and you'll be taken to the Zapier editor. You'll need to create a Zapier account if you don't already have one. Then, follow the directions below to set up your Zap.

Create Salesforce leads from new ClickFunnels contact activities

Create Salesforce leads from new ClickFunnels contact activities
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • Salesforce logo
ClickFunnels Classic + Salesforce

Set up your ClickFunnels trigger

Once you're in the Zap editor, you'll first need to create the trigger, which is the event that will kick off your Zap. Search for and select ClickFunnels as the trigger app. Select New Contact Activity as the trigger event. Click Continue.

The ClickFunnels app logo selected for the app with New Contact Activity selected in the Event dropdown menu.

Next, connect your ClickFunnels account to Zapier by clicking on the dropdown menu and selecting +Connect a new account. You'll need to give Zapier permission to access your ClickFunnels account. Click Continue.

The ClickFunnels app logo and a ClickFunnels account selected in the ClickFunnels account dropdown menu.

Next, it's time to set up the trigger. In the ClickFunnels Funnel field, pick the funnel you want Zapier to watch for contacts any time there's a new one. In this example, we'll select contacts, but you can also select all funnels. Next, in the Funnel Step field, pick which funnel step you want Zapier to watch for new contacts. Click Continue.

The trigger setup menu with fields labeled Funnel and Funnel Step with a purple Continue button.

Next, click Test Trigger so Zapier will pull the most recently created contact in your ClickFunnels account. Click Continue

A successful test screen with a green checkmark and the text "We found a contact!"

Set up your Salesforce action

In this next step, you'll set up the action—the event your Zap will perform once it's triggered. Search for and select Salesforce as your action app, select Create Lead as the action event, and click Continue

The Salesforce app logo next to the text Create Lead in Salesforce.

Next, connect your Salesforce account to Zapier by clicking on the dropdown menu and selecting +Connect a new account. You'll need to give Zapier permission to access your Salesforce account. (Note: You may have to first log in to Salesforce in Zapier's pop-up window.) Once you've connected your account, click Continue.

A Salesforce account selected from the Salesforce account dropdown menu.

​​Now you need to tell your Zap how to set up your Salesforce leads. You can map the contact data from ClickFunnels by clicking inside any empty field where you want the data to go (such as inside the Last Name and First Name field) and selecting an option from the Insert Data dropdown menu. 

A set of fields under Set up action, including last name, first name, and salutation.

To make the lead in Salesforce as detailed and helpful as possible, you can also pull in data like salutation, middle name, suffix, and the record type. If your contacts in ClickFunnels also include details like company (this field is required), company information, address, phone number, and email address, you can pull those in too. 

You can also add important lead information, like lead source (where the lead came from, like a phone inquiry), lead status (whether or not they've been contacted), industry, and rating (hot, warm, cold), etc. 

Action settings fields, including description, lead source, status, and industry.

When you're done setting up your lead information, click Continue

Next, you'll need to test your Zap. Zapier will show you a preview of the Salesforce lead before it's added. 

A test screen with the Zapier logo connected to the Salesforce logo with an arrow and the text "Send Lead to Salesforce".

If the preview looks good to you, click Test & Continue. Zapier will now send a test lead to Salesforce based on what you configured earlier. 

Once everything is set up correctly, you're ready to begin using your Zap.

Automate your lead creation

Your Zap will now automatically create a Salesforce lead every time there's new contact activity in ClickFunnels. With the help of this Zap, you can forget about missing leads and focus on your most important work.

Create Salesforce leads from new ClickFunnels contact activities

Create Salesforce leads from new ClickFunnels contact activities
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • Salesforce logo
ClickFunnels Classic + Salesforce

Zapier is the leader in workflow automation—integrating with 6,000+ apps from partners like Google, Salesforce, and Microsoft. Use interfaces, data tables, and logic to build secure, automated systems for your business-critical workflows across your organization's technology stack. Learn more.

Related reading:

  • Here are the top ways to automate ClickFunnels

  • How to add Mailchimp subscribers from ClickFunnels

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'