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4 min read

6 ways to automate ClickFunnels

By Kaylee Moser · April 20, 2022
ClickFunnels' logo connected to the Facebook, Google Sheets, and Slack logos by a solid line on a light orange background.

These days, you don't need to know how to code to be a successful entrepreneur. Tools like ClickFunnels make it easier to build websites that streamline your marketing and sales funnels.

And creating successful sales funnels is key to turning leads into customers. But that's just the beginning. What about all the work that comes after you make a sale? From email follow-up to customer data entry, there are a lot of time-consuming tasks you still need to get done. Fortunately, when you pair ClickFunnels with Zapier, you can streamline your post-sales processes so you can provide the best customer experience from start to finish. 

Table of contents

  • Send lead emails to the right lists

  • Create contact profiles for new leads

  • Automatically organize emails with tags

  • Keep track of activity and purchases

  • Follow up quickly with leads

  • Connect ClickFunnels with your CRM

Integrate ClickFunnels with almost any app using Zapier

Zapier helps streamline your work by automatically passing data between ClickFunnels and the other apps you use.

To get started automating ClickFunnels with Zapier, you'll need:

  • A ClickFunnels account

  • A Zapier account

  • An account for whatever app(s) you wish to integrate with ClickFunnels

Zapier works by combining triggers and actions. For example, when you get a new or updated ClickFunnels contact (your trigger), you can automatically add or update a new subscriber in your mailing list (your action). 

Don't sweat the technical details too much—Zapier will handle all the communication between the apps. All you have to do is connect your accounts and decide what info you want to share between them. Let's get started!

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Send lead emails to the right lists

New leads can come from a bunch of different places like Facebook Ads or Calendly events. It's critical that you get the email addresses of those new leads into ClickFunnel lists so you can cultivate them into sales. But when you have leads coming in from multiple channels, they can get lost in the shuffle. 

Keep track of all new leads (and make sure they get the right experience) by automatically adding new lead emails to specific ClickFunnel lists. That way, no lead slips through the cracks. 

Add new Facebook Lead Ads leads to ClickFunnels Classic lists

Add new Facebook Lead Ads leads to ClickFunnels Classic lists
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
Facebook Lead Ads + ClickFunnels Classic

Add ClickFunnels Classic emails to a list for new invitee created events in Calendly

Add ClickFunnels Classic emails to a list for new invitee created events in Calendly
  • Calendly logo
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
Calendly + ClickFunnels Classic

Add emails to lists in ClickFunnels Classic for new WebinarJam / EverWebinar registrations

Add emails to lists in ClickFunnels Classic for new WebinarJam / EverWebinar registrations
  • WebinarJam / EverWebinar logo
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
WebinarJam / EverWebinar + ClickFunnels Classic

Add contact emails to lists for new contact activities in ClickFunnels Classic

Add contact emails to lists for new contact activities in ClickFunnels Classic
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
ClickFunnels Classic

Create contact profiles for new leads

Keeping contact profiles up-to-date is critical if you want to make sure contacts are getting the right information at the right time. Unfortunately, manually adding or updating contact information is time-consuming—not to mention hard to keep track of. 

Fortunately, you can create a Zap that will automatically create or update a ClickFunnel profile whenever activity is recorded. You can also capture info from an intake form on your website, making it easy for you to keep your ClickFunnel profiles up-to-date—without adding tasks to your to-do list. 

Create or update ClickFunnel contact profiles with new contact activity in ClickFunnels

Create or update ClickFunnel contact profiles with new contact activity in ClickFunnels
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
ClickFunnels Classic

Create contact profiles in ClickFunnels from new Typeform entries

Create contact profiles in ClickFunnels from new Typeform entries
  • Typeform logo
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
Typeform + ClickFunnels Classic

Automatically organize emails with tags

When you're tracking lots of different customer emails, it can be difficult to remember the details. Sure, you can split them into different email lists, but sometimes it's necessary to have data (like email tags) available at a glance. With Zapier, you can automatically tag emails when they enter ClickFunnel—helping keep your data organized and easy to manage.

Tag emails from lead sources

Want to discover which lead generation channels are bringing in the most leads? Or maybe you just want better insight into your customer profiles. Either way, you can automatically tag emails based on where they came from. That way, you can measure the success of your marketing channels and bolster customer profiles at the same time. 

Apply a tag to ClickFunnels Classic contacts for new ResponseSuite survey responses

Apply a tag to ClickFunnels Classic contacts for new ResponseSuite survey responses
  • ResponseSuite logo
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
ResponseSuite + ClickFunnels Classic

Organize new WiFi guests with tags in ClickFunnels

Organize new WiFi guests with tags in ClickFunnels
  • MyWiFi Networks logo
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
MyWiFi Networks + ClickFunnels Classic

Tag ClickFunnel contacts as WebinarGeek webinar viewers

Tag ClickFunnel contacts as WebinarGeek webinar viewers
  • WebinarGeek logo
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
WebinarGeek + ClickFunnels Classic

Tag undeliverable emails

Sometimes, emails bounce back. This can happen when an email address has a typo or when the user disables their email. Automatically tag these emails so you don't waste any additional time or resources trying to contact a customer without a viable inbox.

Tag contacts as undeliverable in ClickFunnels via Emailable

Tag contacts as undeliverable in ClickFunnels via Emailable
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
ClickFunnels Classic + Emailable + Filter by Zapier

Keep track of activity and purchases

Logging your business activity gives you insight into how your business is functioning—which then allows you to invest in what's working and improve on areas that need improving. But manually entering data into your tracking tool can be cumbersome, especially when you have other things on your to-do list. Fortunately, you can use Zapier to create automatic workflows that immediately send customer data to whatever tool you use to track contacts or purchases. 

Logging new contacts

There are tons of reasons to log new contacts in a place outside of ClickFunnels—such as having a backup of contact data or alerting coworkers who don't use ClickFunnels personally. Keep track of ClickFunnel activity by adding a new row to a Google Sheet or posting a message to a specific Slack channel every time a new contact is added to ClickFunnels. Now, the right people can easily see the contact info they need when they need it.

Add new ClickFunnels Classic contacts to Google Sheets

Add new ClickFunnels Classic contacts to Google Sheets
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • Google Sheets logo
ClickFunnels Classic + Google Sheets

Post new ClickFunnels contacts to a Slack channel

Post new ClickFunnels contacts to a Slack channel
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • Slack logo
ClickFunnels Classic + Slack

Logging successful purchases

When a customer successfully completes a purchase, that's something to celebrate! Plus, keeping track of purchases is a great way to gather data for further analysis, like determining what makes your repeat customers come back. Use automation to log successful customer purchases in Google Sheets, a particular Slack channel, or wherever else you want. That way, you don't have to go back later and enter data—instead it's all logged in real-time. 

Add new ClickFunnels Classic purchases to Google Sheets

Add new ClickFunnels Classic purchases to Google Sheets
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • Google Sheets logo
ClickFunnels Classic + Google Sheets

Follow up quickly with leads

One of the most important parts of the sales process is maintaining customized outreach with leads. When you don't follow up with leads in a timely manner, the chance to convert them into a sale dwindles. But quick follow-up, well, that's easier said than done. 

Fortunately, you can create a Zap that automatically follows up with your leads once they make a purchase—or on any other specific contact activity. Plus, you can follow up in the way that makes the most sense for your customers, from email to SMS. With automation, you can build the best possible experience for your customers, from first email to repeat sale.

Send Gmail messages when new contacts are added to ClickFunnels

Send Gmail messages when new contacts are added to ClickFunnels
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • Gmail logo
ClickFunnels Classic + Gmail

Send emails via Gmail for new ClickFunnel purchases

Send emails via Gmail for new ClickFunnel purchases
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • Gmail logo
ClickFunnels Classic + Gmail

Send email notifications for new ClickFunnels contacts

Send email notifications for new ClickFunnels contacts
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • Email by Zapier logo
ClickFunnels Classic + Email by Zapier

Send emails with new ClickFunnels successful purchases

Send emails with new ClickFunnels successful purchases
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • Email by Zapier logo
ClickFunnels Classic + Email by Zapier

Send SMS messages with new contact activity in ClickFunnels

Send SMS messages with new contact activity in ClickFunnels
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • SMS by Zapier logo
ClickFunnels Classic + SMS by Zapier

Send SMS messages for new successful purchases in ClickFunnels

Send SMS messages for new successful purchases in ClickFunnels
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • SMS by Zapier logo
ClickFunnels Classic + SMS by Zapier

Connect ClickFunnels with your CRM

CRMs are great for keeping all customer data in one, easy-to-find place. If you're using ClickFunnels for any step of the sales pipeline, you'll still need to sync that customer data with your CRM. Use Zapier to automatically update your CRM whenever you get a new ClickFunnels contact—making it easy to keep customer data accurate across all your platforms.

Add or update Mailchimp subscribers from new activity in ClickFunnels Classic contacts

Add or update Mailchimp subscribers from new activity in ClickFunnels Classic contacts
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • Mailchimp logo
ClickFunnels Classic + Mailchimp

Verify the emails of new ClickFunnels contacts with QuickEmailVerification and add valid results to ActiveCampaign

Verify the emails of new ClickFunnels contacts with QuickEmailVerification and add valid results to ActiveCampaign
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • ActiveCampaign logo
ClickFunnels Classic + Filter by Zapier + QuickEmailVerification + 1 more

Create or update Keap Max Classic contacts with new contact activity on ClickFunnels

Create or update Keap Max Classic contacts with new contact activity on ClickFunnels
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • Keap Max Classic logo
ClickFunnels Classic + Keap Max Classic

Add Klaviyo subscribers from new ClickFunnels Classic contact activities

Add Klaviyo subscribers from new ClickFunnels Classic contact activities
  • ClickFunnels Classic logo
  • Klaviyo logo
ClickFunnels Classic + Klaviyo

Automate your post-sales processes

Using ClickFunnels is a great way to create a website, connect with customers, and make sales. With Zapier, you can take that one step further by automating the whole customer experience. No more manually adding new customers to email lists, logging purchases, or updating your contacts in your CRM. Instead, let Zapier do all the heavy lifting for you so you can focus on what truly matters: your product and customers.

Learn more: How to add Mailchimp subscribers from ClickFunnels

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'