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4 min read

How to fill your tech stack gaps with automation

Make the apps you use every day more efficient

By Ellie Huizenga · December 26, 2022

Every company has a tech stack, even if they don't know they do. A tech stack is simply the apps, tools, and software a company uses to run its operations. Your tech stack can include a few crucial tools or 20 different apps across your various departments.

The right tools in your tech stack are essential to scaling your business. But even the best apps have gaps. And if the apps in your tech stack don't have up-to-date data in an easy-to-access format, they may need a hand. 

Fortunately, that's where automation can help. With Zapier, you can fill the gaps in your tech stack and ensure your apps have the right information at the right time.

Zapier is the leader in workflow automation—integrating with 6,000+ apps from partners like Google, Salesforce, and Microsoft. Use interfaces, data tables, and logic to build secure, automated systems for your business-critical workflows across your organization's technology stack. Learn more.

When does your tech stack need a boost? 

You can determine if your tech stack needs a boost by asking yourself a few simple questions: 

  • Do you have to move data between your apps manually?

  • Is your data in the wrong format for your preferred app?

  • Are teams missing out on key data? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should add automation to your processes. Automation allows you to keep data updated across apps so everyone on your team has the correct information when they need it—allowing you to create a seamless customer (and backend) experience. 

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Gap: Your data isn't up to date in all of your apps

Data is most useful when it's accurate, up to date, and synced across tools. If you use the right data at the right time, your customer experience will benefit—helping you make more sales. But if you use multiple tools to track or analyze your customer data, the information you need may not be where you need it, when you need it. 

Manually copying and pasting between your apps is an option, but it quickly becomes unfeasible as your customer database grows. It also opens up the opportunity for the wrong info ending up in some of your apps from the human errors inevitable when you copy and paste. 

Enter automation. You can send data to the right place instantly, giving you up-to-date information across your tools. 

Need to move your data in a one-time bulk transfer? Use Zapier Transfer to do just that. 

Update your CRM in real-time

Some updates in your CRM might need to be manual (like a sales rep adding notes after a call), but others should be automated (like when a new lead fills out a form). Create a Zap that instantly updates info in your CRM based on customer behavior so you have accurate lead data at a moment's notice. 

Add new Facebook Lead Ads leads as leads in Salesforce

Add new Facebook Lead Ads leads as leads in Salesforce
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • Salesforce logo
Facebook Lead Ads + Salesforce

Search for or create Salesforce contacts and create new opportunities from PayPal sales

Search for or create Salesforce contacts and create new opportunities from PayPal sales
  • PayPal logo
  • Salesforce logo
PayPal + Salesforce

Create or update HubSpot contacts from new entries on Typeform

Create or update HubSpot contacts from new entries on Typeform
  • Typeform logo
  • HubSpot logo
Typeform + HubSpot

Add new Unbounce form submissions to Microsoft Dynamics as leads

Add new Unbounce form submissions to Microsoft Dynamics as leads
  • Unbounce logo
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM logo
Unbounce + Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

Create or update HubSpot contacts from new Mailchimp subscribers

Create or update HubSpot contacts from new Mailchimp subscribers
  • Mailchimp logo
  • HubSpot logo
Mailchimp + HubSpot

Discover how to get more out of your CRM in our ultimate guide to CRM automation.

Instantly send data to your email marketing tool

If your tech stack includes an email marketing platform, your goal is to send leads the right cultivation messages. With automation, you can instantly add new leads or update tags in your email marketing platform—ensuring your customers get the appropriate message for their current status.

Add or update ActiveCampaign contacts with new Facebook Lead Ads leads

Add or update ActiveCampaign contacts with new Facebook Lead Ads leads
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • ActiveCampaign logo
Facebook Lead Ads + ActiveCampaign

Create or update Mailchimp subscribers from new Google Forms submissions

Create or update Mailchimp subscribers from new Google Forms submissions
  • Google Forms logo
  • Mailchimp logo
Google Forms + Mailchimp

Add new Wufoo entries to AWeber as subscribers

Add new Wufoo entries to AWeber as subscribers
  • Wufoo logo
  • AWeber logo
Wufoo + AWeber

Add new or updated ActiveCampaign contacts as people on Pipedrive

Add new or updated ActiveCampaign contacts as people on Pipedrive
  • ActiveCampaign logo
  • Pipedrive logo
ActiveCampaign + Pipedrive

Discover 4 ways to automate your email marketing for better communication for an even bigger boost.

Track engagement from your email marketing campaigns

Once you've sent those cultivation messages, you also want to make sure they're working. Add engagement details to your CRM so you can easily keep track of which customers connect with your marketing message. These details also help you more easily qualify leads so your sales team can reach out to those most likely to convert.

Create new HubSpot contacts from ActiveCampaign email opens

Create new HubSpot contacts from ActiveCampaign email opens
  • ActiveCampaign logo
  • HubSpot logo
ActiveCampaign + HubSpot

Create or update a HubSpot contact when a Mailchimp email is opened

Create or update a HubSpot contact when a Mailchimp email is opened
  • Mailchimp logo
  • HubSpot logo
Mailchimp + HubSpot

Update contact activity in Pipedrive when leads open a new campaign in ActiveCampaign

Update contact activity in Pipedrive when leads open a new campaign in ActiveCampaign
  • ActiveCampaign logo
  • Pipedrive logo
ActiveCampaign + Pipedrive

Update contact activity in HubSpot when leads open a new campaign in ActiveCampaign

Update contact activity in HubSpot when leads open a new campaign in ActiveCampaign
  • ActiveCampaign logo
  • HubSpot logo
ActiveCampaign + HubSpot

Send information from your payment processing app to the right place

A lead turning into a customer is a critical lead lifecycle update. Create a Zap that connects your payment processing app with your CRM and email marketing tool. That way, lead data gets updated automatically, and your customers get the right upsell (or cross-sell) message. 

Add new Stripe customers to Mailchimp lists

Add new Stripe customers to Mailchimp lists
  • Stripe logo
  • Mailchimp logo
Stripe + Mailchimp

Add new PayPal customers to ActiveCampaign as contacts

Add new PayPal customers to ActiveCampaign as contacts
  • PayPal logo
  • ActiveCampaign logo
PayPal + ActiveCampaign

Add new Square customers to an AWeber list

Add new Square customers to an AWeber list
  • Square logo
  • AWeber logo
Square + AWeber

Create or update HubSpot contacts with new Square customers

Create or update HubSpot contacts with new Square customers
  • Square logo
  • HubSpot logo
Square + HubSpot

Get more automation tips on streamlining work across departments. 

Keep your payment processing app and accounting tool on the same page

Tired of manually updating your accounting tool with new payments? With Zapier, you can instantly update your accounting tool whenever you get a new payment in your payment processing app. Viola! Bookkeeping just got that much faster (and easier). 

Create QuickBooks Online customers with sales receipts for new Stripe payments

Create QuickBooks Online customers with sales receipts for new Stripe payments
  • Stripe logo
  • QuickBooks Online logo
Stripe + QuickBooks Online

Create invoices for QuickBooks Online customers from new Shopify orders

Create invoices for QuickBooks Online customers from new Shopify orders
  • Shopify logo
  • QuickBooks Online logo
Shopify + QuickBooks Online

Create new Xero invoices for new PayPal sales

Create new Xero invoices for new PayPal sales
  • PayPal logo
  • Xero logo
PayPal + Xero

Discover 5 workflows to streamline your invoice and payment processes. 

Gap: Your data is in the wrong format, or it's the wrong data

Even if the apps in your tech stack keep track of your customer info, if it's not in a format you can use or the wrong info—it's useless. Fortunately, Zapier has built-in tools to help you filter and format your data, filling that tech stack gap.

Filter data based on certain criteria 

With Filter by Zapier, you can set rules for your Zaps so they only run when they meet certain criteria. For example, if you only want to track leads with email addresses, you can use a filter step in your Zap to only send leads with that information to your CRM. This helps keep your data clean and your apps filled with the information you actually want. 

Instantly format your data

When one app uses data in a different format from another, it can be difficult to transfer information across tools. With Zapier, you can do things like instantly split text, capitalize text as needed, and extract specific information when sending data between your apps. This helps ensure your data is accurate and formatted in a way that's actually useful.

Here are a few ways you can use Zapier's built-in Formatter tool:

  • Extract data from your apps

  • Separate first and last names

  • Find and match data across your apps

  • Format dates and times  

Gap: Teams miss out on information

We've covered how to fill your data information gaps. Now it's time to make sure your teams seamlessly get that info. Whether you work at a remote or in-person company—or a mixture of both—automation will help boost communication between your teams so everyone knows what's going on in your apps. 

Get notified about new leads

Making sure your sales reps know about new leads can be the difference between winning or losing a sale. Create a Zap to notify your team about new leads instantly. That way, they can reach out while the lead is still hot. 

Send Slack messages for new HubSpot contacts

Send Slack messages for new HubSpot contacts
  • HubSpot logo
  • Slack logo
HubSpot + Slack

Send emails in Gmail when new deals are added to a stage on Pipedrive

Send emails in Gmail when new deals are added to a stage on Pipedrive
  • Pipedrive logo
  • Gmail logo
Pipedrive + Gmail

Send Microsoft Outlook emails for updated Microsoft Dynamics CRM opportunities

Send Microsoft Outlook emails for updated Microsoft Dynamics CRM opportunities
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM logo
  • Microsoft Outlook logo
Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM + Microsoft Outlook

Discover how to build your own custom notification bot for new leads.

Keep track of upcoming meetings 

Adding client calls to your calendar is a great first step, but if you routinely forget to check your calendar app, you might still drop the ball. Use Zapier to send reminders for upcoming meetings, keeping you on track and ensuring you come to every client call fully prepared. 

Create Google Calendar events from new scheduled Calendly events

Create Google Calendar events from new scheduled Calendly events
  • Calendly logo
  • Google Calendar logo
Calendly + Google Calendar

Send an email with Gmail when Acuity Scheduling appointments start

Send an email with Gmail when Acuity Scheduling appointments start
  • Acuity Scheduling logo
  • Gmail logo
Acuity Scheduling + Gmail

Send Slack channel messages for new Google Calendar events

Send Slack channel messages for new Google Calendar events
  • Google Calendar logo
  • Slack logo
Google Calendar + Slack

Post to Microsoft Teams channels when new Google Calendar events start

Post to Microsoft Teams channels when new Google Calendar events start
  • Google Calendar logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Google Calendar + Microsoft Teams

Get more ways to automatically manage your meetings with Zapier.

See new customer messages in the right place

Promptly replying to customer messages is critical to maintaining a smooth customer experience. But when you don't know a message has even come in, it's impossible to send a prompt response. Get notifications about customer messages in the right app so you can respond in a timely manner. 

Share new Help Scout assigned conversations in Slack

Share new Help Scout assigned conversations in Slack
  • Help Scout logo
  • Slack logo
Help Scout + Slack

Create Trello cards from new Freshdesk tickets

Create Trello cards from new Freshdesk tickets
  • Freshdesk logo
  • Trello logo
Freshdesk + Trello

Customer support is the frontline of every business. Here are 5 ways automation can help your customer support team. 

Get more out of your apps with automation

Using automation to fill your tech stack gaps allows you to get the most out of every app. You can ensure data is accurate, customers get the best experience, and everyone on your team knows what to do next. 

Related reading:

  • How one company consolidated their tech stack

  • 9 ways to apply process optimization to your business

  • Streamline work across departments with automation

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'