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6 min read

The ultimate guide to CRM automation

By Matthew Guay · February 15, 2022
crm-automation-for-your-team primary img

You've chosen the best customer relationship management tool (CRM) for your team, added in your contacts, and started managing your leads—great work! Now that the hard work is done make it easy on your future self by setting up CRM automation.

Automating your common CRM tasks—like putting in new contacts, adding leads to your email lists, and notifying your team—can free up your focus for your most important work. See how Zapier's automated workflows can help you reduce your manual tasks so you can spend more time closing deals.

Automate your CRM

  • Add contacts to your CRM from new form submissions, purchases, address book apps, another CRM, business cards, event registrants, or help desk tickets.

  • Follow up with contacts by sending a welcome email, adding them to an email list, sending a welcome email, calling or texting, creating custom documents, or sending an invoice.

  • Keep your team in the loop by assigning tasks, sending notifications, and tracking your progress.

New to Zapier? It's workflow automation software that lets you focus on what matters. Combine user interfaces, data tables, and logic with 6,000+ apps to build and automate anything you can imagine. Sign up for free.

Automatically add contacts to your CRM

Your CRM is nothing without contacts. And if you don't keep those contacts up-to-date, it's practically worthless. But manually entering new contacts into your CRM—or updating them—can be a huge hassle, especially when you collect leads and contacts from a variety of sources.

Automatically adding or updating contacts in your CRM from all of your sources—whether from a new form submission, an email in your inbox, or a business card—can ensure your CRM always stays current with no extra work. Just click on a Zap template below to get started.

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

From forms

Odds are, you use forms to interact with your customers or clients in some way—maybe asking them to sign up for your mailing list or a free trial of your product. That's the perfect place to capture leads and send them to your CRM. 

Even if your CRM has a built-in form tool, often you'll find more features in a dedicated form app. Or you might use different types of forms for different purposes and need to collect that info all in one spot. With a Zap, you can automatically send that data directly to your CRM.

Add new Typeform form entries to Salesforce as leads

Add new Typeform form entries to Salesforce as leads
  • Typeform logo
  • Salesforce logo
Typeform + Salesforce

Create Pipedrive deals from new Google Forms responses

Create Pipedrive deals from new Google Forms responses
  • Google Forms logo
  • Pipedrive logo
Google Forms + Pipedrive

Create Zoho CRM leads from new Gravity Forms submissions

Create Zoho CRM leads from new Gravity Forms submissions
  • Gravity Forms logo
  • Zoho CRM logo
Gravity Forms + Zoho CRM

Tip: Use a different form app? See which form apps connect with Zapier in our App Directory.

From purchases

For many businesses, a sale is your only interaction with a customer. Instead of letting that be a one-and-done interaction, why not add them to your CRM so you can easily follow up and potentially turn them into repeat customers?

That's incredibly easy with purchase data, which could contain your customer's name, email, and, potentially, mailing address and phone number. Based on what they bought, you know why they're interested in your business, too. Funnel all that info into your CRM, and when the appropriate time comes, you'll be ready to target past customers with a marketing campaign.

Add new Kajabi customers to Keap Max Classic

Add new Kajabi customers to Keap Max Classic
  • Kajabi logo
  • Keap Max Classic logo
Kajabi + Keap Max Classic

Save new WooCommerce clients to HubSpot contacts

Save new WooCommerce clients to HubSpot contacts
  • WooCommerce logo
  • HubSpot logo
WooCommerce + HubSpot

Add new Shopify customers to HubSpot as contacts

Add new Shopify customers to HubSpot as contacts
  • Shopify logo
  • HubSpot logo
Shopify + HubSpot

Add new Shopify customers to Keap Max Classic as new contacts

Add new Shopify customers to Keap Max Classic as new contacts
  • Shopify logo
  • Keap Max Classic logo
Shopify + Keap Max Classic

From your address book

When you first started using your CRM, you likely imported your address book to add contacts. But inputting all of your new contacts into your CRM can be a hassle, especially if you connect with customers through a variety of formats. Use automation to sync your contact tool with your CRM, so you never have to update the same info in multiple places.

Send new Google Contacts to HubSpot

Send new Google Contacts to HubSpot
  • Google Contacts logo
  • HubSpot logo
Google Contacts + HubSpot

Add new Google Contacts contacts to Salesforce as contacts

Add new Google Contacts contacts to Salesforce as contacts
  • Google Contacts logo
  • Salesforce logo
Google Contacts + Salesforce

Create or update HubSpot contacts from new Contacts+ business cards

Create or update HubSpot contacts from new Contacts+ business cards
  • Contacts+ logo
  • HubSpot logo
Contacts+ + HubSpot

Create Salesforce Contacts from new Contacts+ business cards

Create Salesforce Contacts from new Contacts+ business cards
  • Contacts+ logo
  • Salesforce logo
Contacts+ + Salesforce

You can also go in the opposite direction and update your address book with new information from your CRM:

Add new HubSpot contacts to Google Contacts

Add new HubSpot contacts to Google Contacts
  • HubSpot logo
  • Google Contacts logo
HubSpot + Google Contacts

Add new Salesforce contacts to Google Contact as contacts

Add new Salesforce contacts to Google Contact as contacts
  • Salesforce logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Salesforce + Google Contacts

Add new Salesforce leads to Contacts+

Add new Salesforce leads to Contacts+
  • Salesforce logo
  • Contacts+ logo
Salesforce + Contacts+

From another CRM

It might not just be your inbox and address book that have leads. You might have multiple CRMs, each one perfect for a different part of your business. All of them can work together with Zapier, sending your contact data from the app where it's captured to the app where you put it to work. And if you need to log interactions back to the original CRM, pushing that data back is just another Zapier automation away.

Create or update HubSpot contacts from new deals on Pipedrive

Create or update HubSpot contacts from new deals on Pipedrive
  • Pipedrive logo
  • HubSpot logo
Pipedrive + HubSpot

Add Salesforce leads from new HubSpot form submissions

Add Salesforce leads from new HubSpot form submissions
  • HubSpot logo
  • Salesforce logo
HubSpot + Salesforce

Add new Salesforce contacts to Pipedrive as people

Add new Salesforce contacts to Pipedrive as people
  • Salesforce logo
  • Pipedrive logo
Salesforce + Pipedrive

Create Salesforce records from new Pipedrive leads

Create Salesforce records from new Pipedrive leads
  • Pipedrive logo
  • Salesforce logo
Pipedrive + Salesforce

From business cards

There's almost no better tech parlor trick than scanning a business card and having your phone automatically recognize the contact info. And with dedicated business card scanner apps, it's no longer difficult. But just having the contact info isn't enough. Make sure you actually follow up with your new contact by automatically adding the scanned info to your CRM.

Add new Sansan business cards to Salesforce as leads

Add new Sansan business cards to Salesforce as leads
  • Sansan logo
  • Salesforce logo
Sansan + Salesforce

Add new Sansan business cards to Agile CRM as a new contact

Add new Sansan business cards to Agile CRM as a new contact
  • Sansan logo
  • Agile CRM logo
Sansan + Agile CRM

Add Marketo leads from new Sansan business cards

Add Marketo leads from new Sansan business cards
  • Sansan logo
  • Marketo logo
Sansan + Marketo

From events

If you're organizing an online or in-person event, make follow-up easy by automatically adding event attendee info to your CRM. If it's a large event with a diverse mix of attendees, you can also use a Zapier filter to only include people from companies you want to target in later communication.

Add new Eventbrite attendees to HubSpot

Add new Eventbrite attendees to HubSpot
  • Eventbrite logo
  • HubSpot logo
Eventbrite + HubSpot

Add new GoTo Webinar registrants to Salesforce as leads

Add new GoTo Webinar registrants to Salesforce as leads
  • GoTo Webinar logo
  • Salesforce logo
GoTo Webinar + Salesforce

Add new Eventbrite attendees to Salesforce as leads

Add new Eventbrite attendees to Salesforce as leads
  • Eventbrite logo
  • Salesforce logo
Eventbrite + Salesforce

Create Pipedrive leads from new attendees registered in Eventbrite

Create Pipedrive leads from new attendees registered in Eventbrite
  • Eventbrite logo
  • Pipedrive logo
Eventbrite + Pipedrive

Add new GoTo Webinar attendees to Keap Max Classic

Add new GoTo Webinar attendees to Keap Max Classic
  • GoTo Webinar logo
  • Keap Max Classic logo
GoTo Webinar + Keap Max Classic

From support and chat

Online interactions aren't just in your personal inbox, they're also in your team's support app and customer support tool. Send them automatically to your CRM for easy follow-up. Here you can also use a filter step to only grab the most important contacts. Add a special tag in your support system to add contacts your CRM, and let Zapier pick up on it and send them over for you.

Add contacts to HubSpot from new users in Zendesk

Add contacts to HubSpot from new users in Zendesk
  • Zendesk logo
  • HubSpot logo
Zendesk + HubSpot

Update HubSpot contacts from new Zendesk tickets

Update HubSpot contacts from new Zendesk tickets
  • Zendesk logo
  • HubSpot logo
Zendesk + HubSpot

Create or update Keap Max Classic contacts from new Zendesk tickets

Create or update Keap Max Classic contacts from new Zendesk tickets
  • Zendesk logo
  • Keap Max Classic logo
Zendesk + Keap Max Classic

Add new Freshdesk tickets to Pipedrive as notes

Add new Freshdesk tickets to Pipedrive as notes
  • Freshdesk logo
  • Pipedrive logo
Freshdesk + Pipedrive

Automatically follow up with contacts

You're now automatically keeping your CRM up-to-date, but don't stop there! Your new CRM contacts can also trigger automation themselves. Even if your CRM doesn't have any built-in marketing automation features, there are a variety of ways you can automatically reach out to your contacts, start off your new client projects, and make sure they get the info they need.

Send new customers a welcome email

When you first capture a lead or get a new customer, you want to make sure they get a response right away. Sending a welcome email with info about their purchase, your company, extra documents, important links, or contact info can improve their satisfaction and keep them coming back for more.

If you don't want to email customers as soon as you've added them to your CRM, you can use a delay step to automatically email them, say, 3 days later. Or, you could use a filter to just send the email when your leads are at a specific stage in your CRM, like when the deal has closed.

Send emails through Gmail with new Salesforce accounts

Send emails through Gmail with new Salesforce accounts
  • Salesforce logo
  • Gmail logo
Salesforce + Gmail

Send emails via Gmail when new Pipedrive deals reach certain stages

Send emails via Gmail when new Pipedrive deals reach certain stages
  • Pipedrive logo
  • Gmail logo
Pipedrive + Gmail

Send emails through Gmail for new HubSpot contacts

Send emails through Gmail for new HubSpot contacts
  • HubSpot logo
  • Gmail logo
HubSpot + Gmail

Grow a client mailing list

If you want to keep your leads warm, you probably want to reach out to them more than once. In addition to sending a welcome email, you can also add new contacts in your CRM to your newsletter list or an email drip campaign. Try one of the workflows below to connect your CRM to your email marketing tool.

Add new Salesforce contacts to Mailchimp

Add new Salesforce contacts to Mailchimp
  • Salesforce logo
  • Mailchimp logo
Salesforce + Mailchimp

Add new HubSpot contacts to Mailchimp lists

Add new HubSpot contacts to Mailchimp lists
  • HubSpot logo
  • Mailchimp logo
HubSpot + Mailchimp

Add new Pipedrive people to Mailchimp as subscribers

Add new Pipedrive people to Mailchimp as subscribers
  • Pipedrive logo
  • Mailchimp logo
Pipedrive + Mailchimp

Call or text potential clients

Whether you use voice or SMS, you can automatically send contacts a text or call with a pre-recorded message at different stages of your lead cycle. If you want to have more control over your conversations, you can also use a filter or delay step to limit or schedule your follow-up.

Send SMS messages via ClickSend SMS to newly-added persons in Pipedrive CRM

Send SMS messages via ClickSend SMS to newly-added persons in Pipedrive CRM
  • Pipedrive logo
  • ClickSend SMS logo
Pipedrive + ClickSend SMS

Send Twilio SMS messages for new Pipedrive deals reaching certain stages

Send Twilio SMS messages for new Pipedrive deals reaching certain stages
  • Pipedrive logo
  • Twilio logo
Pipedrive + Twilio

Create personalized documents

No matter what type of documents you need to create for your contacts or how you need to use them, there's a way to automate it. You can connect your CRM to your favorite document app, so each time a lead hits a particular stage, a document is automatically sent to the right person with no manual work from your team.

Create Google Docs for new Salesforce leads

Create Google Docs for new Salesforce leads
  • Salesforce logo
  • Google Docs logo
Salesforce + Google Docs

Add text to a Google Doc from a new form submission

Add text to a Google Doc from a new form submission
  • HubSpot logo
  • Google Docs logo
HubSpot + Google Docs

Create DocuSign signature requests for new tags added to contacts in Keap Max Classic

Create DocuSign signature requests for new tags added to contacts in Keap Max Classic
  • Keap Max Classic logo
  • Docusign logo
Keap Max Classic + Docusign

Keep your team informed automatically

A lot is probably happening in your CRM—and a lot of different team members might need to know about it. You can make sure everyone is kept in the loop with automation. Connect your CRM to your task and chat apps, keep team members informed of progress, and more.

Make new projects and tasks

When a new contact is added to your CRM or a lead has reached a new stage, some sort of action needs to be taken to keep that lead warm. But since different team members may own different stages of client communication, it's easy for leads to slip through the cracks.

Use automation to automatically add new projects or tasks to your team's project management or task tools based on behavior in your CRM. 

Create Trello cards for new HubSpot form submissions

Create Trello cards for new HubSpot form submissions
  • HubSpot logo
  • Trello logo
HubSpot + Trello

Add new items in Notion databases with new form submissions in HubSpot

Add new items in Notion databases with new form submissions in HubSpot
  • HubSpot logo
  • Notion logo
HubSpot + Notion

Send notifications in your team chat app

If your team spends most of their day in the company's chat app (who doesn't these days?), make sure they know when a new lead or task comes their way by sending an alert right where they are. Each time a new contact or lead is added to your CRM, send a message to the right person or team in your chat tool.

Send Slack messages for new Pipedrive deals

Send Slack messages for new Pipedrive deals
  • Pipedrive logo
  • Slack logo
Pipedrive + Slack

Send Microsoft Teams channel messages for new HubSpot contacts

Send Microsoft Teams channel messages for new HubSpot contacts
  • HubSpot logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
HubSpot + Microsoft Teams

Get Slack notifications for new Salesforce opportunities

Get Slack notifications for new Salesforce opportunities
  • Salesforce logo
  • Slack logo
Salesforce + Slack

Keep track of what you've done

One of the best motivation tools is a list of everything you've done that shows your progress. Creating a log of your team wins can also help make them more visible to other teams that might not have access to your CRM. Use a Zap to send your new contacts or won deals to a spreadsheet or task management app. 

Create Google Sheets rows from new Salesforce leads

Create Google Sheets rows from new Salesforce leads
  • Salesforce logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Salesforce + Google Sheets

Add new HubSpot contacts to Airtable as records

Add new HubSpot contacts to Airtable as records
  • HubSpot logo
  • Airtable logo
HubSpot + Airtable

Add new Pipedrive deals to Trello as cards

Add new Pipedrive deals to Trello as cards
  • Pipedrive logo
  • Trello logo
Pipedrive + Trello

Add your own automation

Don't see the apps you use above or want to do even more with your CRM? Zapier connects with thousands of apps. Find the tools you use at work in our App Directory and start automating your CRM today.

You can use Zapier's pre-built simple CRM template to optimize your sales process with an elegant and personalized CRM tool that fits your business needs. The template includes a form to collect leads, a datasheet to store lead information, and a visual tracker to manage the status of each lead and initiate actions when needed.

This article was originally published in October 2014. It was updated in February 2022.

Related reading:

  • How to automate Growbots

  • CRM automation to boost your team's productivity

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'