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3 min read

6 ways to automate your online course registration and follow-up

By Elena Alston · October 30, 2023
A man wearing headphones smiles while taking a class on a computer.

No matter the online course you're teaching (from music classes to personal training), there are a lot of moving parts that go beyond the lessons themselves. Most of those areas need to be addressed with a business mindset. After all, you need to market your course, register and enroll new students, onboard them via email, keep track of your sales—the list goes on and on. 

That's why automation is key to streamlining that whole process. Using automated workflows—what we call Zaps—you can automate the manual tasks involved with scaling your teaching or coaching business, like enrolling new students, adding them to your newsletter, and more. Here's how

You'll need a Zapier account to use the workflows in this piece. If you don't have an account yet, it's free to get started.

Table of contents

  • Get notified for new enrollments

  • Register students for your course

  • Welcome—and follow up with—new students

  • Add students to your marketing platforms

  • Log sales and customer information in your database

  • Assign badges and certificates

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Get notified for new enrollments

It's easy to lose track of who signs up for your course—especially if you've got multiple on the go. Instead of trying to map a sales invoice to a specific person every few days, you can use these Zaps to instantly get notified via Slack or SMS the moment someone pays for a course. 

That way, you can enhance communication with your team or reach out to new students instantly without manual work. 

Notify Slack channel of new Teachable enrollments with channel messages

Notify Slack channel of new Teachable enrollments with channel messages
  • Teachable logo
  • Slack logo
Teachable + Slack

Send sms notifications for new full enrollments in Thinkific with Twilio

Send sms notifications for new full enrollments in Thinkific with Twilio
  • Thinkific logo
  • Twilio logo
Thinkific + Twilio

Send Slack channel messages with new Thinkific orders

Send Slack channel messages with new Thinkific orders
  • Thinkific logo
  • Slack logo
Thinkific + Slack

Register students for your course

Once your students pay for a course, they're probably raring to get started. But first, you have to add their details to your online course software, which can take unnecessary time (and lead to the occasional mistake). Instead of enrolling new students manually, Zapier can do it for you, helping you scale the number of students you onboard. That means that whenever someone purchases or signs up for your course, their information will be automatically transferred to your online course platform.

Here are some pre-made Zaps to get you started:

Enroll users in Teachable courses with new paid Shopify orders

Enroll users in Teachable courses with new paid Shopify orders
  • Shopify logo
  • Teachable logo
Shopify + Teachable

Enroll new Thinkific users when Stripe checkout sessions are completed

Enroll new Thinkific users when Stripe checkout sessions are completed
  • Stripe logo
  • Thinkific logo
Stripe + Thinkific

Enroll Shopify users with new paid orders in LearnWorlds products

Enroll Shopify users with new paid orders in LearnWorlds products
  • Shopify logo
  • LearnWorlds logo
Shopify + LearnWorlds

Enroll new clients into Teachable courses once they book you on HoneyBook

Enroll new clients into Teachable courses once they book you on HoneyBook
  • HoneyBook logo
  • Teachable logo
HoneyBook + Teachable

If you use an eCommerce platform or payment processor, you can use a filter step—available on our paid plans—in a Zap to automatically enroll students if they purchase a specific product.

Using live video for your courses? Check out our tips for automating webinars.

Welcome—and follow up with—new students

You've done the hard part. You've marketed your course and you have a new student in your midst—congrats! 

But don't leave them hanging. Once they've signed up for (or finished) a course, keep the communication going by reaching out with a quick welcome message or post-course next steps, so they know what to expect.  

To communicate with students at scale, you can use these Zaps to send automatic messages the moment they've enrolled in or finished a course. And, if you're not sure what to write, you can use AI to draft a professional message for you. 

Send Gmail emails for new enrollments in Teachable

Send Gmail emails for new enrollments in Teachable
  • Teachable logo
  • Gmail logo
Teachable + Gmail

Send emails via Gmail for new Thinkific orders

Send emails via Gmail for new Thinkific orders
  • Thinkific logo
  • Gmail logo
Thinkific + Gmail

Send new Teachable students an AI-generated email

Send new Teachable students an AI-generated email
  • Teachable logo
  • OpenAI (GPT-4, DALL-E, Whisper) logo
  • Gmail logo
Teachable + OpenAI (GPT-4, DALL-E, Whisper) + Gmail

Send Gmail emails for new completed courses in Teachable

Send Gmail emails for new completed courses in Teachable
  • Teachable logo
  • Gmail logo
Teachable + Gmail

Add students to your marketing platforms

When a student enrolls in or purchases your course, that's hopefully just the beginning of their relationship with your business. After they finish one course, you'll want to market other lessons you've created that might interest them. You also might want to send follow-up content or tips for how to continue the learning process once the course is over.

These Zaps will automatically pass your students' information to your email marketing tool or ad platform, making it easy for you to send them campaigns in the future.

Subscribe new Thinkific students to Mailchimp

Subscribe new Thinkific students to Mailchimp
  • Thinkific logo
  • Mailchimp logo
Thinkific + Mailchimp

Create or update HubSpot contacts for new users in Teachable

Create or update HubSpot contacts for new users in Teachable
  • Teachable logo
  • HubSpot logo
Teachable + HubSpot

Add contacts to a Google Ads customer list for new orders on Thinkific

Add contacts to a Google Ads customer list for new orders on Thinkific
  • Thinkific logo
  • Google Ads logo
Thinkific + Google Ads

If you work with apps or software not included in this article, don't worry—Zapier works with thousands of apps. Head to our App Directory and search for the one you use, or browse to find the right solution for your needs. Plus, here are 5 things you can do in Zapier's App Directory.

Log sales and customer information in your database

Do you want a better sense of who's taking your course? Depending on the information you collect at the point of enrollment or purchase, you might analyze geographic location, job title, age, and more. That can help you get to know your students and market your courses better in the future. Or perhaps you just want to keep a running log of all your sales, for better data management down the line.

Whatever the case, Zapier will automatically send enrollment information to a spreadsheet, so you can take the data and analyze it however you want.

Log new Teachable sales in Google Sheets rows

Log new Teachable sales in Google Sheets rows
  • Teachable logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Teachable + Google Sheets

Log new Thinkific orders to a Google Sheet

Log new Thinkific orders to a Google Sheet
  • Thinkific logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Thinkific + Google Sheets

Create Google Sheet rows from new Podia sales

Create Google Sheet rows from new Podia sales
  • Podia logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Podia + Google Sheets

Assign badges and certificates

Once your students complete a course, you might reward them with a digital badge or a certificate so they can show off their new achievements to the world. 

Instead of creating—and sending—these accolades manually, you can use Zapier to automatically acknowledge your students for their hard work without manual input. 

Create Accredible Certificates for new Teachable course completions

Create Accredible Certificates for new Teachable course completions
  • Teachable logo
  • Accredible Certificates logo
Teachable + Accredible Certificates

Issue badges with Badgr to new Teachable course completers

Issue badges with Badgr to new Teachable course completers
  • Teachable logo
  • Badgr logo
Teachable + Badgr

Create course certificates with Docupilot for new completed Teachable courses

Create course certificates with Docupilot for new completed Teachable courses
  • Teachable logo
  • Docupilot logo
Teachable + Docupilot

Streamline and scale your teaching business

With a few automatic workflows, you can spend less time worrying about the administrative details and more time on your class content.

From onboarding new students to keeping track of all your sales, automation will help you scale your business, so you can get back to what matters: your students.

New to Zapier? It's workflow automation software that lets you focus on what matters. Combine user interfaces, data tables, and logic with 6,000+ apps to build and automate anything you can imagine. Sign up for free.

Related reading:

  • 7 tips for hosting a webinar that engages and converts

  • Automatically create certificates for online tests

  • Kajabi vs. Teachable: Which online course platform should you use?

  • 5 ways to automate Teachable

  • How to automate Thinkific

This piece was originally published in April 2020, with previous contributions from Deb Tennen and Krystina Martinez. It was most recently updated in October 2023 by Elena Alston.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'