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5 things you can do in Zapier's App Directory

By Krystina Martinez · August 2, 2022
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When someone asks me if a specific app has a Zapier integration, I usually point them to our App Directory. Even though I work here, it's hard to keep track of all the apps we automate. (It's thousands, in case you're curious.)  

But Zapier's App Directory can do a lot more than just tell you if your favorite apps connect with Zapier. Here are a few ways to use our App Directory to achieve your automation goals. 

Skip ahead

  • Get integration details

  • Find app-specific help docs

  • Play with Zap combos

  • Find pre-built Zaps

  • Shop for alternative apps

Zapier is the leader in workflow automation—integrating with 6,000+ apps from partners like Google, Salesforce, and Microsoft. Use interfaces, data tables, and logic to build secure, automated systems for your business-critical workflows across your organization's technology stack. Learn more.

Get integration details

Who hasn't experienced disappointment when searching for a way to automate a specific app? Perhaps you're checking out that app's built-in integrations or looking at another automation service. You take the plunge and try it out, only to discover that the integration doesn't do the specific thing you need it to do. 

Luckily, Zapier's App Directory tells you up-front—and you don't even have to have an account with us to find out.

How to find it

Navigate to the App Directory. Then, use the search bar to find a specific app. 

The search bar within the Zapier App Directory.

Click on the app to go to the app's profile page. An app labelled "Beta" in our App Directory is actively being worked on by our developers so features may change. And apps labeled "Premium" are available on our paid plans.

Scroll all the way down the profile page until you see a section called Supported triggers and actions. This will list everything the Zapier integration can accomplish. 

A list of supported triggers and actions for an app.

A trigger is an event that starts a Zap. An action is an event your Zap performs after it's triggered.

By default, you'll see all triggers and actions, but you can toggle and view only triggers or only actions. 

A list of supported triggers and actions for an app. An arrow points to buttons to toggle between viewing triggers, actions, or both.

There are a few extra details worth paying attention to. When looking at triggers for a specific app integration, you may notice some will either be labeled Scheduled or Instant

Red numbers highlight the "Scheduled" and "Instant" labels next to listed triggers.

These labels will tell you how quickly the trigger will occur. Here's what they mean:

  1. Scheduled: Zapier will check for information every 15 minutes or more frequently on paid plans

  2. Instant: The event starts a Zap instantly.

Which triggers are instant or scheduled will depend on the app.

Learn more about types of Zapier triggers

When you're looking at actions, you may see any of these labels: 

  1. Write: The action will create a new record.

  2. Search: This means that the action is a search step. Search steps are available with some apps. 

  3. Search or write: This action will search for existing information. If it's not available, it will create a new record in the same step.

Red numbers highlight "Write," "Search", and "Search and write" labels next to listed actions.

These labels will help you determine whether the integration will do what you need it to. For example, if you want to automate record-keeping in your CRM, you'll likely want the integration to have a search step available so you can prevent duplicate information.

Find app-specific help docs

Every app, even in the same category, behaves a little differently. For example, if you're creating a Zap and connecting Google Sheets to Zapier, all you have to do is sign into your Google account. But if you're using Airtable, you need to find your API key in the app first. 

We don't expect you to know all of the tricks for a specific app, so we have app-specific help docs to make sure you can automate successfully. 

How to find them

On the app profile page, click on the Help tab. 

A red box highlights the "Help" tab in an app profile.

You'll see a list of all the help docs for that specific app. 

A list of app-related help docs.

You'll usually see at least two help docs: 

  • How to get started with ______:  This will explain how to connect the app to Zapier, including any settings or permissions you need to make the integration work. 

  • Common problems with _____ and Zapier:  This addresses common issues and workarounds when using the integration. 

Depending on the app, you might also see some help docs addressing common error messages. You can click on any of the links to navigate to the help article. 

Read more: How to troubleshoot Zaps

Play with Zap combos

If you came to Zapier just to connect a specific task between two apps, you might be missing out on all of the other workflows you can automate between the other apps you use.

In the App Directory, you can view all the triggers and actions between two apps—and you don't have to toggle between different pages. 

How to do it

On the app profile page, click on Search for pairing apps, then type in and select the name of the app you want to connect to.  

An arrow points to a search box to look for pairing apps.

You'll be directed to the app pairing profile. It will contain similar information for single-app profile pages. 

You can toggle between triggers and actions between your selected apps slot-machine style, if that's your thing. 

A profile page for an app pairing. A trigger-action combination is highlighted.

If you keep going, you can see some pre-built Zaps you can use to get started quickly. (More on that later.)

A list of Zap templates for the YouTube/Google Sheets app combo.

Keep scrolling, and you'll see a list of the supported triggers and actions for this app combo. 

A list of supported triggers and actions for YouTube and Google Sheets.

It's an easier way to see all the automation possibilities with a specific app pairing. 

Find pre-built Zaps

While I'm a DIY-type of person, I love a good shortcut—especially if I'm learning something new. 

That's where our Zap templates come in. 

Zap templates are pre-built Zaps. Whenever you click on a template, it will take you to the Zap editor where the trigger and action combo is already set up for you. You just need to personalize it. It's a great way to help you get started automating quickly.

If you've read some of our automation-specific articles on our blog, you know that we always include Zap templates. You can also find these templates in our App Directory.

How to find them

On the app profile, scroll down the page until you see the section Popular ways to use _______ workflows. This contains all the Zap templates available for the selected app.

A list of Zap templates.

You can also search for Zap templates between two apps. When you select your second app, you'll see all the available Zap templates for this combination. 

A GIF demonstrating how to narrow down Zap templates by app within a profile page.

If we don't have a specific Zap template you're looking for, that doesn't mean you can't automate it. As long as a Zapier integration is available, you can create a Zap from scratch in our editor

If you click on any Zap template, you'll see the specific trigger and action for that Zap. To get started with the template, click Try it

A single Zap template. It lists the trigger, action, and has buttons to start using the Zap or see more details.

You can also go to the profile page for the specific app pairing if you'd like by clicking on See Zap details.

The information page for the selected Zap template.

You can scroll down the page to see all the possible triggers and actions between the two apps. 

A list of supported triggers and actions for Typeform and Google Sheets.

Starting to sound familiar? The App Directory offers multiple methods for finding what you need. 

Shop for alternative apps

If you're looking for an app to accomplish a specific task, you have no shortage of options. That's a good thing, considering we all have our own criteria for what we need from a tool. But that also means you'll hit a few duds before you find what you're looking for. (That's why we test out the best apps.)

Personally, I won't use an app that I can't automate with Zapier—and it's not because I work here. Automation is critical for me because I have ADHD. I need to reduce as many manual processes as possible so I don't get overwhelmed. 

Whether your brain works a certain way, you need a tool to fit your work style, or you just want an extra set of criteria to evaluate apps against, you can use the App Directory to search for automation-friendly apps. 

How to shop

Every app in Zapier's App Directory is categorized. On the profile page for an app, the categories will be listed right below the app name. 

An arrow points to the categories listed for Google Sheets on its' app profile page.

For example, if you're tired of Google Sheets and want to look for an alternative spreadsheet app, you could click on the Spreadsheet category. 

You'll see a list of the most popular spreadsheet apps we automate with. Explore and see if a particular integration suits your needs. 

A box highlights the top apps for the spreadsheet category in the App Directory.

If you're doing a little window shopping, you can also explore our App Directory. You can search by app category, popularity, and more. 

A box highlights the app categories available to browse in the App Directory.

Explore the App Directory with confidence

Our App Directory isn't as exciting as say, actually automating something with Zapier. But it's a useful resource for your automation needs, whether it's finding a new way to automate your favorite apps, getting started with a Zap quickly, or finding a better tool to add to your tech stack. 

Looking for more tips for your Zapier account? Check out these organization tips for your Zaps so you can automate more efficiently across your company.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'