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6 ways to automate Writesonic with Zapier

By Will Harris · August 28, 2023
Header image for a blog post about automating Writesonic with Zapier.

If you're a writer—or someone who has to write as part of their job—Writesonic is a tool that should be on your radar. An AI-powered platform that's purpose-built for writers, Writesonic is loaded with templates to create copy for landing pages, blog articles, and everything in between.

With Zapier, you can add automation to the mix, helping you move even faster by automating some of your content creation workflows.

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Table of contents

  • Populate your content calendar

  • Generate product descriptions

  • Create and share social media content

  • Produce landing page copy

  • Edit your content

  • Write ad copy

Before you begin

Writesonic has two different integrations on Zapier: Writesonic and Writesonic Bulk

The Writesonic integration can only be used as a trigger app—the tool from which your automated workflow will begin. It's useful if you want to send generated text from Writesonic to another place.

The Writesonic Bulk integration consists only of actions—tasks you want your Zap to perform when it's triggered. You'll use this when you want to send information from one app to Writesonic. 

Writesonic Bulk is the integration you'll see used in the majority of the Zap templates below.

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Populate your editorial calendar

An editorial calendar is at the heart of any content marketer's responsibilities—and managing it is a lot of work. Between brainstorming, outlining, and actually writing the content, it's easy to fall behind and get off schedule.

The good news? Writesonic can help with all of these steps. With the Zaps below, you can generate everything from blog ideas, to outlines, to intros and even whole posts. Oh, and it's all done automatically.

Generate blog intros in Writesonic Bulk from new Google Sheets rows

Generate blog intros in Writesonic Bulk from new Google Sheets rows
  • Google Sheets logo
  • Writesonic Bulk logo
Google Sheets + Writesonic Bulk

Generate blog outlines for new Notion database items

Generate blog outlines for new Notion database items
  • Notion logo
  • Writesonic Bulk logo
Notion + Writesonic Bulk

Create a Google Doc with new content from Writesonic

Create a Google Doc with new content from Writesonic
  • Writesonic logo
  • Google Docs logo
Writesonic + Google Docs

Create Wordpress posts for new copy in Writesonic

Create Wordpress posts for new copy in Writesonic
  • Writesonic logo
  • WordPress logo
Writesonic + WordPress

Automatically generate product descriptions

Product descriptions are a unique style of writing that takes a lot of discipline. There's so much you need to communicate to a prospective buyer and such little space to do it. Plus, depending on how many products you have, it can take a long time to produce all of that copy.

With these Zaps, you can automatically generate product descriptions from a database. As soon as a new row is added with all of your product's details, you can pass that information along to Writesonic. Then, Writesonic will generate your description and send it to your database or your eCommerce platform to add to your website.

Generate product descriptions with Writesonic from spreadsheet rows in Google Sheets

Generate product descriptions with Writesonic from spreadsheet rows in Google Sheets
  • Google Sheets logo
  • Writesonic Bulk logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Google Sheets + Writesonic Bulk

Generate product descriptions with Writesonic and add them to Shopify

Generate product descriptions with Writesonic and add them to Shopify
  • Airtable logo
  • Writesonic Bulk logo
  • Shopify logo
Airtable + Writesonic Bulk + Shopify

Create and share social media posts

If you write a new blog post or launch a new product, odds are you'll want to promote it on your social media channels. Promotion is a pivotal part of a successful launch strategy, but it can also feel like just another thing on a never-ending list of tasks.

With these Zaps, you can have Writesonic draft your social posts for you or post them directly, helping shoulder some of the load when it comes to social media promotion.

Create updates in LinkedIn from new Writesonic copy

Create updates in LinkedIn from new Writesonic copy
  • Writesonic logo
  • LinkedIn logo
Writesonic + LinkedIn

Add newly published copy in Writesonic to your Buffer queue

Add newly published copy in Writesonic to your Buffer queue
  • Writesonic logo
  • Buffer logo
Writesonic + Buffer

Produce landing page copy

Need to draft up a landing page for a new product or feature? Just give Writesonic the name of your product and a detailed description, and it will generate headlines for your landing page in no time.

With these Zaps, you can add a brief to a project management tool like Asana or Trello, have Writesonic generate the landing page copy, then send it wherever you'd like—so you can edit it and push it live.

Write landing page headlines with Writesonic and add them to a Google Doc

Write landing page headlines with Writesonic and add them to a Google Doc
  • Trello logo
  • Writesonic Bulk logo
  • Google Docs logo
Trello + Writesonic Bulk + Google Docs

Edit your content

Wouldn't it be nice to have an on-demand editor to help with your writing? Zapier and Writesonic can do precisely that. The best part is you don't need a separate tab or window on your desktop.

With the Zap below, you can paste your writing into the Zapier Chrome extension, which will send it to Writesonic to shorten or rephrase, then send it back to you. This way, if you're working on a draft and want to tighten up some of your writing, you can get edits in real time.

Send copy to Writesonic to rephrease with the Zapier Chrome extension

Send copy to Writesonic to rephrease with the Zapier Chrome extension
  • Zapier Chrome extension logo
  • Writesonic Bulk logo
  • Zapier Chrome extension logo
Zapier Chrome extension + Writesonic Bulk

Write ad copy 

Writesonic can be incredibly helpful for writing ad copy. Since it can generate endless ideas, it's easy to gather variations to test and see what copy performs best.

With the Zaps below, you can generate ad copy automatically from a brief in Asana or Airtable—allowing you to get your ads up and running quickly.

Write better copy faster with Writesonic and Zapier

Writesonic is a great generative text AI tool. It's also great for automating. With a large number of actions available in the Writesonic Bulk integration, you can automate the creation of virtually any content type—giving you the confidence to tackle whatever writing task comes your way.

Related reading:

  • How to use OpenAI's GPT-3 to spark content ideas

  • Generate blog images with DALL·E and Zapier

  • How to automatically write social media posts with AI and Zapier

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'