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4 min read

6 ways to automate content marketing with Jasper

By Elena Alston · June 9, 2023
A hero image of the Jasper app logo connected to other app logos on a purple background.

AI content generator tools like Jasper are a shoo-in for when procrastination kicks in, or you're looking to lighten the workload and speed up the idea-to-draft process. Jasper can interpret your instructions and turn them into a first-draft blog post, video script, or Tweet, ready for your own personal touch. It can churn out outlines and emails and takes the more irksome tasks like titles and meta descriptions off your plate.  

That's already a win for content marketers looking to streamline tasks that suck up a lot of their time. When combined with Zapier, things can get a whole lot more collaborative—and a whole lot more streamlined. 

With our automated workflows called Zaps, you can connect your favorite apps to Jasper and automate anything from publishing blog posts in WordPress to sending your video team AI-generated scripts. Here are a few ways to get started. 

New to Zapier? It's workflow automation software that lets you focus on what matters. Combine user interfaces, data tables, and logic with 6,000+ apps to build and automate anything you can imagine. Sign up for free to use this app, and thousands more, with Zapier.

Table of contents

  • For blog creation and management

  • For product descriptions and listings

  • For summarizing research and business information 

  • For creating ads and streamlining social media tasks

  • For creating and producing videos 

  • For generating sales emails and landing pages

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

For blog creation and management 

For any blog writer or editor, creating outlines for posts is often the most labor-intensive part. You've got to research the topic. Decide on the structure. Make sure it adheres to a brief, if you have one. For all of those steps, you can use these workflows to take a blog idea, create a detailed outline, then share it with your team in Slack. 

Run Jasper commands to create outlined content and share in Slack

Run Jasper commands to create outlined content and share in Slack
  • Airtable logo
  • Jasper logo
  • Slack logo
Airtable + Jasper + Slack

Run Jasper commands to create content outlines based on a brief

Run Jasper commands to create content outlines based on a brief
  • Asana logo
  • Jasper logo
  • Google Docs logo
Asana + Jasper + Google Docs

Build content outlines with Jasper and send to your team as an email

Build content outlines with Jasper and send to your team as an email
  • Google Sheets logo
  • Jasper logo
  • Gmail logo
Google Sheets + Jasper + Gmail

Now say you want to automate the whole process—from writing a blog post to getting it published on your site. If your team stores content ideas in a shared space like Google Sheets or Airtable, you can use these workflows to create posts from that source information, then send it directly to WordPress or Tumblr as a post. 

Create blog posts with Jasper and publish in WordPress

Create blog posts with Jasper and publish in WordPress
  • Airtable logo
  • Jasper logo
  • WordPress logo
Airtable + Jasper + WordPress

Create blog posts with Jasper and publish in Tumblr

Create blog posts with Jasper and publish in Tumblr
  • Notion logo
  • Jasper logo
  • Tumblr logo
Notion + Jasper + Tumblr

This works for any type of content, too. Perhaps you spot a Tweet out in the wild that would make a good article. Or maybe you're gathering answers from a customer via a form to write a Q&A. Jasper can do the crafting and automation will send it straight to your content management system or project management tool for review.

Create blog posts with Jasper from submitted Typeforms

Create blog posts with Jasper from submitted Typeforms
  • Typeform logo
  • Jasper logo
  • WordPress logo
Typeform + Jasper + WordPress

Create Jasper blog posts and monday.com items from new Google Forms responses

Create Jasper blog posts and monday.com items from new Google Forms responses
  • Google Forms logo
  • Jasper logo
  • monday.com logo
Google Forms + Jasper + monday.com

For product descriptions and listings

Writing product descriptions—though essential to encourage sales—isn't going to be the most creative thing you do all day. 

Whether you're listing a line of handmade pottery or selling custom-made tees on Shopify, Jasper plays a good hand at creating compelling copy for eCommerce listings. 

These workflows take whatever product information you have stored in your database or via form responses, draft (or update) descriptions for you, and even add that listing to your eCommerce platform.  

Create product descriptions in Jasper from new or updated Airtable records

Create product descriptions in Jasper from new or updated Airtable records
  • Airtable logo
  • Jasper logo
  • Airtable logo
Airtable + Jasper

Create product descriptions with Jasper and add to Shopify

Create product descriptions with Jasper and add to Shopify
  • Google Sheets logo
  • Jasper logo
  • Shopify logo
Google Sheets + Jasper + Shopify

Update product descriptions from Google Forms responses and update in Shopify

Update product descriptions from Google Forms responses and update in Shopify
  • Google Forms logo
  • Jasper logo
  • Shopify logo
Google Forms + Jasper + Shopify

But maybe you're not selling physical products. If you're showing off your app's latest features to customers or even internally to your team, you can feed Jasper the features detailed on your tickets, and it will transform those into benefits your whole team can use. 

As for the rest, you can send those descriptions to Slack or update the fields on your Jira ticket.

Create product descriptions with Jasper based on Jira issue comments

Create product descriptions with Jasper based on Jira issue comments
  • Jira Software Cloud logo
  • Jasper logo
  • Jira Software Cloud logo
Jira Software Cloud + Jasper

Create a product description (features and benefits) based on new Zendesk tickets

Create a product description (features and benefits) based on new Zendesk tickets
  • Zendesk logo
  • Jasper logo
  • Slack logo
Zendesk + Jasper + Slack

For summarizing research and business information 

Content marketers deal with an influx of information every day coming from all sides. It can get a tad overwhelming if you don't have a proper system in place. 

From meetings to web articles and documents shared in Slack, it's easy for critical information to get lost—even if it's hiding in plain sight. 

These workflows make use of Jasper's content summarizer capabilities, allowing you to extract the key bullet points from any piece of content. Then you can share with your team in Slack or wherever you spend most of your time. 

Summarize your meeting transcripts with Jasper and send as a Slack message

Summarize your meeting transcripts with Jasper and send as a Slack message
  • Dropbox logo
  • Jasper logo
  • Slack logo
Dropbox + Jasper + Slack

Create a summary of important docs with Jasper and append to Evernotes

Create a summary of important docs with Jasper and append to Evernotes
  • Google Docs logo
  • Jasper logo
  • Evernote logo
Google Docs + Jasper + Evernote

For creating ads and streamlining social media tasks

If your ads and social media presence need a little boost (or just some streamlined maintenance), you can use Jasper to help you write anything from Tweets to Google Ads—based on your company briefs. That's particularly handy if you ever struggle with creating headlines and descriptions that do the hard work of converting. 

You can use Zapier to route your ads and posts straight to your social platforms or store them elsewhere (like in your database) so you and your team can review. 

Create Facebook posts with Jasper

Create Facebook posts with Jasper
  • Airtable logo
  • Jasper logo
  • Facebook Pages logo
Airtable + Jasper + Facebook Pages

Create company updates with Jasper and update LinkedIn

Create company updates with Jasper and update LinkedIn
  • Slack logo
  • Jasper logo
  • LinkedIn logo
Slack + Jasper + LinkedIn

For creating and producing videos 

The time it takes to produce a good video—from transcribing to script development and filming—can easily get in the way of the creative process. Especially if you're in a time crunch. 

Create video scripts with Jasper and share in Slack

Create video scripts with Jasper and share in Slack
  • Google Docs logo
  • Jasper logo
  • Slack logo
Google Docs + Jasper + Slack

That's why you can enlist Jasper to write video scripts based on blog posts or briefs and then share them with your production team to review and polish, saving everyone valuable time. Or, if you're struggling with inspiration before you even get started, you can hook up Jasper to Slack and generate video ideas based on messages that catch your eye. 

Once your video's been made, you can also use these workflows to upload the video to your streaming platform. Jasper will even write the video description and title to rank well in search. 

Upload new Dropbox files to YouTube as videos with Jasper generated content

Upload new Dropbox files to YouTube as videos with Jasper generated content
  • Dropbox logo
  • Jasper logo
  • YouTube logo
Dropbox + Jasper + YouTube

For generating sales emails and landing pages

Writing sales emails (which readers will open) is a tough job. That's why it can help to have a little assistance from AI, especially when you have to carry out outreach at scale. 

These workflows will help you write sales emails based on incoming emails or other briefs, and trigger the appropriate outreach to your customers, be that via email or SMS. 

Create email responses to customer emails with Jasper

Create email responses to customer emails with Jasper
  • Gmail logo
  • Jasper logo
  • Gmail logo
Gmail + Jasper

Send SMS with Jasper and SMS by Zapier

Send SMS with Jasper and SMS by Zapier
  • Gmail logo
  • Jasper logo
  • SMS by Zapier logo
Gmail + Jasper + SMS by Zapier

Create email responses with Jasper to forms submissions

Create email responses with Jasper to forms submissions
  • Typeform logo
  • Jasper logo
  • Gmail logo
Typeform + Jasper + Gmail

Or, better yet, you can use Jasper to help you turn your product's features into benefits—like bullet points—that compel action for landing pages. You can then share those landing pages with your content and design teams in Slack. 

Create landing page copy with Jasper and add to a Google Doc

Create landing page copy with Jasper and add to a Google Doc
  • Coda logo
  • Slack logo
Coda + Google Docs + Jasper + 1 more

Automate your content marketing with Jasper and Zapier

With Jasper and Zapier, you can automatically streamline your content marketing and share your AI-generated content so your team has what they need to do their best work. 

Zapier supports thousands of apps, so you automate almost any task at work. Start building your Zap now and see what you can create. 

Related reading:

  • How to use OpenAI's GPT-3 to spark content ideas

  • How to automatically write social posts with AI and Zapier

  • 8 ways real businesses are using AI for content creation

  • Popular ways to automate Writer

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'