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How TikTok for Business spans the gulf between lead-gen apps and CRMs

By Elena Alston · February 13, 2023

If the app you work on is a lead-generation or contact management tool, your main goal is to make it easy for your users to capture leads—but not necessarily to nurture them. 

That leaves a gap that allows precious leads to fall through the cracks. This is a major issue, particularly when response times can make or break a sale. In fact, studies show that the optimal lead response time is five minutes or less. 

That's why your app users can't afford to waste time manually transferring lead info from your app to their customer relationship management (CRM) platform. They'll get the most value out of your tool (and give their leads a better experience) when they automate their sales funnel with Zapier. 

Ready to help your users bridge that gap? We've rounded up examples of brands that let users know early and often about handy Zapier integrations—and set their users up for success in the process. 

The problem

How can you help your users get the most value out of your lead-gen tool when the second half of the buyer's journey generally takes place in a different app altogether—like a CRM? 

The solution

Automation can help your users bridge that gap, and eliminate the need to manually transfer lead info from your tool to their CRMs. If your lead-gen tool connects with Zapier, you're already adding value to your users' lead cycle—all without spending the time and resources to create a native integration.

All you need to do is make sure your users know about it. And here are some examples from tech brands that have done just that. 

Real success (and real results)

As a Zapier partner, we encourage you to promote Zapier and its 5,000+ integrations to your users when onboarding and nurturing them. Letting your users know about Zapier early and often leads to stickier users and more growth.

TikTok Lead Generation

TikTok Lead Generation is a type of TikTok ad with an attached form. When someone taps the CTA, their info is auto-populated into the form, so that prospect can express their interest in your product without ever leaving the TikTok platform. 

TikTok's solution

The team behind TikTok For Business knows that CRMs are an essential part of their business users' workflows. That's why TikTok sends their users lifecycle marketing emails encouraging them to integrate their CRM via Zapier early on. It's an effective onboarding technique that helps business users leverage their lead information and drive conversions. 


Clearbit is a contact management tool that helps you reveal the companies behind website visits, create personalized buying experiences, and capture more leads with shortened forms. Users can also enrich their contact records with social, demographic, and firmographic data. 

Clearbit's solution

Clearbit set up a custom onboarding flow that triggers a personalized email whenever someone creates a Zap using Clearbit. In that email, they suggest more ways they can use Zapier (including with CRMs), so they can convert more prospects. By showcasing Zapier across more general onboarding emails, they found it also helps reduce churn. 

[Integrations] have particular importance early in a customer’s lifecycle because they show the value of your product very quickly. We do this through targeted nurture emails to new customers highlighting our integrations.

—Matt Sornson, Clearbit’s Chief Marketing Officer


Typeform is a form builder and lead-generation tool that helps users get more qualified leads via interactive, conversational forms and quizzes. 

Typeform's solution

Typeform knows that fast follow-up lies at the heart of its users' success. The Typeform team encourages users to add response data to their CRM via Zapier at multiple touchpoints in the customer journey. That includes training materials, help documentation, and onboarding emails—which helped them increase daily signups by 32%.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'