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How we work at Zapier

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This is What a Remote Office Looks Like

By Wade Foster · March 31, 2020

In a traditional office space, you're forced to work in a one-size-fits-all environment. When you work on a remote team, you have complete control over your workspace.

We thought it would be fun to share what we've done with our workspaces, so here's a peek at the remote workspaces of some of the Zapier teammates. Maybe they'll give you some home office ideas of your own. (Note: These aren't in any particular order. And some of us admit to cleaning off our desks before taking the photos.)

Rob Golding, Senior Product Engineer (Nottingham, UK)

Rob Golding workspace

Kirk Godtfredsen, Customer Champion (Seattle, WA)

Kirk Godtfredsen workspace

Kim Kadiyala, Marketing Specialist (Fort Lauderdale, FL)

Kim Kadiyala workspace

Erin Chock, Customer Champion (Portland, OR)

Erin Chock workspace

Hoon Park, Product Manager (Austin, TX)

Hoon's workspace

Brian Corbin, Backend Engineer (Clifton, SC)

Brian's office

Brandi Shuttera, Accountant (Clovis, CA)

Brandi's office

Fran Vieux, Customer Champion (Bend, OR)

Fran's office

Joanne Daudier, Frontend Engineer (Portland, OR)

Joanne's office

Andrew Hedges, Engineering Manager (Portland, OR)

Andrew's office

Working on a distributed team helps everyone optimize their environment in a way that suits them best while not distracting everyone else. See more team photos at #zapierlife on Instagram.

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