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How this marketing company tracks lead data for clients in real time

By Ellie Huizenga · January 25, 2022

Marketing can be overwhelming—from lead generation to search engine optimization (SEO) to social media posts—it can be hard to know what to focus on. Fortunately, Sixth City Marketing, a marketing agency focused on building unique marketing campaigns tailored to meet their clients' goals, is here to help. 

Sixth City Marketing prides itself on making data-based decisions. It's how they make sure to get results for their clients. But making sure all their lead data is constantly updated—that's hard (maybe even impossible) to keep up with. 

The team at Sixth City Marketing went searching for a way to connect their many apps so they could automatically update info across their platforms and provide better results for their clients.  

Our stories explore how people at businesses of all sizes use Zapier to solve common problems, get more done, and move forward faster. If you haven't yet, try Zapier for free to see what we're all about.

The challenge: Tracking lead data in real time

Sixth City Marketing has many clients, and they coordinate lead generation campaigns for most of them. This means they're managing multiple lead funnels simultaneously. 

They needed to find an efficient and streamlined way to track everything—without breaking the bank. "From logging in, exporting, formatting, cross-checking data, and analytics, it took us a lot of time," says Sarah Blocksidge, Marketing Director. Because their client spreadsheets weren't regularly updated, they'd often be unprepared for spur-of-the-moment client calls. 

Plus, as Sixth City Marketing brought on more clients, there just wasn't enough time in the week to manually update each individual client's lead spreadsheets. Enter: Zapier. 

The solution: Automating new lead data collection

Most Sixth City Marketing's clients use Wufoo forms to collect lead data. Historically, Sixth City Marketing manually added each Wufoo forms entry to Google Sheets. It took hours every week. 

Fortunately, Zapier helped them completely automate this tedious task. 

Sixth City Marketing uses Zapier to automatically send new leads collected on their clients' Wufoo forms to a personalized Google Sheet for each client. That way, they can send accurate monthly reports to their clients and have up-to-date data for client check-in calls at a moment's notice. 

"It has made our reporting process quicker, which saves our account manager time and gives them less stress," shares Sarah. "Now, they have more time to work with clients instead of pulling data. Sharing real-time lead data is also something not a ton of our competitors are doing, so it's a good competitive advantage when it comes to pitching new clients." 

Try this Zap for yourself: 

Add new Wufoo entries to a Google Sheets spreadsheet

Add new Wufoo entries to a Google Sheets spreadsheet
  • Wufoo logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Wufoo + Google Sheets

The result: A better experience for everyone—both employees and customers

By automating lead collection, Sixth City Marketing created a more efficient process for employees.

Before we discovered how Zapier can help us streamline our lead spreadsheets, it would take us hours to put the data together. But now, we save around 9 or more hours per month.

It's also helped them create a better experience for their customers. "Zapier has helped alleviate many mid-month questions from clients," shares Sarah. "The real-time spreadsheets allow for clients to easily review performance and leads at any given time during the month, which in turn leaves our team more time to focus on implementing other strategies to help them grow."

But automating new lead tracking is just one of the ways Sixth City Marketing leveled up their business with Zapier. They're also using automation to streamline employee onboarding, team communication, and more. 

"Zapier has been the solution for so many obstacles when we thought there were none," says Sarah. "On top of being exactly what we were looking for and being extremely easy to learn and set it, it has also helped us train new employees quicker."

By automating this work, Sixth City Marketing gains back time to focus on the more important things—like developing unique marketing content for their clients.

What's your story? Tell us how you use Zapier to do more. You can also read even more customer stories and find new ways to improve your workflow and productivity.

Related reading: 

  • How StoryCorps uses Zapier to enrich CRM data and improve internal workflows

  • Automation helped this Australian marketing agency run hundreds of profitable campaigns

  • From social media to your CRM: improve your lead management with automation

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'