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5 ways to use the Zapier Xero integration

Try these Xero automation ideas

By Kaylee Moser · June 18, 2024
Hero image of the Xero app logo connected to other app logos on a light blue background.

You likely started using Xero because you wanted to streamline your accounting processes. The software promises to help you spend less time in the books so you can get back to what you love, after all. But what happens when your accounting tool isn't talking to your other apps?

Copying and pasting invoice details or tracking down your teammates to pass on sales info effectively throws all your streamlining efforts out the window. Let Xero do its job by using automation to bridge that communication gap. With Zapier's automated workflows—we call them Zaps—you can easily connect your Xero with your business-critical tools.

Simplify your accounting even as your business grows with these automated workflows.

Xero is a premium app—available on paid Zapier plans. Learn more about premium apps.

Table of contents

  • Create invoices with details from other apps

  • Track payments and invoices

  • Use webhooks with Xero

  • Manage your customer and product information

  • Keep your team in the loop

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Create invoices with details from other apps

No matter what you're selling, invoices are probably a critical part of your accounting workflows. But if you're generating a lot of sales—the dream!—building out those invoices can consume a significant portion of your day. Make it easier for your accounting team to scale their work along with your sales by automating it.

If you use a sales or eCommerce app to make sales—like Stripe, PayPal, or Shopify—or even if you use a humble spreadsheet, Zapier can help you automatically create invoices in Xero from payments, orders, and sales.

Create Xero invoices from new Google Sheets rows

Create Xero invoices from new Google Sheets rows
  • Google Sheets logo
  • Xero logo
Google Sheets + Xero

Create Xero invoices for new Stripe payments

Create Xero invoices for new Stripe payments
  • Stripe logo
  • Xero logo
Stripe + Xero

Create Xero invoices for new WooCommerce orders

Create Xero invoices for new WooCommerce orders
  • WooCommerce logo
  • Xero logo
WooCommerce + Xero

Create Xero invoices for new Shopify paid orders

Create Xero invoices for new Shopify paid orders
  • Shopify logo
  • Xero logo
Shopify + Xero

Learn more: 5 workflows to streamline your invoice and payment processes

But what happens if an invoice needs adjusting? Sometimes, orders might change in other apps, like if there are added shipping fees or a customer requests a refund on a product. When that happens, you'll want to update your sales invoices accordingly so your records are up to date. 

The moment an order gets updated in Shopify or WooCommerce, these Zaps will update its corresponding invoice in Xero: 

Update Xero invoices when Shopify orders are updated

Update Xero invoices when Shopify orders are updated
  • Shopify logo
  • Xero logo
Shopify + Xero

Update Xero invoices from WooCommerce order changes

Update Xero invoices from WooCommerce order changes
  • WooCommerce logo
  • Xero logo
WooCommerce + Xero

Add credit notes to Xero invoices from Shopify updates

Add credit notes to Xero invoices from Shopify updates
  • Shopify logo
  • Xero logo
Shopify + Xero

Track payments and invoices

A big part of accounting is accounting for your payments and sales. Adding your sales data to a spreadsheet or database app can make it easier to share data with other teams who may not have access to your accounting app.

By logging all invoices and payments into a spreadsheet, you can have all the relevant data you need in one place, formatted just the way you want. Set up your spreadsheet just the way you want it, and customize the data that goes into each column. It also makes a great backup, just in case.

Save new Xero invoices to Google Sheets rows

Save new Xero invoices to Google Sheets rows
  • Xero logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Xero + Google Sheets

Add rows in Google Sheets from new Xero payments

Add rows in Google Sheets from new Xero payments
  • Xero logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Xero + Google Sheets

Create Airtable records from new sales invoices in Xero

Create Airtable records from new sales invoices in Xero
  • Xero logo
  • Airtable logo
Xero + Airtable

Create Airtable records from new Xero payments

Create Airtable records from new Xero payments
  • Xero logo
  • Airtable logo
Xero + Airtable

Learn more: 5 simple ways to automate your bookkeeping

Manage your customer and product information

While Xero is your first port of call for all your accounting needs, you still need a way to sync your contacts—and any new products you're selling—across your different tools. 

You might need to add new Xero customers to your CRM, for example, so your sales and marketing teams can reach out accordingly. Or maybe you've just added a new product to your online store, and you want to reflect that new inventory in Xero. Whatever the case, these Zaps will do the heavy lifting for you: 

Create contacts in HubSpot from Xero contacts

Create contacts in HubSpot from Xero contacts
  • Xero logo
  • HubSpot logo
Xero + HubSpot

Create Salesforce contacts when Xero contacts are created or updated

Create Salesforce contacts when Xero contacts are created or updated
  • Xero logo
  • Salesforce logo
Xero + Salesforce

Find or create items in Xero when new WooCommerce products are created

Find or create items in Xero when new WooCommerce products are created
  • WooCommerce logo
  • Xero logo
WooCommerce + Xero

Find or create items in Xero from Shopify products

Find or create items in Xero from Shopify products
  • Shopify logo
  • Xero logo
Shopify + Xero

Use webhooks with Xero

Zapier connects to thousands of apps, but there may be tools you use that don't have a Zapier integration. In that case, you'll want to use a webhook to push info from your apps to Xero.

For example, if you process sales through an eCommerce app that doesn't integrate directly with Xero or Zapier. Rather than manually adding the sales information in Xero, you can create a webhook that automatically looks for new sales and sends them over to Xero. Use these Zaps to get started.

Relay Webhook messages posted to a web server as new Xero invoices

Relay Webhook messages posted to a web server as new Xero invoices
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • Xero logo
Webhooks by Zapier + Xero

Catch new webhooks and create or update contacts in Xero

Catch new webhooks and create or update contacts in Xero
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • Xero logo
Webhooks by Zapier + Xero

Keep your team in the loop

Need to share accounting updates across teams? Keep everyone on the same page about payments and invoices by posting about them in Slack or sending them to the right inbox. That way, important information is shared right away so follow-up can happen more quickly—without you having to nag anyone.

Try one of these Zaps to automatically send Slack messages to a specific Slack channel or an email for every new Xero payment or invoice.

Send Slack channel messages for new payments in Xero

Send Slack channel messages for new payments in Xero
  • Xero logo
  • Slack logo
Xero + Slack

Send Gmail messages when new payments are received in Xero

Send Gmail messages when new payments are received in Xero
  • Xero logo
  • Gmail logo
Xero + Gmail

Get Slack alert messages for new Xero invoices

Get Slack alert messages for new Xero invoices
  • Xero logo
  • Slack logo
Xero + Slack

Automate your accounting

Accounting is a critical part of running a business—and that business can't scale unless your accounting processes do, too. Automate your manual accounting tasks so you can focus on what matters most—your customers and clients.

New to Zapier? It's workflow automation software that lets you focus on what matters. Combine user interfaces, data tables, and logic with 6,000+ apps to build and automate anything you can imagine. Sign up for free to use this app, and thousands more, with Zapier.

This article was originally published in December 2022. It was most recently updated in June 2024.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'