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4 ways to automate Manychat with Zapier

By Daniel Kenitz · December 18, 2023
A hero image of the Manychat app logo connected to other app logos on a light yellow background.

Social media has turned mass communication into an instantaneous back-and-forth. But when you have a growing company, it's not always easy to manage all those customer conversations. Enter Manychat, a chat marketing solution for automating conversations with customers who reach out on apps like Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger.

Using Manychat will make your brand more responsive to customers who want to know more about what you sell. You can use it to answer frequently asked questions, offer instant customer feedback, or steer curious leads toward your sales page. 

But if you want to connect Manychat to the rest of your tools—like your calendar app or email marketing software—you need a system in place to connect your business-critical apps. Here's how you can use Zaps—Zapier's automated workflows—to automate Manychat and make those customer conversations a seamless experience for both you and your customers.

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Table of contents

  • Connect Manychat with Google Sheets

  • Send notifications from Manychat

  • Add Manychat users to your mailing list

  • Manage your contacts across multiple apps

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Connect Manychat with Google Sheets

There are a few reasons you might want to build a pipeline between Manychat and Google Sheets. For starters, Google Sheets makes it easy to view and organize your customer information in one spot. For example, you can route information about your newest leads from Manychat and other marketing outreach software with automation, giving you a single source of truth for your entire customer list.

Having a backup list of all of your customer data also ensures you never lose valuable info if something happens in any of your marketing tools. Build peace of mind into your system automatically with one of these Zaps.

Create Google Sheets rows with new tagged ManyChat users

Create Google Sheets rows with new tagged ManyChat users
  • Manychat logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Manychat + Google Sheets

Create rows in Google Sheets with new or updated ManyChat fields

Create rows in Google Sheets with new or updated ManyChat fields
  • Manychat logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Manychat + Google Sheets

Create rows in Google Sheets when new ManyChat subscribers are created

Create rows in Google Sheets when new ManyChat subscribers are created
  • Manychat logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Manychat + Google Sheets

Add Google Sheets rows with new zap triggers in ManyChat

Add Google Sheets rows with new zap triggers in ManyChat
  • Manychat logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Manychat + Google Sheets

Send notifications from Manychat

Even though Manychat can run in the background while you're focusing on other work, you may want to keep tabs on all of the conversations taking place in the app. For example, you might want to know when new users express interest in your business. The question is: how do you want to learn about these interactions?

One way is to use a Zap to trigger a new email in your email app when an event happens in Manychat. You can also use this method to reach out to customers in specific instances, like when they're first added to your Manychat account or you add a specific tag to a contact.

Send emails in Gmail with new “Trigger a Zap” events in ManyChat

Send emails in Gmail with new “Trigger a Zap” events in ManyChat
  • Manychat logo
  • Gmail logo
Manychat + Gmail

Send Gmail emails for new tagged users on ManyChat

Send Gmail emails for new tagged users on ManyChat
  • Manychat logo
  • Gmail logo
Manychat + Gmail

Send emails via Gmail to ManyChat subscribers

Send emails via Gmail to ManyChat subscribers
  • Manychat logo
  • Gmail logo
Manychat + Gmail

Get emails from Gmail when there are new subscribers on ManyChat

Get emails from Gmail when there are new subscribers on ManyChat
  • Manychat logo
  • Gmail logo
Manychat + Gmail

Or you can send Slack notifications to the appropriate team members when new events happen in Manychat. 

Send Slack channel messages for new events triggered by ManyChat bots

Send Slack channel messages for new events triggered by ManyChat bots
  • Manychat logo
  • Slack logo
Manychat + Slack

Either way, you can keep your marketing team in the loop, prepping them for key follow-ups when Manychat engages your users. 

Add Manychat users to your mailing list

Manychat's automated chat functions are great for customers. They'll get quick answers to their FAQs without any additional waiting time—and they don't need to wait for a customer support specialist to drop in either. 

But a quick automated reply shouldn't be the last they hear from you. If you use email marketing apps like Mailchimp or ActiveCampaign, you can use automation to bring these potential customers into your mailing list software. 

Have Manychat tag a user who agrees, for example, and you can set a Zap to import those customers directly into your newsletter. Your mailing list will grow without you having to lift an additional finger.

Add new updated ManyChat subscribers to Mailchimp

Add new updated ManyChat subscribers to Mailchimp
  • Manychat logo
  • Mailchimp logo
Manychat + Mailchimp

Add or update Mailchimp subscribers from new tagged users in ManyChat

Add or update Mailchimp subscribers from new tagged users in ManyChat
  • Manychat logo
  • Mailchimp logo
Manychat + Mailchimp

Add Klaviyo subscribers from new ManyChat custom fields

Add Klaviyo subscribers from new ManyChat custom fields
  • Manychat logo
  • Klaviyo logo
Manychat + Klaviyo

Create or update ActiveCampaign contacts from new tagged users in ManyChat

Create or update ActiveCampaign contacts from new tagged users in ManyChat
  • Manychat logo
  • ActiveCampaign logo
Manychat + ActiveCampaign

Create or update ActiveCampaign contacts from new ManyChat "Trigger a Zap" events

Create or update ActiveCampaign contacts from new ManyChat "Trigger a Zap" events
  • Manychat logo
  • ActiveCampaign logo
Manychat + ActiveCampaign

Create AWeber subscribers from new or updated ManyChat custom fields

Create AWeber subscribers from new or updated ManyChat custom fields
  • Manychat logo
  • AWeber logo
Manychat + AWeber

Manage your contacts across multiple apps

The trick with a service like Manychat is that you're constantly pulling in new contacts. Having a lot of customers is a great problem to have, but it can get difficult to manage. And while Google Sheets is a great option for bringing in new customer contacts into a single source of truth, you may also need to make Manychat play well with your other apps. 

For instance, what if you have a new Calendly invitee and want to register them as a Manychat "custom field"? Or what if you want to bring in a new user from Manychat into your LeadConnector software?

Let a Zap fill in those gaps. 

Set custom fields in Manychat when new invitees are created in Calendly

Set custom fields in Manychat when new invitees are created in Calendly
  • Calendly logo
  • Manychat logo
Calendly + Manychat

Set ManyChat custom fields for invitee created events in Calendly

Set ManyChat custom fields for invitee created events in Calendly
  • Calendly logo
  • Manychat logo
Calendly + Manychat

Create kvCORE contacts from new tagged ManyChat users

Create kvCORE contacts from new tagged ManyChat users
  • Manychat logo
  • kvCORE logo
Manychat + kvCORE

Add or update LeadConnector contacts with new tags applied to ManyChat users

Add or update LeadConnector contacts with new tags applied to ManyChat users
  • Manychat logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Manychat + LeadConnector

Build Manychat into a marketing and contact management powerhouse

The appeal of Manychat is that it makes your brand feel responsive in real-time. A user can reach out on a service like Messenger and get immediate answers to their questions as if you're there chatting with them. And that's great for the users. 

But it's even better for you if you're able to automate Manychat on the backend. You can use the system to save your contacts, notify your sales team when there are new interactions, and enter new contact information into your marketing systems. The result is a far more responsive way to interact on social media. And with Manychat in place, you can remain responsive even as your business grows and your audience expands. 

This is just the start of what you can do with Zapier and Manychat. What will you automate first?

Related reading:

  • How to use social media automation to promote your content

  • How to automatically write social media posts with AI and Zapier

  • Workflows to better manage your brand's social media

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'