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6 ways to automate Google Contacts with Zapier

By Daniel Kenitz · July 21, 2023
A hero image of the Google Contacts app logo connected to other app logos on a light purple background.

If your business introduces you to a lot of people, congratulations: But you can encounter only so many potential clients before realizing you need a way to manage them all. 

Google Contacts is one of the most popular solutions here. Lightweight, easy to search through, and plays well with other popular apps, it's an instant boost to anyone who wants to remember who they're talking to.

Even so, no one can live exclusively within Google Contacts. You might collect new contacts through email or web form submissions or book new clients after sales calls—without a way to organize them all. Or you might avoid Google Contacts because it really only stores a small sliver of your total contacts since you rely on other platforms to manage newsletter and community contacts. 

If you can't find a way to automate your pipelines through one single source, then what was the point of using it in the first place? Let's fix those issues by automating Google Contacts with Zaps—Zapier's automated workflows.

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Table of contents

  • Add new form submissions to Google Contacts

  • Add Google Contacts from calls and client events

  • Connect Google Contacts to your spreadsheet app

  • Add new leads to Google Contacts

  • Add Google Contacts to your marketing lists

  • Use webhooks with Google Contacts

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Bring new form submissions into Google Contacts

Say you build a Google Contacts list for the first time. You feel pretty happy about yourself. You've manually entered clients and potential clients into a single list—anytime you need to know a client's number, you can just look it up in your Contacts. So far, so good. 

But then a potential new lead fills out your web form and says: hey, can we schedule a call? That's great news, but now you've got a contact to follow up with, and they're not on your contacts list. Everything else you want to do—follow up with them later, reach out to them when you have a service to upsell—is like navigating a maze. All that manual data entry into your Google Contacts feels fruitless.

So let Zapier do the work of bringing information from form submissions into your Contacts list. 

Add Google Contacts from new Jotform form submissions

Add Google Contacts from new Jotform form submissions
  • Jotform logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Jotform + Google Contacts

Create Google Contacts from new Google Forms responses

Create Google Contacts from new Google Forms responses
  • Google Forms logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Google Forms + Google Contacts

Create new Google Contacts from Wufoo entries

Create new Google Contacts from Wufoo entries
  • Wufoo logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Wufoo + Google Contacts

Create new contact in Google Contacts from Typeform form entries

Create new contact in Google Contacts from Typeform form entries
  • Typeform logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Typeform + Google Contacts

Automating Google Contacts means it's now your single source of client information, true. But it also does more than that. 

If you can automatically import a new form submission into Google Contacts, you can also route it to other apps you use every day, like your calendar and CRM tools, with another Zap. And those can automatically remind you when it's time to follow up on potential business. The opportunities are endless.

Add Google Contacts from calls and client events

If you have a service-based business, chances are it all starts with a single call. Someone wants to know what you can do for them and what they can expect to spend from their end. This is why countless service businesses schedule phone consultations. They're quick introductions to explain what you do and why they need to buy what you're selling.

Ideally, these calls will result in more calls. But if you have multiple calls a day, managing all of those potential clients can get cumbersome. You'll need a way to insert new leads into your Google Contacts. From there, you can trigger events like follow-up reminders after a predetermined length of time by having Zapier create a new event when a new contact is added.

Create contacts in Google Contacts for new events in Google Calendar

Create contacts in Google Contacts for new events in Google Calendar
  • Google Calendar logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Google Calendar + Google Contacts

Create Google Contacts for new Acuity Scheduling appointments

Create Google Contacts for new Acuity Scheduling appointments
  • Acuity Scheduling logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Acuity Scheduling + Google Contacts

Add Google Contacts from new Calendly events

Add Google Contacts from new Calendly events
  • Calendly logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Calendly + Google Contacts

You can even designate specific Google Contacts groups to distinguish between leads and clients.

Add new Acuity Scheduling appointments to Google Contacts groups

Add new Acuity Scheduling appointments to Google Contacts groups
  • Acuity Scheduling logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Acuity Scheduling + Google Contacts

True: you could do this manually. And it might not save a lot of time if you're taking a few seconds to schedule those follow-ups yourself. But doing everything manually eventually adds up to a lot of distracted time. And you can be sure that a Zap isn't "forgetting" a client or letting a potential client fall through the cracks. If you can automate it for optimal accuracy, it's a good bet that it should be something your business does. 

Connect Google Contacts to your spreadsheet app

Herding cats. Whether you use Google Contacts for business or pleasure, that's what tracking your contacts will eventually feel like. Even if you're diligent in adding new contacts to Google Contacts, the totality of everything can quickly get overwhelming in a hurry. 

It helps to have a single source—your personal contacts database—which you can see with a bird's-eye view. Or simply use this spreadsheet as your client info backup repository center. I mean, if you really want to call it that. 

Dropping those contacts into a spreadsheet also makes it easy to share if you need to pass on lead info to another person or team.

Add updated Google Contacts to Google Sheets spreadsheets

Add updated Google Contacts to Google Sheets spreadsheets
  • Google Contacts logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Google Contacts + Google Sheets

Import new contacts from Google Contacts into Airtable

Import new contacts from Google Contacts into Airtable
  • Google Contacts logo
  • Airtable logo
Google Contacts + Airtable

Reverse the process, and you can turn a client data spreadsheet into a Google Contacts list, minimizing your time spent on data entry. If you don't automate it, you may never find the motivation to keep your Google Contacts list updated.

So pick your favorite spreadsheet app and automatically send it to Google Contacts. Every time a new contact is added, it can update your records. This is especially useful if you'd prefer the interface of a Google Sheet or a record within Airtable. 

Create Google Contacts from new Google Sheets rows

Create Google Contacts from new Google Sheets rows
  • Google Sheets logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Google Sheets + Google Contacts

Add updated Google Sheets spreadsheet rows to Google Contacts as new contacts

Add updated Google Sheets spreadsheet rows to Google Contacts as new contacts
  • Google Sheets logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Google Sheets + Google Contacts

Create contacts in Google Contacts with new or updated records in Airtable

Create contacts in Google Contacts with new or updated records in Airtable
  • Airtable logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Airtable + Google Contacts

And once you get your contacts into Airtable, there are all sorts of other Zaps you can try, like updating Salesforce to maintain accurate CRM data.

Bring new contacts and leads from your marketing campaigns into Google Contacts

When you start a newsletter, a new subscriber is like making a new friend. And no one should forget their friends. 

The problem? There are all sorts of ways to add people to your business community these days, which means new leads and subscribers are coming at you from all angles. Maybe you'll get a new subscriber or two on Mailchimp one day, then unroll a Facebook Lead Ads campaign the next.

When your business is small, managing these contacts manually seems manageable. But if you ever plan on scaling, you'll need to automate the process of turning leads and subscribers into Google Contacts. 

Fortunately, you can easily add your new friends to Google Contacts from a variety of lead sources—a sort of "all roads lead to Rome" scenario that simplifies your customer database.

Add new Mailchimp list subscribers to Google Contacts

Add new Mailchimp list subscribers to Google Contacts
  • Mailchimp logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Mailchimp + Google Contacts

Add new ActiveCampaign contacts to Google Contacts

Add new ActiveCampaign contacts to Google Contacts
  • ActiveCampaign logo
  • Google Contacts logo
ActiveCampaign + Google Contacts

Add new HubSpot contacts to Google Contacts

Add new HubSpot contacts to Google Contacts
  • HubSpot logo
  • Google Contacts logo
HubSpot + Google Contacts

Create Google Contacts for new leads from RD Station

Create Google Contacts for new leads from RD Station
  • RD Station logo
  • Google Contacts logo
RD Station + Google Contacts

Add new respondents from a Facebook Lead Ad to Google Contacts

Add new respondents from a Facebook Lead Ad to Google Contacts
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Facebook Lead Ads + Google Contacts

Send new Follow Up Boss contacts to Google Contacts

Send new Follow Up Boss contacts to Google Contacts
  • Follow Up Boss logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Follow Up Boss + Google Contacts

Add Google Contacts to your marketing lists

Every newsletter list has to start somewhere. For you, that might be friends, family, or those clients you don't know what you'd do without. As your list of contacts grows, your potential community grows, which helps you build an active audience online.

Make the most of this new audience by automatically adding new or updated Google Contacts to email newsletter and CRM providers, for example. Just make sure you have their permission, of course, before adding anyone to an email list.

Add new Google Contacts contacts to Mailchimp

Add new Google Contacts contacts to Mailchimp
  • Google Contacts logo
  • Mailchimp logo
Google Contacts + Mailchimp

Send new Google Contacts to HubSpot

Send new Google Contacts to HubSpot
  • Google Contacts logo
  • HubSpot logo
Google Contacts + HubSpot

Add new Google Contacts to ActiveCampaign as new contacts

Add new Google Contacts to ActiveCampaign as new contacts
  • Google Contacts logo
  • ActiveCampaign logo
Google Contacts + ActiveCampaign

Create Brevo subscribers from new or updated Google Contacts

Create Brevo subscribers from new or updated Google Contacts
  • Google Contacts logo
Google Contacts

Use webhooks to expand what Google Contacts can do

Don't see your favorite app listed just yet? That's why we created Webhooks by Zapier. It's kind of a catch-all app designed to make automation easier and expand your reach if you can't find the specific Zap you want.

One great ability here: custom requests. This means for every entry in Google Contacts, you can create a custom webhook request and send it to a URL you specify. What you choose to do with it from there is up to you. But the point is: using webhooks gives you more options and flexibility and often serves as a connecting post between two apps that otherwise wouldn't play well together.

Add new Google Contacts from webhooks

Add new Google Contacts from webhooks
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Webhooks by Zapier + Google Contacts

Create Google Contacts groups from new Webhooks by Zapier hooks

Create Google Contacts groups from new Webhooks by Zapier hooks
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Webhooks by Zapier + Google Contacts

Create custom requests in Webhooks by Zapier for new or updated Google Contacts

Create custom requests in Webhooks by Zapier for new or updated Google Contacts
  • Google Contacts logo
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
Google Contacts + Webhooks by Zapier

Create custom requests in Webhooks by Zapier for new groups in Google Contacts

Create custom requests in Webhooks by Zapier for new groups in Google Contacts
  • Google Contacts logo
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
Google Contacts + Webhooks by Zapier

Turn Google Contacts into more than just an address book

An address book is great—it's essential for anyone running a business or organizing their personal life. But if you never update your contacts or automate what feeds into the book, it gets outdated in a hurry. Use Zapier to turn Google Contacts into more than just a data warehouse. Make it a critical app in your lead generation machine.

Related reading:

  • 4 ways to use contact management automation

  • Turn a contact form into a business growth tool with these 3 workflows

  • Automatically add leads to your CRM or email marketing platform

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'