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How to automate ChatGPT

Add the power of ChatGPT to your Zapier workflows.

By Elena Alston · July 19, 2024
Screenshot of ChatGPT logo on a yellow background

 ChatGPT, dubbed the "original" AI chatbot for obvious reasons, just got faster and more powerful thanks to OpenAI's latest model—GPT-4o. 

Built with the intelligence of GPT-4, this newest release has improved capabilities across text, voice, and vision. And, with Zapier's ChatGPT integration, you can pull in the power of this model directly into your workflows. That means you can automate the things you already do in ChatGPT and move data across thousands of apps.

For example, want ChatGPT to interact with your teammates and answer common questions directly in Slack? Or perhaps you want ChatGPT to reply directly to customer queries in Facebook—using your tailored company documentation.  

Whatever your use case, we'll show you different ways to pull in the power of ChatGPT into Zaps—Zapier's automated workflows.

Table of contents

  • What's the difference between Zapier's ChatGPT and OpenAI integrations?

  • Which model should you use with our ChatGPT integration?

  • Build—and interact with—AI assistants in other apps

  • Nurture and qualify leads

  • Generate and share content

  • Create or analyze images (like graphs and charts)

  • Summarize business information

  • Get event reminders and prioritize your workload

  • Transcribe and translate audio files

Did you know: When you connect your favorite AI tools to other apps in your tech stack with Zapier, you'll likely need to build a 3-step Zap. Read more on how to effectively add AI to your Zapier workflows.

What's the difference between Zapier's ChatGPT and OpenAI integrations?

There are a ton of different ways to use our ChatGPT integration, and some of them are quite similar to our OpenAI integration. But there are a couple of differences to keep in mind. 

Discover more ways to add OpenAI to your workflows.

For starters, the ChatGPT integration is designed primarily for conversations—and its responses will often be in chat format.

What's pretty neat about that is the ChatGPT integration can remember conversations, so in certain instances you can build workflows with a memory. Say, for example, you're building a Zap that has ChatGPT answer questions that are posted in a specific Slack Channel. By adding a word to the memory key field, ChatGPT will remember the user's previous conversation history and can respond accordingly to follow-up questions.

For any workflow you set up with the ChatGPT integration, you can provide it with more tailored training instructions and incorporate important company information like FAQs, writing guidelines, or other rules you want ChatGPT to incorporate into its answers. It's a pretty handy way to instruct ChatGPT to have better conversations versus just one-time prompts

On the other hand, the OpenAI integration uses completion models (GPT-3.5-turbo-instruct) to generate text for certain actions but does not have built-in conversation memory. You might use the OpenAI integration to create outlines for blog posts or respond to certain briefs. 

One of the main differences is that it has multiple actions which are broader and incorporate more of OpenAI's other features like Whisper. That means you can send prompts to generate text, create transcriptions with Whisper, and more within your workflows.

Which model should you use with our ChatGPT integration?

Let's not over complicate things. We recommend using GPT-4o mini as your go-to model, as it's designed to cover any fast, lightweight tasks you need when automating. Plus, it's OpenAI's cheapest model yet, cheaper even than GPT-3.5 Turbo.  

Tip: If you've already built Zaps using GPT-3.5 Turbo, we recommend switching over to GPT-4o mini. You might as well take advantage of the reduced costs and higher textual intelligence. (You may need to retest your prompts to get the same output as before.)

If you do need something more sophisticated, or you find the output isn't good enough, then try upgrading to GPT-4o, OpenAI's most advanced flagship model. See how they stack up below: 

GPT-4o mini

GPT-3.5 Turbo



GPT-4o mini is the cheapest model, costing $0.15 per million input tokens and $0.60 per million output tokens

GPT-3.5 Turbo costs $0.50 per million input

tokens and $1.50 per million output tokens

GPT-4o costs $5 per 1 million input tokens and $15 per 1 million output tokens


Supports text and vision capabilities

Supports text capabilities

Supports text and vision capabilities but has stronger vision capabilities


OpenAI's most affordable and intelligent small model designed for fast, lightweight tasks

OpenAI's fast, inexpensive model for simple, everyday tasks

OpenAI's most advanced, flagship model designed for complex, multi-step tasks

Context length

128,000 tokens

16,385 tokens

128,000 tokens

Recommended for

Fastest speed and lowest cost

Lower cost in comparison to GPT-4o

Highest intelligence or reasoning about images and text

Want to know more? Check out OpenAI's pricing structure and other supported GPT-4 models

Build—and interact with—AI assistants in other apps

Ever wanted to have your own AI assistant that can chat with team members or customers and solve issues in other apps, like Slack or Gmail? 

These Zaps help you create anything from an accounting assistant that can answer employee questions in a specific Slack channel to an analysis assistant that can analyze blog performance or KPIs. 

And because our ChatGPT integration brings ChatGPT's own functionality into your Zaps, you can upload your own files and have your AI assistant answer questions based on your company documents. Or it can write and execute code and analyze structured data from a CSV—the possibilities are endless! 

If you're just starting out with ChatGPT and want to experiment with its capabilities in Slack, you don't have to create an assistant. You can still have a conversation with ChatGPT right inside Slack when a prompt is posted in a particular channel. With this simple Zap, you and your team can easily ask questions and get responses—without leaving Slack: 

Start a conversation with ChatGPT when a prompt is posted in a particular Slack channel

Start a conversation with ChatGPT when a prompt is posted in a particular Slack channel
  • Slack logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Slack logo
Slack + ChatGPT

Nurture and qualify leads

For your sales and marketing teams, determining which leads are mostly likely to convert is a process that takes up valuable time and resources. 

You can use AI and automation to bridge that gap. For example, say a lead visits your pricing page or signs up for a free trial. You could use a Zap that logs this activity, and then adds these leads to relevant nurture campaigns or to your CRM with an AI-generated message or summary. Or you could use a Zap that uses AI to summarize sales calls with prospects, so your teams know who's ready to convert. 

Add or update leads in LeadConnector with ChatGPT

Add or update leads in LeadConnector with ChatGPT
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Webhooks by Zapier + ChatGPT + LeadConnector

Summarize Gong calls using OpenAI

Summarize Gong calls using OpenAI
  • Gong logo
  • Slack logo
Gong + Formatter by Zapier + OpenAI (GPT-4, DALL-E, Whisper) + 1 more

Include new leads and contacts into nurture campaigns based on recent website activity

Include new leads and contacts into nurture campaigns based on recent website activity
  • ChatGPT logo
  • HubSpot logo
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
ChatGPT + HubSpot + Webhooks by Zapier

Generate and share content 

As a writing tool, ChatGPT is a pretty decent time-saver when it comes to generating first drafts. But with the ChatGPT integration, you can take that a step further by incorporating the creation of blog outlines, emails, and articles into your automated workflows. 

For example, you can use these Zaps to write email responses (or SMS responses) to customers based on incoming messages, then save them in your drafts folder in Gmail to review before sending. 

Send customer emails with ChatGPT

Send customer emails with ChatGPT
  • Email by Zapier logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Email by Zapier logo
Email by Zapier + ChatGPT

Or, if you need to draft customer stories based on submitted interview questions (or other key information), you can pull in the customer details from an app like Airtable or Google Forms, get the AI to write the content, then add the text to a Google Doc. 

Create blog outlines with ChatGPT from submitted Airtable forms

Create blog outlines with ChatGPT from submitted Airtable forms
  • Airtable logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Google Docs logo
Airtable + ChatGPT + Google Docs

Create blog outlines or project details based on Asana projects with ChatGPT

Create blog outlines or project details based on Asana projects with ChatGPT
  • ChatGPT logo

Create blog posts or outlines from new responses in Google Forms with ChatGPT

Create blog posts or outlines from new responses in Google Forms with ChatGPT
  • Google Forms logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Google Docs logo
Google Forms + ChatGPT + Google Docs

Create or analyze images (like graphs and charts)

Do you ever need to create visuals to support certain projects at work? You might not necessarily have the design skills to build something from scratch, but want a quick way to create images for a presentation or a chart that represents your team's data. 

With our ChatGPT integration, you can use DALL.E 3 to generate images for you—based on briefs or image requirements specified in other apps (like Google Sheets or Airtable). 

Whenever a spreadsheet gets updated with those image specs, these Zaps will send them to ChatGPT, build your visual, and then drop the image in your app of choice. 

Create images with DALL.E from Google Sheets rows

Create images with DALL.E from Google Sheets rows
  • Google Sheets logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Google Sheets + ChatGPT

Create images with DALL.E based on Airtable records

Create images with DALL.E based on Airtable records
  • Airtable logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Airtable logo
Airtable + ChatGPT

Create images with DALL.E and send as a channel message in Slack

Create images with DALL.E and send as a channel message in Slack
  • Google Sheets logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Slack logo
Google Sheets + ChatGPT + Slack

Alternatively, you might already have an image (of a graph or a table) that you want to analyze. Our ChatGPT integration will extract the relevant data from an image you upload in one app, interpret the information using advanced reasoning capabilities, and then deliver the analysis to Slack or Google Sheets. 

This is pretty handy for transforming raw data into meaningful reports, spotting trends, or prepping for data-driven meetings. 

Analyze images with ChatGPT and send to Google Sheets

Analyze images with ChatGPT and send to Google Sheets
  • Google Sheets logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Google Sheets + ChatGPT

Analyze images from Airtable with ChatGPT and send as a Slack message

Analyze images from Airtable with ChatGPT and send as a Slack message
  • Airtable logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Slack logo
Airtable + ChatGPT + Slack

Summarize business information

You can also use AI to generate summaries of important information that is fed into your company. Because who has the time to process it all?

For example, you could generate summaries of every new job applicant that applies through your company's recruitment page (replete with each applicant's qualifications) to save your HR team time. Or, you could do the same thing for prospects stored in your sales CRM. 

Update new candidate summaries in Recruit CRM with ChatGPT

Update new candidate summaries in Recruit CRM with ChatGPT
  • Recruit CRM logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Recruit CRM logo
Recruit CRM + ChatGPT

Generate summaries of your leads inside your CRM with ChatGPT

Generate summaries of your leads inside your CRM with ChatGPT
  • Salesforce logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Salesforce logo
Salesforce + ChatGPT

Alternatively, you can even extract key information from short PDFs, online articles, and other business information. 

Create summaries of PDFs with ChatGPT and send as a Slack message

Create summaries of PDFs with ChatGPT and send as a Slack message
  • Dropbox logo
  • Slack logo
Dropbox + ChatGPT + PDF.co + 1 more

Convert new Dropbox files to PDFs with PDF.co and summarize them with ChatGPT

Convert new Dropbox files to PDFs with PDF.co and summarize them with ChatGPT
  • Dropbox logo
  • PDF.co logo
  • ChatGPT logo
Dropbox + PDF.co + ChatGPT

Get event reminders and prioritize your workload

Keeping track of important events throughout the day while your to-dos pile up is no joke. Whether you'd like it to help you prioritize your workload based on your to-do lists or projects outlined in your project management tool, ChatGPT is excellent at breaking down your day into manageable chunks. 

Get ChatGPT to prioritize your day based on your to-dos

Get ChatGPT to prioritize your day based on your to-dos
  • Evernote logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Evernote logo
Evernote + ChatGPT

Create Todoist tasks from Google Calendar events and get ChatGPT recommendations on priorities

Create Todoist tasks from Google Calendar events and get ChatGPT recommendations on priorities
  • Google Calendar logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Todoist logo
Google Calendar + ChatGPT + Todoist

You can even build workflows that will pull information from Google Calendar events and create a reminder of what you need to do (or read) before the meeting happens. 

Receive event reminders from ChatGPT in Slack

Receive event reminders from ChatGPT in Slack
  • Google Calendar logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Slack logo
Google Calendar + ChatGPT + Slack

Receive event reminders via SMS with information from ChatGPT

Receive event reminders via SMS with information from ChatGPT
  • Google Calendar logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • SMS by Zapier logo
Google Calendar + ChatGPT + SMS by Zapier

Transcribe and translate audio files

Whether you're making product demos for your customers or videos for an online course, you'll also want to target international customers.

Fortunately, you can use ChatGPT's translation capabilities to convert audio files into text, then into a different language of your choice. You can even convert the translated text into a video file afterward, so you can create voice-overs or subtitles easily. 

And, if you're consistently making videos in English on a regular basis, you'll want to add automation into the mix. These Zaps will translate audio files (from an app like Dropbox) into English text or another language, then deliver that text to a tool like Google Sheets. Here's some inspiration to get you started: 

Translate audio files in Dropbox into text with ChatGPT

Translate audio files in Dropbox into text with ChatGPT
  • Dropbox logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Dropbox + ChatGPT + Google Sheets

Convert text to speech in ChatGPT from Dropbox files

Convert text to speech in ChatGPT from Dropbox files
  • Dropbox logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Dropbox logo
Dropbox + ChatGPT

Translate audio files into different languages with ChatGPT

Translate audio files into different languages with ChatGPT
  • Google Sheets logo
  • ChatGPT logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Google Sheets + ChatGPT

Make ChatGPT work for you

Whatever you're already using ChatGPT for, you can harness its power and deliver more value to your business with the ChatGPT integration. 

Whether you want to build ChatGPT Slack bots to introduce the value of AI to your team or you just want ChatGPT to take care of the tedious parts of content creation, this integration is key to maximizing your productivity and efficiency. 

And remember: Zapier supports thousands of apps, so you can automate almost any task at work. 

Related reading:

  • How to integrate ChatGPT with Microsoft Outlook

  • How to automate OpenAI

  • How does ChatGPT work?

  • How to automatically label emails with ChatGPT and Zapier

  • How to connect ChatGPT with Google Sheets

This article was originally published in May 2023. It was most recently updated in July 2024.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'