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Siteglide: App spotlight

How this app transforms your customer's journey

By Elena Alston · April 20, 2021
Siteglide app logo on a blue background.

No matter how you slice it, customer expectations are at an all-time high. And while product and price are key components in the equation, so is the customer experience. Or, to be more specific, the online customer experience. 

Picture this: You've just moved into a new flat. Your next move is to purchase a new sofa, and you're torn between a Chesterfield and a Danish velvet couch. You air your grievances on social media and probably carry out several online searches. Within seconds, you're presented with ads highlighting the perks and prices of modern sofas, tickets for an upcoming webinar on sofa technology, and cushion ideas to compliment your purchase. 

Now imagine you're the owner of the sofa business that's airing that content. How have you plugged into your potential customer's needs so fast—across a range of digital touchpoints? 

Enter: A digital experience platform (DXP) like Siteglide

Siteglide origins: Digging into a new digital era

A decade ago, technology wasn't advanced enough to offer a complete digital experience throughout the buyer's journey. Businesses were limited by the boundaries of regular content management systems (CMS) or web experience management systems (WEM). 

Wysi, a digital agency based in London, wanted to help small businesses build more than just websites to manage the customer journey. And so, in 2012, a standalone product (Siteglide) was born. Siteglide is a hybrid SaaS platform that helps digital agencies transform websites into scalable digital experiences. 

Did you know? After building Siteglide using Business Catalyst (and customizing features on top), Siteglide then paired with platformOS to offer the customized solution they have today. 

Siteglide in action: Delivering scalable digital experiences 

Today, Siteglide is a well-known digital experience platform that helps users build websites, customer portals, membership sites, marketplaces, applications, and bespoke databases. 

At its core, Siteglide has a flexible CMS that allows you to create and share content across various channels (like blogs, landing pages, and forms). It also has a built-in CRM (customer relationship manager) to manage your email marketing campaigns and customizable eCommerce stores to feature and sell your products. 

Fave feature: Siteglide Studio, which you can use for free or combine with Siteglide. The drag-and-drop tools let you design and build new sites from pre-built layouts and templates, with little to no input from developers. 

Acceleration through automation: Popular Siteglide workflows 

While delivering such a bamboozling cocktail of components that make up a digital experience can be intimidating at first, Siteglide does most of the heavy lifting for you. It also helps to pair Siteglide with Zapier, as automating certain workflows will let you get more done in less time. 

Want to see the ways automation can save the day? Here are a few popular workflows to get you started:

Add new Siteglide cases to Google Sheets as new rows

Add new Siteglide cases to Google Sheets as new rows
  • Siteglide logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Siteglide + Google Sheets

Add new Siteglide form case submissions as subscribers in Mailchimp

Add new Siteglide form case submissions as subscribers in Mailchimp
  • Siteglide logo
  • Mailchimp logo
Siteglide + Mailchimp

Send Slack notifications for new Siteglide eCommerce orders

Send Slack notifications for new Siteglide eCommerce orders
  • Siteglide logo
  • Slack logo
Siteglide + Slack

Create detailed events in Google Calendar from new form cases in Siteglide

Create detailed events in Google Calendar from new form cases in Siteglide
  • Siteglide logo
  • Google Calendar logo
Siteglide + Google Calendar

Create ClickUp tasks from new form cases in Siteglide

Create ClickUp tasks from new form cases in Siteglide
  • Siteglide logo
  • ClickUp logo
Siteglide + ClickUp

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