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3 min read

4 ways to automate Browse AI with Zapier

By Michael Toth · March 22, 2024
A hero image of the Browse AI app logo connected to other app logos on a light blue background.

Until recently, setting up web scrapers to automatically pull data from websites was a complex job that involved hours of work writing custom code to pull the exact information you need. Now, with tools like Browse AI, you can set up jobs to automate web scraping in minutes. 

Browse AI lets you effortlessly extract data from websites and monitor changes, making it a breeze to stay on top of competitor pricing, stock levels, or news. But monitoring the results of all of your web scraping jobs can be challenging. 

With our automatic workflows–we call them Zaps–you can automate the flow of information directly into your favorite apps, turning a flood of scraped web data into manageable, actionable insights. This means less time spent on manual tasks and more time on what matters: analyzing data and making strategic decisions. Here's how!

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Table of contents

  • Connect Browse AI with your spreadsheet app

  • Send notifications for completed Browse AI tasks

  • Update your website from Browse AI

  • Connect Browse AI with your task or to-do list app

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Connect Browse AI with your spreadsheet app

If you're anything like me, you likely spend a good chunk of your workday in your spreadsheet app. Spreadsheets are great tools for storing information, analyzing data, and performing calculations. But rather than keeping your scraped web data in a silo where you have to check manually for updates, why not automate a process to sync that data automatically to your favorite spreadsheet tool?

With Zapier, we can automatically pull your scraped data from Browse AI into your spreadsheet app of choice—be it Google Sheets, Airtable, or Excel. Whether you're compiling market research, tracking prices, or aggregating content, automating the flow of data directly into spreadsheets will save you time and let you get to analyzing your data more quickly.

With these Zaps, you can easily add data to your spreadsheets as soon as Browse AI completes a task. Imagine having competitor prices, stock levels, or real estate listings automatically populated in Google Sheets, Airtable records updated with the latest eCommerce product details, or Excel rows filled with fresh leads—all without lifting a finger. 

Create Google Sheets rows from newly extracted data by Browse AI

Create Google Sheets rows from newly extracted data by Browse AI
  • Browse AI logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Browse AI + Google Sheets

Create records in Airtable from newly-executed tasks in Browse AI

Create records in Airtable from newly-executed tasks in Browse AI
  • Browse AI logo
  • Airtable logo
Browse AI + Airtable

Add Microsoft Excel rows from newly extracted data by Browse AI

Add Microsoft Excel rows from newly extracted data by Browse AI
  • Browse AI logo
  • Microsoft Excel logo
Browse AI + Microsoft Excel

But it doesn't stop there. If you're looking to trigger workflows based on spreadsheet updates, such as scraping new data when a row or record is added, these Zaps close the loop, ensuring your datasets are always current and comprehensive. 

Execute tasks in Browse AI for new spreadsheet rows in Google Sheets

Execute tasks in Browse AI for new spreadsheet rows in Google Sheets
  • Google Sheets logo
  • Browse AI logo
Google Sheets + Browse AI

Create tasks in Browse AI when new records are added to Airtable

Create tasks in Browse AI when new records are added to Airtable
  • Airtable logo
  • Browse AI logo
Airtable + Browse AI

Send notifications for completed Browse AI tasks

Once you set up a scraping job within Browse AI, it will start working for you in the background 24/7, monitoring for new data. Often, however, you'll want an immediate update when data is available. For example, if you're using Browse AI to track a competitor's pricing changes or monitor new real estate listings in your area, an instant notification can help you act on that information more quickly.

By linking Browse AI with your existing communication tools like Slack, Gmail, and Discord, you can automate notifications to keep you and your team up to date with the latest data updates.

Send channel messages in Slack for new changes detected by Browse AI

Send channel messages in Slack for new changes detected by Browse AI
  • Browse AI logo
  • Slack logo
Browse AI + Slack

Send Gmail emails for new changes detected by Browse AI

Send Gmail emails for new changes detected by Browse AI
  • Browse AI logo
  • Gmail logo
Browse AI + Gmail

Send Discord channel messages for new executed tasks in Browse AI

Send Discord channel messages for new executed tasks in Browse AI
  • Browse AI logo
  • Discord logo
Browse AI + Discord

Update your website from Browse AI

If your website relies on periodic updates from external sources, you can use Browse AI to effectively capture that data and a Zap to efficiently update your website as new information comes in. 

Maybe you run an eCommerce store and rely on a supplier who frequently updates their pricing. You could set up a Browse AI job to monitor for your supplier's pricing and automatically update your own pricing based on those changes.

Or perhaps you run a website that lists upcoming events in your area. You could set up BrowseAI jobs to monitor for upcoming events, concerts, or conferences and automatically update your website as soon as new events are listed.

Whatever your use case, setting up a Zap to automatically update your website based on scraped data will be sure to save you a lot of time and will also make certain your website is always up to date.

Update Webflow items from new executed tasks in Browse AI

Update Webflow items from new executed tasks in Browse AI
  • Browse AI logo
  • Webflow logo
Browse AI + Webflow

Modify things in Bubble from new changes detected by Browse AI

Modify things in Bubble from new changes detected by Browse AI
  • Browse AI logo
  • Bubble logo
Browse AI + Bubble

Publish new Browse AI posts to WordPress

Publish new Browse AI posts to WordPress
  • Browse AI logo
  • WordPress logo
Browse AI + WordPress

Connect Browse AI with your task or to-do list app

Many people manage their daily workflow with task management and to-do-list apps like Notion, Todoist, and Coda. With Zapier, you can connect Browse AI with your workflow tool of choice to automate the flow of information. 

For example, the marketing team at an eCommerce company might use BrowseAI to monitor their website for new customer reviews, automatically syncing that information to a tool like Notion or Coda for later analysis. 

Connecting Browse AI to your existing task management and organization tools can help you streamline your workflows and ensure you're always relying on the most recent data possible. Set up one of the Zaps below to start organizing your data.

Update Notion database items from newly-executed tasks in Browse AI

Update Notion database items from newly-executed tasks in Browse AI
  • Browse AI logo
  • Notion logo
Browse AI + Notion

Create tasks in Browse AI when new projects are added in Todoist

Create tasks in Browse AI when new projects are added in Todoist
  • Todoist logo
  • Browse AI logo
Todoist + Browse AI

Create rows in Coda when tasks are executed in Browse AI

Create rows in Coda when tasks are executed in Browse AI
  • Browse AI logo
  • Coda logo
Browse AI + Coda

Enhance your data gathering with Browse AI

Once you've set up your Browse AI scrape jobs and Zaps, the hard work is over! Now, you can skip spending your time manually searching the web to refresh data in your business-critical tools. Instead, you can concentrate on more important tasks, like deciding what to do with that data.

And this is just the start of what you can do with Browse AI and Zapier. What will you automate first?

Related reading:

  • How to automate ChatGPT

  • Create custom versions of ChatGPT with GPTs and Zapier

  • How to create a custom AI chatbot with Zapier

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'