
Michael Kern

Michael's a content marketer and copywriter residing in the bustling mega-metropolis of Mexico City. With a knack for making the complex seem simple, he crafts fresh, accessible content that stands out. When the screens are off and the keyboards are quiet, you might find him trawling through old-school print ads for inspiration or enjoying downtime with his daughter.
Michael Kern

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App tips

How to get started with Facebook lead ads

Learn how to use Facebook lead ads like a pro. From initial setup to lead management and beyond, get the lowdown on maximizing your ad campaign's potential.

By Michael Kern

12 min read

Marketing tips

19 marketing channels: How to choose the right ones—and leverage them effectively

Learn about what marketing channels are, how top brands are using them to engage with customers in exciting and creative ways, and how you can do the same.

By Michael Kern

16 min read

Business tips

Structured vs. unstructured data: What's the difference?

Use this essential guide to structured vs. unstructured data for the digital age to learn how to understand, leverage, and navigate the data revolution.

By Michael Kern

7 min read

Marketing tips

Omnichannel marketing 101: What it is and why it matters

Omnichannel marketing is a strategy that creates integrated, cohesive customer experiences across all business channels, enhancing brand consistency.

By Michael Kern

9 min read

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'