
Danielle Antosz

Danielle Antosz is an Ohio-based content marketing and SEO specialist. She has more than a decade of experience writing and developing strategy for B2B, tech, and SaaS companies. You can stalk her on Twitter @dantosz.  

Danielle Antosz

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Automate your work with Zapier

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The logos for Facebook, Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign, and Salesforce.

Automation inspiration

7 ways to automate Facebook Custom Audiences with Zapier

If you want to get the most bang for your buck advertising on Facebook, you should make sure your ads are reaching the users most likely to be interested in what you have to offer.

By Danielle Antosz

5 min read

Automation inspiration

4 ways to automate Facebook's Conversion API tool with Zapier

Create stronger and more relevant ads automatically by sending customer information to Facebook.

By Danielle Antosz

4 min read

Automation inspiration

5 ways to automate Microsoft Dynamics 365

Connecting Microsoft Dynamics 365 with other tools in your tech stack can reduce manual data entry, help sales spot new leads faster, and provide access to crucial data you need to turn leads into customers. 

By Danielle Antosz

4 min read

Marketing tips

5 ways to analyze lead gen efforts and drive conversions

Using lead generation metrics and other feedback loops can help you refine your strategy and close more deals.

By Danielle Antosz

5 min read

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'