
Briana Brownell

Briana Brownell is a visionary technologist, data scientist, and tech entrepreneur who is known for making complex topics accessible to everyone. She is an expert in AI and writes frequently about the intersection of technology and culture.

Briana Brownell

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App tips

AI will change how you search—here's how

Here are some ways that I think generative AI tools will change how people interact with search engines.

By Briana Brownell

6 min read

App tips

How does ChatGPT choose its sources when browsing the web?

What criteria do AI tools use to select content when browsing? I decided to ask the most authoritative source I could find: ChatGPT itself. 

By Briana Brownell

5 min read

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'