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Museum Hack Uses Automated Workflows with Base CRM to Leave Manual Work Behind

By Joey Blanco · January 22, 2018
manage-leads-base primary img

Humans are inherently curious. It's a big part of what makes us, well, human. That's why insider information and a look behind-the-scenes leads to best-selling books and award-winning films. Entire TV series have been dedicated to the making of an album.

But what about museum exhibits? It's not too often we're shown anything but the exhibit itself. Even exhibits have a backstory. We just don't know it. Thankfully, there's Museum Hack.

With a bit of sass and sarcasm, Museum Hack offers insider-y tours for team-building, family outings—even bachelorette parties. Museum Hack has seen incredible growth in 2017, doubling 2016's numbers, but it wasn't smooth.

A bachelorette party posing during a Museum Hack tour.

Originally, when new leads requested more information or tried to schedule a tour, requests would land in the Museum Hack inbox. "We made sales, but it hurts to think of how many deals may have fallen through the cracks," Michael Alexis, Director of Marketing at Museum Hack, explains.

It took some searching, but Museum Hack found their process best fit with customer relationship manager (CRM) Base. "We love how Base automatically records customer calls and emails in an easy to follow "feed"," says Michael. "Our sales team has quick access to the info they need, and management has access for training and accountability."

But since Base isn't the only application Museum Hack uses, they had to find a way to connect their leads to other tools. "We chose software providers that were the best at solving our specific problems," explains Michael. "But they didn't necessarily integrate with each other smoothly; [app automation tool] Zapier helps bridge that gap."

Automatically Keep Your Team Notified About Leads

With Zapier, Museum Hack connects Base with all sorts of applications: They send leads from Campaign Monitor to Base, add Base leads to MailChimp subscriptions, and built a leads database in Google Sheets. Museum Hack even connects Base with a few of Zapier's homegrown apps to send a weekly digest email sharing their new leads with the entire company.

For new leads, Museum Hack created a robust, multi-step Zap—a bridge between two or more apps. They copied this Zap for each of their lead sources, so they know if this is a corporate event or a bachelorette party. When a potential client fills out a form on Museum Hack's site, they're actually completing a Campaign Monitor form. Zapier takes the information from the form and creates a new lead in Base.

One of Museum Hack

"By helping us connect Base and Campaign Monitor, Zapier also pushes the data to Slack for our sales team to "take dibs" before contacting a lead," Michael says.

Once the lead's in Base, Zapier sends a message to Museum Hack's sales team in Slack. Finally, Zapier adds the lead to MailChimp, making sure they're subscribed to the newsletter.

This Zap allows the sales team to get to work faster—they don't have to watch Base or their email. Zapier just tells them. Plus, if you combine this Zap with Base's own automated rules, sales reps can get reminders to follow-up with new leads.

We broke this Zap into a few different, essential pieces so you can choose what will work with your process:

        Get Slack messages for new Zendesk Sell leads

        Get Slack messages for new Zendesk Sell leads
        • Zendesk Sell logo
        • Slack logo
        Zendesk Sell + Slack

        Create Zendesk Sell leads from new Mailchimp subscribers

        Create Zendesk Sell leads from new Mailchimp subscribers
        • Mailchimp logo
        • Zendesk Sell logo
        Mailchimp + Zendesk Sell

        Add new Zendesk Sell contacts to Mailchimp

        Add new Zendesk Sell contacts to Mailchimp
        • Zendesk Sell logo
        • Mailchimp logo
        Zendesk Sell + Mailchimp

          With a simple Zap, Museum Hack sends a weekly email to their team, showing off all their new leads and sharing the company's success with the team. Here's how it works:

          First, Zapier pulls new leads from Base. Once it has the lead, Zapier adds it to a digest email that shares these new leads every Friday so the Museum Hack team can see how many new leads they're generating on a weekly basis.

          Build your own leads digest with this Zap:

          Create and email a digest of new leads from Zendesk Sell

          Create and email a digest of new leads from Zendesk Sell
          • Zendesk Sell logo
          • Digest by Zapier logo
          • Email by Zapier logo
          Zendesk Sell + Digest by Zapier + Email by Zapier

          These Zaps only scratch the surface of what you can do when you link Base and Zapier together. Do a bit of exploring and see how you can use Base with Zapier's automation to save time and energy.

          One of Museum Hack

          To Museum Hack, these automated workflows mean more opportunities. "The time and financial savings, plus the growth that Zapier has fueled, gives us time to focus on expanding and training our team," says Michael. "We have more people, working on more projects and getting more results."

          "Automation doesn't have to eliminate jobs," explains Michael. "In Museum Hack's case, it's actually helping to create them."

          What's your story? Tell us how you use Zapier to do more. You can also read even more customer stories and find new ways to improve your workflow and productivity.

          All images courtesy of Museum Hack.

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          A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'