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Your guide to LinkedIn automation

How to automate your LinkedIn apps with Zapier

By Hannah Herman · April 16, 2024
A hero image of the LinkedIn app logo on a light purple background.

If you're a marketer, you know that LinkedIn is more than just a networking and job-hunting platform. They offer a suite of apps geared towards helping businesses advertise and collect leads, as well as maintain a strong, organic social media presence. 

But you also probably know how challenging managing both your ads and organic social posts can be—especially when moving data into (or out of) other key apps like your CRM. It can be really easy to miss a hot lead coming in through a LinkedIn form or to forget to re-share a key company update with your LinkedIn followers.

That's where automation comes in. Here are the best ways to automate your LinkedIn apps.

Table of contents

  • What is LinkedIn automation?

  • Automate LinkedIn Ads

  • Automate LinkedIn

  • Automate LinkedIn Conversions

What is LinkedIn automation?

At its core, automation is pretty straightforward. By reducing manual work, you can have more time for work that really matters. And for many companies, LinkedIn plays a crucial role in their advertising, social media, and hiring strategies—so it makes sense to automate it. 

Because LinkedIn doesn't offer a native integration tool, you might think the best way to automate their apps is by writing code. Alternatively, some apps (such as HubSpot) offer their own connections to apps like LinkedIn Ads, but what if you need to connect with a different app? 

That's why Zapier is so valuable. With Zapier, you can create automated workflows by connecting your LinkedIn apps to other critical tools, no code required. Zapier integrates with thousands of apps—from Google Sheets and Slack to Salesforce and Mailchimp—so there's virtually no limit to the workflows you can create. 

For example, you can use Zapier to create an end-to-end lead management workflow that takes new leads from LinkedIn Lead Ads, adds them to your CRM, and sends your sales team a message in Slack encouraging them to reach out. But you can do more than just manage leads; you streamline your social media management, monitor ad conversions, and more—all with Zapier.

Ready to start automating? Here are some of the most popular ways to automate LinkedIn's suite of apps with Zapier. 

Zapier is the leader in workflow automation—integrating with 6,000+ apps from partners like Google, Salesforce, and Microsoft. Use interfaces, data tables, and logic to build secure, automated systems for your business-critical workflows across your organization's technology stack. Learn more.

Automate LinkedIn Ads

If you're a B2B company, LinkedIn Ads likely play a big role in your digital advertising strategy. But like any advertising platform, success isn't governed just by having the right ad creative or the right targeting: It's also about what you do with the leads you generate. With Zapier, you can create robust lead management workflows so you never miss an opportunity for conversion.

For starters, you can create a Zap that notifies your team about every new lead—whether they'd rather receive those notifications by email or in a chat app like Slack. 

Post new LinkedIn Lead Gen Form leads to Slack channels

Post new LinkedIn Lead Gen Form leads to Slack channels
  • LinkedIn Ads logo
  • Slack logo
LinkedIn Ads + Slack

Get emails with new LinkedIn Ads leads

Get emails with new LinkedIn Ads leads
  • LinkedIn Ads logo
  • Email by Zapier logo
LinkedIn Ads + Email by Zapier

POST new LinkedIn Lead Gen form responses to webhooks

POST new LinkedIn Lead Gen form responses to webhooks
  • LinkedIn Ads logo
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
LinkedIn Ads + Webhooks by Zapier

You can also automate the process of moving those new leads into your CRM or a spreadsheet so you can better track them throughout the sales cycle. 

Add LinkedIn Lead Gen Form leads as new contacts in ActiveCampaign

Add LinkedIn Lead Gen Form leads as new contacts in ActiveCampaign
  • LinkedIn Ads logo
  • ActiveCampaign logo
LinkedIn Ads + ActiveCampaign

Add new leads in LinkedIn Ads to Google Sheets rows

Add new leads in LinkedIn Ads to Google Sheets rows
  • LinkedIn Ads logo
  • Google Sheets logo
LinkedIn Ads + Google Sheets

Automate LinkedIn 

Besides its value as an advertising platform, LinkedIn is also an important social media platform for businesses. Not only is it a thriving talent marketplace, but it's also where folks go to engage with brands and keep up with company updates. 

By connecting LinkedIn to your other apps with automation, you can streamline the process of sharing content. For example, you can use a Zap to automatically share RSS items—like new posts on your business's blog—on LinkedIn. 

Share new RSS items as company updates in LinkedIn

Share new RSS items as company updates in LinkedIn
  • RSS by Zapier logo
  • LinkedIn logo
RSS by Zapier + LinkedIn

You can also create a similar Zap that shares posts to LinkedIn from other social media platforms, like Facebook or YouTube. 

Share new Facebook Pages posts as updates on LinkedIn

Share new Facebook Pages posts as updates on LinkedIn
  • Facebook Pages logo
  • LinkedIn logo
Facebook Pages + LinkedIn

Share LinkedIn updates from new Instagram posts

Share LinkedIn updates from new Instagram posts
  • Instagram logo
  • LinkedIn logo
Instagram + LinkedIn

Create LinkedIn updates from new YouTube videos

Create LinkedIn updates from new YouTube videos
  • YouTube logo
  • LinkedIn logo
YouTube + LinkedIn

And if you're looking for an even more sophisticated workflow, you can connect an email marketing tool like Mailchimp to your LinkedIn account, so you can automatically share new marketing campaigns—such as your spring sale—with your LinkedIn followers. 

Create LinkedIn shares for new Mailchimp campaigns

Create LinkedIn shares for new Mailchimp campaigns
  • Mailchimp logo
  • LinkedIn logo
Mailchimp + LinkedIn

Learn more about automating LinkedIn

Automate LinkedIn Conversions

If you're using LinkedIn as part of your marketing toolkit, LinkedIn Conversions can be an invaluable app. It lets you send information about important customer behavior—like someone signing up for your service or purchasing a product—to LinkedIn directly from your website, a CRM like Salesforce, or a database. That's a critical function because it means you can better understand how effective your LinkedIn presence is in influencing your audience. 

To get this 360° view of your customers, you can use a Zap to automatically add HubSpot form responses to LinkedIn Conversions. 

Send LinkedIn Conversions events from new HubSpot form submissions

Send LinkedIn Conversions events from new HubSpot form submissions
  • LinkedIn Conversions logo
LinkedIn Conversions

You can also use a similar Zap to keep LinkedIn up to date with customer activity from a CRM like Salesforce—whether that's a conversion, a renewal, or something else. 

Send conversion events in LinkedIn Conversions when updated records in Salesforce are detected

Send conversion events in LinkedIn Conversions when updated records in Salesforce are detected
  • Salesforce logo
  • LinkedIn Conversions logo
Salesforce + LinkedIn Conversions

And if you want to tighten up your LinkedIn advertising workflows, you can automatically send a conversion event in LinkedIn Conversions every time someone submits a form response from a LinkedIn ad.

Send conversion events in LinkedIn Conversions for new lead gen form responses in LinkedIn Ads

Send conversion events in LinkedIn Conversions for new lead gen form responses in LinkedIn Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads logo
  • LinkedIn Conversions logo
LinkedIn Ads + LinkedIn Conversions

Make LinkedIn a key part of your marketing toolkit

It's easy to dismiss LinkedIn as just another social platform, but it can be the linchpin of your marketing tech stack. By connecting it to other business-critical apps, you can optimize your social advertising, strengthen your brand presence, and streamline your lead management—so LinkedIn is more than just a place to post.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'