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4 ways to make your bookmarking app work for you

Add Zapier to your read-it-later app and easily save, share, and do more with important links

By Krystina Martinez · January 5, 2021
A bookmark icon in a white square on a light orange background.

Reading things online is my favorite work distraction. While researching for this article, I went down a rabbit hole of tutorials for setting up Google Analytics. I should've sent it to a read-it-later app (also known as a bookmarking app), where I could return to my reading queue after I've finished my work. 

While read-it-later apps are great for storing articles you intend to read later, the problem is that you need to remember to actually open the app in order to read things. This is where many people fail, myself included. 

A solution: Use Zapier to automatically send those articles to an app you're more likely to check. Our automatic workflows, which we call Zaps, send information from one app to another, helping you reduce manual tasks.

We've collected a few Zap templates—our pre-made workflows— to help you get the most out of your read-it-later app, no matter how you prefer to use it. Just click on a template, and we'll guide you through the set-up process. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

You'll need a Zapier account to use the workflows in this piece. If you don't have an account yet, it's free to get started.

Collect and organize source material

Read-it-later apps are helpful for gathering research, whether it's for a presentation, competitor research, or writing a blog article. Try these workflows, which will automatically add saved item links to Evernote, WordPress, or wherever else you'll need them. 

We're using Pocket for most of these examples, but you can set up similar workflows up with any app that helps you save links for later that's on the Zapier platform. To find out if the app you use is available, browse the collection of bookmark managers available in our App Directory.

Create WordPress posts from new tagged Pocket items

Create WordPress posts from new tagged Pocket items
  • Pocket logo
  • WordPress logo
Pocket + WordPress

Create Trello cards from new Pocket items

Create Trello cards from new Pocket items
  • Pocket logo
  • Trello logo
Pocket + Trello

Append new Pocket tagged items to an Evernote note

Append new Pocket tagged items to an Evernote note
  • Pocket logo
  • Evernote logo
Pocket + Evernote

If you need to take action on the items you save as part of your research, you can also send bookmarked links to your task or project management tool.

Create Trello cards from new Pocket items

Create Trello cards from new Pocket items
  • Pocket logo
  • Trello logo
Pocket + Trello

Create Trello cards from new tagged Pocket items

Create Trello cards from new tagged Pocket items
  • Pocket logo
  • Trello logo
Pocket + Trello

Create Todoist tasks from Pocket items

Create Todoist tasks from Pocket items
  • Pocket logo
  • Todoist logo
Pocket + Todoist

Create Todoist tasks from Pocket tagged items

Create Todoist tasks from Pocket tagged items
  • Pocket logo
  • Todoist logo
Pocket + Todoist

Make an RSS feed of your tagged Pocket items

Make an RSS feed of your tagged Pocket items
  • Pocket logo
  • RSS by Zapier logo
Pocket + RSS by Zapier

Share your favorite content

Are you the person who's always sharing interesting industry articles in the team Slack channel? Do you manage a social media account for work and share relevant content from other sources? These workflows make it easier to share your favorite content elsewhere, without the need to copy and paste links. 

Share Pocket items via Gmail

Share Pocket items via Gmail
  • Pocket logo
  • Gmail logo
Pocket + Gmail

Share new tagged Pocket items in Slack

Share new tagged Pocket items in Slack
  • Pocket logo
  • Slack logo
Pocket + Slack

Buffer new tagged Pocket items

Buffer new tagged Pocket items
  • Pocket logo
  • Buffer logo
Pocket + Buffer

Post new favorited Pocket items to Hootsuite

Post new favorited Pocket items to Hootsuite
  • Pocket logo
  • Hootsuite logo
Pocket + Hootsuite

Share new tagged Pocket articles on Pinterest

Share new tagged Pocket articles on Pinterest
  • Pocket logo
  • Pinterest logo
Pocket + Pinterest

Save content from other apps or feeds

A benefit of read-it-later apps is that many of them have built-in integrations with browsers and mobile devices, so if you're browsing something on your phone and you find something interesting, it only takes a few taps or clicks to save it for later. This can get repetitive fast, though, if you find that you're doing this often with the same sites, such as Tumblr or Reddit. 

These Zaps will save you a step by automatically adding your Tumblr likes and other content to your read-it-later app. 

Add the Tumblr posts you like to your Pocket queue

Add the Tumblr posts you like to your Pocket queue
  • Tumblr logo
  • Pocket logo
Tumblr + Pocket

Add New York Times articles that match a keyword to Pocket

Add New York Times articles that match a keyword to Pocket
  • New York Times logo
  • Filter by Zapier logo
  • Pocket logo
New York Times + Filter by Zapier + Pocket

Save hot new Reddit posts on Pocket

Save hot new Reddit posts on Pocket
  • Reddit logo
  • Pocket logo
Reddit + Pocket

If there's a specific site you need to closely follow, you can also set up a Zap that will send all the items from its RSS feed into your read-it-later app so you never miss a post.  

Save new items in RSS feeds to Pocket

Save new items in RSS feeds to Pocket
  • RSS by Zapier logo
  • Pocket logo
RSS by Zapier + Pocket

Add new RSS feed articles to Instapaper

Add new RSS feed articles to Instapaper
  • RSS by Zapier logo
  • Instapaper logo
RSS by Zapier + Instapaper

Send your reading list somewhere else

The "set it and forget it" nature of read-it-later apps means that you'll likely forget to go back and read the article. We spend a large chunk of the workday in other apps, such as email or team chat tools. These Zaps will automatically gather saved items in your reading queue and send them in a chat message or email at a specific time. 

Get a digest of new Pocket items via a Gmail email every day, month, or week

Get a digest of new Pocket items via a Gmail email every day, month, or week
  • Pocket logo
  • Digest by Zapier logo
  • Gmail logo
Pocket + Digest by Zapier + Gmail

Get a summary of your saved Pocket items delivered to Slack on a schedule

Get a summary of your saved Pocket items delivered to Slack on a schedule
  • Pocket logo
  • Digest by Zapier logo
  • Slack logo
Pocket + Digest by Zapier + Slack

Another way to use Zapier to see important posts or updates from sites you follow is to get those updates in your inbox, even if they don't have a newsletter. Learn how to create your own newsletters from almost any website.

Make sure later becomes now

Bookmarking and read-it-later apps keep you from drowning in a sea of tabs, but they're only useful if you follow through. Whether you're bookmarking source material, things to share, or curating your reading list, automation can help you put your research to work.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'