Connect HubSpot and Mailchimp to unlock the power of automation
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Set up your first integration
Quickly connect HubSpot to Mailchimp with a Zapier template.
Our most popular template
How Zapier works
Zapier makes it easy to integrate HubSpot with Mailchimp - no code necessary. See how you can get setup in minutes.
Select a trigger from HubSpot
Setup an action from Mailchimp
That’s it! You just connected HubSpot to Mailchimp
Zapier is the automation platform of choice for 87% of Forbes Cloud 100 companies in 2023
Customers who say using Zapier has made them better at their job
Customers have created over 25 million Zaps on the platform
6 mins
The average user takes less than 6 minutes to set up a Zap
Frequently Asked Questions about HubSpot + Mailchimp integrations
New to automation with Zapier? You're not alone. Here are some answers to common questions about how Zapier works with HubSpot and Mailchimp
How can I integrate HubSpot with Mailchimp using Zapier?
You can integrate HubSpot with Mailchimp through Zapier by setting up Zaps that connect the two platforms. Start by selecting HubSpot and Mailchimp as your apps, and define the trigger (e.g., new contact added in HubSpot) and the action (e.g., add/update subscriber in Mailchimp). Our setup guides within Zapier will walk you through connecting your accounts, triggering actions, and automating your workflows efficiently.
What triggers are available for HubSpot in a Zapier integration with Mailchimp?
In a Zapier integration with Mailchimp, some common triggers available for HubSpot include 'New Contact', 'Contact Property Changed', 'New Form Submission', and 'New Deal'. These triggers allow you to initiate specific actions in Mailchimp when an event occurs in HubSpot.
What kind of actions can be automated in Mailchimp using data from HubSpot?
Using data from HubSpot, you can automate several actions in Mailchimp such as adding a subscriber to an audience, updating subscriber information, or even sending a campaign. Select the appropriate trigger events in HubSpot that will initiate these actions automatically via Zapier.
Are there any prerequisites to keep in mind before integrating HubSpot with Mailchimp on Zapier?
Before integrating, ensure you have administrative access to both your HubSpot and Mailchimp accounts. Verify that API connections are enabled for both platforms and have any necessary permissions to create contacts or send campaigns. Having this access will streamline setting up the integration on our platform.
Can I sync existing contacts between HubSpot and Mailchimp?
While our platform is designed primarily for automating ongoing processes, syncing existing contacts would require exporting them from HubSpot and importing into Mailchimp directly. However, once integrated, new contacts can be automatically synced going forward.
How often do Zaps run when integrating HubSpot with Mailchimp?
For most users on our platform, Zaps involving integrations like between HubSpot and Mailchimp run every 5 to 15 minutes depending on your plan. This frequency ensures timely updates across both platforms without manual intervention.
What should I do if my integration isn't working properly between HubSpot and Mailchimp?
If you encounter issues with the integration not working as expected between Hubspot and MailChimp, first check that all account connections are active and properly authenticated on our platform. Review each trigger-action setup for accuracy or consult our troubleshooting guides for more detailed solutions.
Practical ways you can use HubSpot and Mailchimp
Add new subscribers to Mailchimp list from new HubSpot contacts
When a new contact is added in HubSpot, Zapier will automatically add them to a specified Mailchimp audience. This ensures your email marketing list is always up-to-date without manual effort.
Business ownerSend welcome email via Mailchimp when new contact is added in HubSpot
When a new contact is added in HubSpot, Zapier will trigger a welcome email to be sent via Mailchimp. This ensures every new customer gets an immediate, consistent introduction to your services.
Customer support opsNotify team of new engagement in HubSpot through Mailchimp update
When a new engagement is created in HubSpot, Zapier sends an update to your team via Mailchimp. This keeps everyone aligned with the latest customer interactions for better data analysis and predictive modeling.
Data scienceAdd job applicants from Mailchimp to HubSpot contacts
When a job applicant subscribes via a Mailchimp form, Zapier will automatically add their details into HubSpot. This helps streamline the recruitment process and ensures candidate data is centralized.
HR & recruiting opsAdd new subscribers to Mailchimp list from new HubSpot contacts
When a new contact is added in HubSpot, Zapier will automatically add them to a specified Mailchimp audience. This ensures your email marketing list is always up-to-date without manual effort.
Business ownerSend welcome email via Mailchimp when new contact is added in HubSpot
When a new contact is added in HubSpot, Zapier will trigger a welcome email to be sent via Mailchimp. This ensures every new customer gets an immediate, consistent introduction to your services.
Customer support opsNotify team of new engagement in HubSpot through Mailchimp update
When a new engagement is created in HubSpot, Zapier sends an update to your team via Mailchimp. This keeps everyone aligned with the latest customer interactions for better data analysis and predictive modeling.
Data scienceAdd job applicants from Mailchimp to HubSpot contacts
When a job applicant subscribes via a Mailchimp form, Zapier will automatically add their details into HubSpot. This helps streamline the recruitment process and ensures candidate data is centralized.
HR & recruiting opsAdd new subscribers to Mailchimp list from new HubSpot contacts
When a new contact is added in HubSpot, Zapier will automatically add them to a specified Mailchimp audience. This ensures your email marketing list is always up-to-date without manual effort.
Business ownerSend welcome email via Mailchimp when new contact is added in HubSpot
When a new contact is added in HubSpot, Zapier will trigger a welcome email to be sent via Mailchimp. This ensures every new customer gets an immediate, consistent introduction to your services.
Customer support opsNotify team of new engagement in HubSpot through Mailchimp update
When a new engagement is created in HubSpot, Zapier sends an update to your team via Mailchimp. This keeps everyone aligned with the latest customer interactions for better data analysis and predictive modeling.
Data scienceAdd job applicants from Mailchimp to HubSpot contacts
When a job applicant subscribes via a Mailchimp form, Zapier will automatically add their details into HubSpot. This helps streamline the recruitment process and ensures candidate data is centralized.
HR & recruiting opsSupported triggers and actions
Zapier helps you create workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a workflow, and an action is an event a Zap performs.
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- Additional properties to retrieve
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- Additional properties to retrieve
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- Additional properties to retrieve
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