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Schedule screen captures with PagePixels Screenshots

By Krystina Martinez · March 6, 2024
PagePixels Screenshots and Microsoft Teams logo hero.

Screenshots can make the difference whether you're trying to investigate a website bug or troubleshoot a customer issue. But software errors can have a mind of their own, making capturing and sharing photo proof with your engineering team even tougher.

Enter PagePixels Screenshots. It's an automated screenshot tool that lets you schedule, capture, and send screen captures where you need them. PagePixels Screenshots will even click buttons, fill out forms, and take other actions for you to capture the perfect image. That way, you can save yourself the frustration of error-hunting. 

Once you have the snapshots you need, you can automatically share them with your team. Just create a simple Zap (our word for automated workflows) that automatically sends new images from PagePixels Screenshots to a team chat tool like Microsoft Teams.

The problem: It's time-consuming to set up and share screenshots with your engineering teams, delaying them from investigating the issue.

The solution: Automatically stage and share screen captures with PagePixels Screenshots and Zapier. Automatically send new screenshots to a Microsoft Teams channel for speedy collaboration.

A Zapier automated workflow that shares new screen captures from PagePixels Screenshots in a Microsoft Teams channel.

Ready to try it yourself? Get started with our pre-made workflows called Zap templates. Just click on the template below, and we'll guide you through the setup process. It only takes a few minutes.

Send new PagePixels screenshots to Microsoft Teams channels

Send new PagePixels screenshots to Microsoft Teams channels
  • PagePixels Screenshots logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
PagePixels Screenshots + Microsoft Teams

Zap rating: Beginner

Pro tip: Don't use Microsoft Teams to communicate with your team? No problem! Connect PagePixels Screenshots with other team chat tools through Zapier, so you can share evidence of website bugs, customer reviews, and much more.

This is the start of all you can do with PagePixels Screenshots and Zapier. Zapier supports thousands of apps, so you can automate almost any task at work. Start building your Zap now with PagePixels Screenshots for seamless sharing.

New to Zapier? It's workflow automation software that lets you focus on what matters. Combine user interfaces, data tables, and logic with 6,000+ apps to build and automate anything you can imagine. Sign up for free to use this app, and thousands more, with Zapier.

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