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Google Calendar + RescueTime

Create detailed events in Google Calendar for new focustime sessions started in RescueTime

Improve your productivity workflow with this integration, which initiates as soon as a new FocusTime Session starts in RescueTime. It promptly creates a detailed event in your Google Calendar, giving you a seamless way to track your efforts and stay organized. It's a straightforward solution to coordinate your productivity endeavors without manual input, helping you save time and maintain focus on your tasks.

Improve your productivity workflow with this integration, which initiates as soon as a new FocusTime Session starts in RescueTime. It promptly creates a detailed event in your Google Calendar, giving you a seamless way to track your efforts and stay organized. It's a straightforward solution to coordinate your productivity endeavors without manual input, helping you save time and maintain focus on your tasks.

  1. When this happens...
    New FocusTime Session Start

    Triggers when a new FocusTime session is started

  2. automatically do this!
    Google CalendarGoogle Calendar
    Create Detailed Event

    Create an event by defining each field.

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Supported triggers and actions

    • Alert Name

    Try It
  • RescueTime triggers, actions, and search

    New Daily Summary Report

    Triggers when a new daily summary is available

    Try It
  • RescueTime triggers, actions, and search

    New FocusTime Session Start

    Triggers when a new FocusTime session is started

    Try It
    • Date / TimeRequired

    • DescriptionRequired

    • Action Label

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About Google Calendar

Google Calendar lets you organize your schedule and share events with co-workers and friends. With Google's free online calendar, it's easy to keep track of your daily schedule.

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About RescueTime

RescueTime helps you understand how you spend your time on the computer by automatically keeping a log of the time you spend on different applications and websites. Having an accurate idea of how you time is spent makes it easy to stay productive and balanced.

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