Connect QuickBooks Online and Shopify to unlock the power of automation
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Quickly connect QuickBooks Online to Shopify with a Zapier template.
Our most popular template
How Zapier works
Zapier makes it easy to integrate QuickBooks Online with Shopify - no code necessary. See how you can get setup in minutes.
Select a trigger from QuickBooks Online
Setup an action from Shopify
That’s it! You just connected QuickBooks Online to Shopify
Zapier is the automation platform of choice for 87% of Forbes Cloud 100 companies in 2023
Customers who say using Zapier has made them better at their job
Customers have created over 25 million Zaps on the platform
6 mins
The average user takes less than 6 minutes to set up a Zap
Frequently Asked Questions about QuickBooks Online + Shopify integrations
New to automation with Zapier? You're not alone. Here are some answers to common questions about how Zapier works with QuickBooks Online and Shopify
How do I connect QuickBooks Online and Shopify?
To connect QuickBooks Online with Shopify, you'll first need to create a Zap that includes a trigger event and an action. Choose Shopify as the trigger app, select the event such as "New Order," and then choose QuickBooks Online as your action app with an event like "Create Invoice." Your accounts will need to be authenticated for data sharing.
What types of data can be synchronized between QuickBooks Online and Shopify?
Our integration allows you to sync various data types, including orders, customer information, inventory levels, and invoices. For instance, when a new order is placed in Shopify, it can trigger an invoice creation in QuickBooks Online automatically.
Can inventory adjustments in QuickBooks Online update my stock in Shopify?
Yes, using our integration, inventory adjustments made in QuickBooks Online can trigger updates to your stock levels in Shopify. You'll configure a Zap where the trigger is an inventory change in QuickBooks Online and the action updates the inventory quantity in Shopify.
Is it possible to import existing orders from Shopify into QuickBooks Online?
You can import existing orders by setting up a one-time or scheduled import using our platform. You'll set up a Zap that triggers on existing order data in Shopify and maps it into corresponding fields within QuickBooks Online for seamless importation.
How frequently does data sync between my apps?
The frequency of data synchronization depends on how you configure the Zaps. Typically, workflows run every few minutes once they're activated. You can modify this interval based on your needs for real-time or less frequent syncing.
What happens if there’s an error during synchronization?
If an error occurs during synchronization, we'll log the error details so you can diagnose the issue. You can access these logs through your dashboard and make necessary corrections before re-triggering workflows manually or automatically.
Are there any limitations I should know about when integrating these platforms?
While our platform offers robust integration capabilities between QuickBooks Online and Shopify, certain limitations may apply such as API call limits from either platform's end or unsupported features within specific versions of apps. It's wise to review each app's API usage policy.
Supported triggers and actions
Zapier helps you create workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a workflow, and an action is an event a Zap performs.
- New Account
Triggers when you add a new account.
Try ItTriggerInstant - New Bill
Triggers when a new bill is added.
Try ItTriggerInstant - Estimate Emailed
Triggers when an estimate is emailed.
Try ItTriggerInstant - New Expense
Triggers when a new expense is added.
Try ItTriggerInstant
- New Bank Transaction
Triggers when a new bank transaction is created.
Try ItTriggerInstant - New Customer
Triggers when you add a new customer.
Try ItTriggerInstant - New Estimate
Triggers when you add a new estimate.
Try ItTriggerInstant - DaysRequired
Try ItTriggerPolling