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  • Google Calendar logoGoogle Calendar logo
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  • Filter by Zapier logoFilter by Zapier logo

Google Calendar + SuperSaaS + Filter by Zapier

Add or update Google Calendar events for updated SuperSaaS appointments

Are you looking to keep your calendar up-to-date with your scheduled appointments without the hassle of manually updating? Let Zapier do it for you! Once set up, this integration will automatically add new events to your Google Calendar if new appointments are created in SuperSaaS.

Are you looking to keep your calendar up-to-date with your scheduled appointments without the hassle of manually updating? Let Zapier do it for you! Once set up, this integration will automatically add new events to your Google Calendar if new appointments are created in SuperSaaS.

  1. When this happens...
    Change Appointment

    Triggers on a new, changed or deleted appointment.

  2. automatically do this...
    Google CalendarGoogle Calendar
    Update Event

    Updates an event. Only filled fields are updated.

  3. then do this...
    Filter by ZapierFilter by Zapier
    Only continue if...

    Set up rules to specify when this Zap can continue running.

  4. then do this!
    Google CalendarGoogle Calendar
    Delete Event

    Deletes an event.

  • Free forever for core features
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Supported triggers and actions

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About Google Calendar

Google Calendar lets you organize your schedule and share events with co-workers and friends. With Google's free online calendar, it's easy to keep track of your daily schedule.

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About SuperSaaS

SuperSaaS is an online appointment scheduling for any type of business. Flexible and affordable booking software that can be integrated into any site.

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About Filter by Zapier

Only allow a Zap to proceed when a certain condition is met. For example, if you're sending a text message when you receive a new email, you could use a Filter that only sends a text message when the email received is from a certain address.

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