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Podio + Typeform

Create tasks in Podio from new entries in Typeform

Keep your workspace efficient and well-organized with this effortless solution. As soon as a new entry emerges in Typeform, it promptly initiates a task in Podio. This process not only saves valuable time but also maximizes productivity by preventing the manual transfer of data between applications. Ideal for project coordinators, researchers, and individuals seeking to streamline their task management system.

Keep your workspace efficient and well-organized with this effortless solution. As soon as a new entry emerges in Typeform, it promptly initiates a task in Podio. This process not only saves valuable time but also maximizes productivity by preventing the manual transfer of data between applications. Ideal for project coordinators, researchers, and individuals seeking to streamline their task management system.

  1. When this happens...
    New Entry

    Triggers when a form is submitted.

  2. automatically do this!
    Create Task

    Triggers when you add a new task.

  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

    • title of your formRequired

    • Choose Workspace To Create This Form In, leave it blank for default workspace

    • Form To Update Question inRequired

    • Please provide list of choices

    • FormRequired

    • responses submitted since the specified date and time.

    • responses submitted until the specified date and time.

    • search for responses that include the specified string.

    • search for responses that are complete.

    • maximum number of responses to fetch (default: 25, max: 1000)

    • OrganizationRequired

    • WorkspaceRequired

    • ApplicationRequired

    • Field

    • Action TypeRequired

    • Include Image Attachments

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About Podio

Podio is a collaborative work platform that's perfect for managing projects, teams, and anything else in your business that needs flexible apps that work the way you do.

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About Typeform

Typeform helps you ask awesomely online! If you ever need to run a survey, questionnaire, form, contest etc. Typeform will help you achieve it beautifully across all devices, every time, using its next generation platform.

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