MeisterTask Integrations

Project Management

Do more with MeisterTask integrations

Zapier lets you connect MeisterTask with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps
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Or pick an app to pair witharrow pointing down
Integrate Perspective with MeisterTaskIntegrate Perspective with MeisterTask


Marketing Automation
Integrate Recruit CRM with MeisterTaskIntegrate Recruit CRM with MeisterTask

Recruit CRM

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Integrate Facebook Lead Ads with MeisterTaskIntegrate Facebook Lead Ads with MeisterTask

Facebook Lead Ads

Ads & Conversion, Facebook
Integrate Todoist with MeisterTaskIntegrate Todoist with MeisterTask


Task Management
Integrate Google Calendar with MeisterTaskIntegrate Google Calendar with MeisterTask

Google Calendar

Calendar, Google
Integrate Google Forms with MeisterTaskIntegrate Google Forms with MeisterTask

Google Forms

Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Microsoft Outlook with MeisterTaskIntegrate Microsoft Outlook with MeisterTask

Microsoft Outlook

Calendar, Email, Microsoft
Integrate Airtable with MeisterTaskIntegrate Airtable with MeisterTask


Integrate Notion with MeisterTaskIntegrate Notion with MeisterTask


Task Management
Integrate Perspective with MeisterTaskIntegrate Perspective with MeisterTask


Marketing Automation
Integrate Recruit CRM with MeisterTaskIntegrate Recruit CRM with MeisterTask

Recruit CRM

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Integrate Facebook Lead Ads with MeisterTaskIntegrate Facebook Lead Ads with MeisterTask

Facebook Lead Ads

Ads & Conversion, Facebook
Integrate Todoist with MeisterTaskIntegrate Todoist with MeisterTask


Task Management
Integrate Google Calendar with MeisterTaskIntegrate Google Calendar with MeisterTask

Google Calendar

Calendar, Google
Integrate Google Forms with MeisterTaskIntegrate Google Forms with MeisterTask

Google Forms

Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Perspective with MeisterTaskIntegrate Perspective with MeisterTask


Marketing Automation
Integrate Recruit CRM with MeisterTaskIntegrate Recruit CRM with MeisterTask

Recruit CRM

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Integrate Facebook Lead Ads with MeisterTaskIntegrate Facebook Lead Ads with MeisterTask

Facebook Lead Ads

Ads & Conversion, Facebook
Integrate Todoist with MeisterTaskIntegrate Todoist with MeisterTask


Task Management
Integrate Google Calendar with MeisterTaskIntegrate Google Calendar with MeisterTask

Google Calendar

Calendar, Google
Integrate Google Forms with MeisterTaskIntegrate Google Forms with MeisterTask

Google Forms

Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Microsoft Outlook with MeisterTaskIntegrate Microsoft Outlook with MeisterTask

Microsoft Outlook

Calendar, Email, Microsoft
Integrate Airtable with MeisterTaskIntegrate Airtable with MeisterTask


Integrate Notion with MeisterTaskIntegrate Notion with MeisterTask


Task Management

Top companies trust Zapier to automate work and free up time

Join millions worldwide who automate their work using Zapier

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Quickly automate MeisterTask integrations with Zapier's templates

  • Create tasks in MeisterTask from new Google Calendar events

    Try it
    • Google Calendar logo
    • MeisterTask logo
    Google Calendar + MeisterTask
  • Schedule new tasks in MeisterTask weekly

    Try it
    • Schedule by Zapier logo
    • MeisterTask logo
    Schedule by Zapier + MeisterTask
  • Add new MeisterTask tasks to Google Calendar

    Try it
    • MeisterTask logo
    • Google Calendar logo
    MeisterTask + Google Calendar
  • Create MeisterTasks for new event in Google Calendar

    Try it
    • Google Calendar logo
    • MeisterTask logo
    Google Calendar + MeisterTask
  • Schedule monthly recurring tasks in MeisterTask

    Try it
    • Schedule by Zapier logo
    • MeisterTask logo
    Schedule by Zapier + MeisterTask
  • Create Google Calendar events from new MeisterTask tasks with due dates

    Try it
    • MeisterTask logo
    • Filter by Zapier logo
    • Google Calendar logo
    MeisterTask + Filter by Zapier + Google Calendar

Create tasks in MeisterTask from new Google Calendar events

Try it
  • Google Calendar logo
  • MeisterTask logo
Google Calendar + MeisterTask

Schedule new tasks in MeisterTask weekly

  • Schedule by Zapier logo
  • MeisterTask logo
Schedule by Zapier + MeisterTask

Add new MeisterTask tasks to Google Calendar

  • MeisterTask logo
  • Google Calendar logo
MeisterTask + Google Calendar

Create MeisterTasks for new event in Google Calendar

  • Google Calendar logo
  • MeisterTask logo
Google Calendar + MeisterTask

Schedule monthly recurring tasks in MeisterTask

  • Schedule by Zapier logo
  • MeisterTask logo
Schedule by Zapier + MeisterTask

Create Google Calendar events from new MeisterTask tasks with due dates

  • MeisterTask logo
  • Filter by Zapier logo
  • Google Calendar logo
MeisterTask + Filter by Zapier + Google Calendar

MeisterTask integration details

Managing projects and tasks can take as much time as completing those same projects and tasks. Together, MeisterTask and Zapier will make project management a cinch. The Kanban-style app that helps you organize your work visually can be combined with Zapier to automatically schedule, create, and copy, so you can spend your time focusing on getting things done.

Connect MeisterTask to 7,000+ apps

Supported triggers and actions

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meistertask logo

About MeisterTask

MeisterTask is an incredibly intuitive online task manager that uses smart integrations and task automations to make your team more productive.
Learn more

Related categories

  • Project Management

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