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What is no-code? Examples and how to get started

No-code development allows anyone to create apps and automate tasks without programming skills.

By Allisa Boulette · September 3, 2024
Hero image with an icon representing no-code

Albert Einstein didn't wear socks. This little nugget of trivia permanently lodged itself into my brain during my first foray into no-code development: a school project on the father of relativity.

Instead of slapping some facts on a tri-fold poster board and calling it a day, I decided to create a fully functional website while my classmates were probably busy playing outside or developing proper social skills.

Armed with zero coding skills and a tasteful mix of spinning atom GIFs and blinking text, I successfully cobbled together a tribute to Einstein using Microsoft FrontPage, the clunky predecessor to today's powerhouse no-code tools.

Fast forward to today, and no-code platforms have exploded, making it easier than ever to build and innovate without getting lost in a sea of code. In this post, I'll show you what no-code is, its benefits and limitations, and examples of what it can achieve, regardless of your technical expertise (or disdain for socks).

Table of contents:

  • What is no-code development?

  • Benefits of no-code development

  • Getting started with no-code

  • Real-life examples of no-code

  • Streamline your workflow with no-code automation

What is no-code development?

No-code development allows non-developers to build apps, websites, workflows, and other software solutions without any coding knowledge or skills. 

Instead of getting bogged down in complex programming languages, no-code platforms allow anyone with a computer to intuitively build software using visual interfaces, drag-and-drop tools, pre-built templates, and simple configuration.

Traditional coding is like cooking from scratch—it's labor-intensive, and while the end result can be fantastic, there's a lot that can go wrong along the way. No-code, though, is like that scene in "Mrs. Doubtfire," where Robin Williams plates a fancy takeout dinner and passes it off as a homemade meal. You're still delivering the goods, but without all the sweating and swearing, and Sally Field is none the wiser.

No-code vs. low-code

No-code platforms are specifically designed for those who don't know Python from a garden snake, focusing on ease of use with minimal technical skills needed. In contrast, low-code development provides a more flexible environment where users can write some code to customize and extend applications beyond the limitations of no-code tools. While low-code simplifies the development process, it still requires a basic understanding of programming to fully utilize its capabilities.

Benefits of no-code development

The popularity of no-code software really comes down to the immense value and advantages it provides over traditional coding. Here are some benefits of sidestepping all the hard stuff in favor of no-code:

  • Accessibility for non-developers: This is the big one. No-code democratizes software development, enabling anyone with a pulse and a half-decent Wi-Fi connection to become a no-code developer.

  • Increased speed and efficiency: What used to take a small army of coders weeks to crank out, no-code lets you whip up in a single afternoon.

  • Cost-effectiveness: No-code tools can lead to substantial cost savings by eliminating the need to hire developers or maintain complex infrastructure.

  • Flexibility and versatility: No-code tools can adapt to an endless variety of use cases, whether you want to build an internal tool, capture new leads, or automate your entire life so you can spend more time doomscrolling. The only limit is your imagination—and maybe the platform's T&Cs.

  • Scalability: Most no-code platforms are cloud-hosted and can scale elastically, which means they're ready to handle all the traffic your big idea will probably never see.

  • AI integration: Many no-code tools come with AI capabilities baked right in, ready to assist you with churning out copy or analyzing data, even if you can't code your way out of a paper bag.

Getting started with no-code

If you've guzzled the no-code Kool-Aid and are itching to dive in, here's the step-by-step game plan I recommend.

1. Identify a problem or need

What's your problem? No, I'm not trying to pick a fight. I'm talking about the first step in your no-code journey—figuring out the problem you're trying to solve or the desperate need you're aiming to fill. What are you hoping to accomplish? Are you looking to streamline an internal business process? Build a website for your side hustle? Send passive-aggressive reminders to your coworkers?

Once you've nailed down why this thing should exist in the first place, everything else falls into place. For instance, if you're aiming to automate a tedious data entry task, you might look for a platform with strong integration capabilities and workflow automation. Knowing your goal will help you choose the right platform, determine which features to prioritize, and keep you on track so you don't end up with a Frankensteined mess of a project.

2. Choose a no-code platform

Once you've defined your project goals, it's time to choose an app builder. With the explosion of no-code tools in recent years, there are now options for just about every use case imaginable. It can actually be a bit overwhelming trying to navigate all the choices.

Here's an overview of some types and examples of no-code software to consider:

  • Website builders: This type of software makes it easy to create everything from simple landing pages to full-featured business sites through drag-and-drop interfaces, templates, and other visual tools. Examples include Squarespace and Webflow.

  • App builders: These platforms allow users to build their own apps, like project management tools, customer portals, and booking systems. Examples include Zapier Interfaces, Bubble, and Adalo.

  • Automation tools: These tools allow users to connect different apps and services to create powerful automated workflows. Zapier workflows are a great example.

  • Database software: These tools make it easy to create custom databases for tracking inventory, managing contacts, or any other data-heavy need. Examples include Zapier Tables, Airtable, and Glide.

  • Chatbot builders: This type of software lets users create automated chat interfaces for websites, social media, or customer support. Examples include Zapier Chatbots, Chatbase, and Tidio.

  • Form builders: These tools enable users to create and manage online forms for data collection, surveys, and lead generation. Examples include Zapier Interfaces, Google Forms, and Typeform.

  • eCommerce platforms: These platforms help users set up and manage online stores, including product management, payment processing, and order fulfillment. Examples include Shopify, BigCommerce, and Magento.

I'm biased, but if you don't know what will be best for you, I'd say Zapier is a good place to start since it has products for a bunch of different no-code needs.

3. Leverage free resources

No matter which no-code platform you choose, there's a wealth of free resources available to help you get your bearings.

  • Any no-code platform worth its salt will have extensive official documentation to get you started. Don't skip these in your eagerness to start building. Spend a few minutes with the help docs, and I promise you'll save yourself hours of wanting to launch your laptop into a volcano.

  • If you're more of a visual learner, many no-code tools provide great video tutorials. Check the official YouTube channels of your platform of choice for in-depth guides.

  • Most no-code platforms also offer templates or pre-built components you can use as starting points for your projects. These can save you a ton of time and provide inspiration for your own designs.

  • While not always free, there are many affordable boot camps and courses dedicated to specific no-code tools. These can be a great way to quickly level up your skills. Platforms like Udemy and Coursera offer no-code courses, and many tool-specific academies exist as well.

I'd be remiss if I didn't give a humble shout-out to the Zapier blog here. It's a cornucopia of tutorials, app reviews, and productivity tips. Some of my favorite no-code articles from the Zapier blog include:

  • How to build an automated system on Zapier

  • When you should automate a task

  • How to automate your no-code app builder

4. Build and iterate

The best way to learn no-code is by doing. Start building your project, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Fail fast, fail often, and then fail again until you accidentally create something that doesn't suck.

Here are some tips to keep in mind as you build:

  • Keep it simple: It's easy to get carried away adding bells and whistles. Focus on solving the one problem you set out to fix and do it well.

  • Design with the user in mind: Always consider the end user's experience—whether that end user is you, your coworkers, or a (hopefully) massive audience of strangers. Make your app intuitive and easy to use. Pretend your grandma is going to use it.

  • Document as you go: Keep track of your process, including any workarounds or complex logic. This will be invaluable as your project grows.

  • Use version control: Many no-code platforms offer version control features. Use them to save different versions, so when you inevitably break everything, you can roll back and pretend it never happened.

  • Test on different devices: If you're building a web or mobile app, be sure to test on various devices and screen sizes. Your app might look great on your high-end monitor, but what about someone's busted iPhone 6?

  • Seek feedback early and often: Don't wait until you think your project is perfect before asking for opinions. It's not perfect. It never will be. And users always have a million ways to tell you how to make it better. (That's a good thing.)

  • Learn from others: Look at other projects built with your chosen no-code platform for inspo. If someone else has already cracked a tough problem, study it, tweak it, and call it a day. Steal like an artist, as they say.

Real-life examples of no-code

No-code development allows folks to quickly build tools that previously would have required hiring a team of engineers. We can tell all kinds of stories about people using no-code to develop solutions that become essential to their organization.

  • Nonprofit: One More Day on the Appalachian Trail used no-code development to streamline the application process for trail volunteers, reducing manual effort and allowing the team to focus on the trail experience.

  • eSports startup: By integrating no-code, Metafy created a coaching program resulting in $75,000 in additional revenue for their partners, streamlining their operations and enabling them to focus on growth.

  • Insurance company: Arden Insurance automates 34,000 hours of work per year using no-code, freeing up their team to focus on more strategic tasks.

  • Real estate CRM: Using no-code tools, SweepBright automates up to 27 million tasks monthly, significantly increasing efficiency in real estate transactions.

  • Marketing agency: Chatham Oaks utilizes Zapier Canvas to explain complex workflows to clients and document internal workflows, increasing sales and improving onboarding for new employees.

  • eLearning: Learn It Live implemented a no-code AI-powered chatbot, which reduced support tickets by 40%. The chatbot handles common questions, freeing up the support team to focus on more complex issues.

  • Transit advertising: Vector Media utilized no-code to automate employee onboarding, making the process more efficient and less error-prone.

  • Fabric shop: Millshop Online developed a new product by leveraging no-code automation and AI, which allowed the company to efficiently manage the product development process and bring it to market faster.

  • Home services: Using Zapier and ChatGPT, Results Grow created an AI bot to automatically respond to leads. This resulted in fewer missed sales leads, more appointments booked, and increased revenue by nearly $350,000.

  • eCommerce: Chicago gift store La De Da created a process to mimic in-store interactions, streamlining operations and improving customer satisfaction.

  • SaaS: ActiveCampaign reduced its average churn rate by automating customer interactions and personalized follow-ups using no-code, resulting in better customer retention and satisfaction.

  • Restaurant: The Ruby Tap, a Milwaukee wine bar, began offering curbside pickup with the help of no-code, resulting in $20,000 in additional revenue.

Streamline your workflow with no-code

As you can see, no-code bridges the gap between tech geniuses and the rest of us mere mortals. And at Zapier, we're dedicated to making no-code app development as accessible and powerful as possible.

Whether you're looking to build a lead capture funnel, an internal app, or a full-fledged SaaS product, Zapier has the tools and resources to help you get started:

  • Zaps: Create automated workflows that connect your favorite apps and services.

  • Zapier Interfaces: Build custom user interfaces and forms to capture data and trigger your automations.

  • Zapier Tables: Create databases to store, manage, and collaborate on data right within Zapier.

  • Zapier Chatbots: Build AI-powered custom chatbots that automate conversations and tasks across multiple platforms.

  • Zapier AI: Leverage the power of artificial intelligence to enhance your automations.

  • Zapier Canvas: Visually design and document your workflows, processes, and automations.

  • Zapier Central: Experiment with and manage AI-powered bots to automate tasks across various apps.

Zapier's suite of no-code products integrates with thousands of other apps, allowing you to build a cohesive ecosystem that spans multiple platforms.

Related reading:

  • How I launched an app using no-code tools

  • We don't code. But we built our MVP for $100/month

  • A conversation with no-code innovators

  • Zapier data report: The rise of no-code

This article was originally published in June 2020 by Justin Pot. The most recent update was in September 2024.

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