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GitHub + Zapier Tables

Create records in Zapier Tables for new issues in GitHub

Streamline your project management process with this seamless GitHub to Zapier Tables workflow. Whenever a new issue arises in GitHub, a corresponding record is swiftly created in Zapier Tables. No more manual data entry, giving you more time to focus on problem-solving. This integration keeps your teams aligned and projects up to date, increasing overall productivity and efficiency.

Streamline your project management process with this seamless GitHub to Zapier Tables workflow. Whenever a new issue arises in GitHub, a corresponding record is swiftly created in Zapier Tables. No more manual data entry, giving you more time to focus on problem-solving. This integration keeps your teams aligned and projects up to date, increasing overall productivity and efficiency.

  1. When this happens...
    New Issue

    Triggers when a new issue is created.

  2. automatically do this!
    Zapier TablesZapier Tables
    Create Record

    Creates a new record on a table.

  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

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About GitHub

GitHub is the perfect place to share code and work collaboratively on private and open source software.

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About Zapier Tables

Zapier Tables is a no-code database built for automation.

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