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Deputy + Zapier Tables

Create records in Zapier Tables for new employees added in Deputy

Streamline your onboarding process with this efficient workflow. As soon as a new employee is added to Deputy, a new record will be created in Zapier Tables, keeping your data organized and easily accessible. This process not only saves you time, but also ensures every new team member is accounted for in your systems.

Streamline your onboarding process with this efficient workflow. As soon as a new employee is added to Deputy, a new record will be created in Zapier Tables, keeping your data organized and easily accessible. This process not only saves you time, but also ensures every new team member is accounted for in your systems.

  1. When this happens...
    New Employee

    Triggers when there is a new employee created.

  2. automatically do this!
    Zapier TablesZapier Tables
    Create Record

    Creates a new record on a table.

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Supported triggers and actions

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About Deputy

Deputy is an all-in-one employee scheduling, timesheets, tasking and communication platform. Used by thousands of businesses around the world it will improve profitability, staff culture and operational accountability.

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About Zapier Tables

Zapier Tables is a no-code database built for automation.

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