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Deputy + Zapier Tables

Manage new Deputy notifications by creating records in Zapier Tables

Stay abreast of the latest updates within Deputy and maintain a structured record easily. This workflow springs into action whenever there's a new notification in Deputy, it then generates a new record in Tables by Zapier. By transferring information from Deputy notifications to a well-organized record, you get to spend less time on manual data entry and more on tasks that matter. This simplified routine is a great solution for keeping your data organized and current.

Stay abreast of the latest updates within Deputy and maintain a structured record easily. This workflow springs into action whenever there's a new notification in Deputy, it then generates a new record in Tables by Zapier. By transferring information from Deputy notifications to a well-organized record, you get to spend less time on manual data entry and more on tasks that matter. This simplified routine is a great solution for keeping your data organized and current.

  1. When this happens...
    New Notification

    Triggers when there is a new notification for you.

  2. automatically do this!
    Zapier TablesZapier Tables
    Create Record

    Creates a new record on a table.

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Supported triggers and actions

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About Deputy

Deputy is an all-in-one employee scheduling, timesheets, tasking and communication platform. Used by thousands of businesses around the world it will improve profitability, staff culture and operational accountability.

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About Zapier Tables

Zapier Tables is a no-code database built for automation.

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