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AI by Zapier + Gmail

Analyze and return data for new emails matching search from Gmail with AI by Zapier

Harness the power of AI to analyze incoming emails in your Gmail account by implementing this workflow. As soon as a new email that matches your specified criteria lands in your inbox, AI by Zapier springs into action to analyze it and return valuable data. This seamless process lets you take advantage of Artificial Intelligence to unlock insights from your emails and optimize your response strategy. Enjoy the convenience and enhanced productivity this Gmail and AI by Zapier integration brings.

Harness the power of AI to analyze incoming emails in your Gmail account by implementing this workflow. As soon as a new email that matches your specified criteria lands in your inbox, AI by Zapier springs into action to analyze it and return valuable data. This seamless process lets you take advantage of Artificial Intelligence to unlock insights from your emails and optimize your response strategy. Enjoy the convenience and enhanced productivity this Gmail and AI by Zapier integration brings.

  1. When this happens...
    New Email Matching Search

    Triggers when you receive a new email that matches a search string you provide.

  2. automatically do this!
    AI by ZapierAI by Zapier
    Analyze and Return Data

    Extract data, analyze information, generate content — and more

  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

    • Label or mailbox

    • Search keywords

    Try It
    • Label or mailboxRequired

    Try It
    • Search keywordsRequired

    Try It
    • Label or mailbox

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  • Gmail triggers, actions, and search

    New Starred Email

    Triggers when you receive a new email and star it within two days.

    Try It
    • Label

    • MessageRequired

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About AI by Zapier

Smart task and text handling powered by a flexible AI. Create text prompts to perform standard tasks like extracting lead (or other) data or answer discrete questions like "where should this message be routed?". Or, create your own!

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About Gmail

One of the most popular email services, Gmail keeps track of all your emails with threaded conversations, tags, and Google-powered search to find any message you need.

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