Integrate ShipStation with Stripe to automate your work
How Zapier works
Zapier makes it easy to integrate ShipStation with Stripe - no code necessary. See how you can get setup in minutes.
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Frequently Asked Questions about ShipStation + Stripe integrations
New to automation with Zapier? You're not alone. Here are some answers to common questions about how Zapier works with ShipStation and Stripe
What are the basic steps to integrate ShipStation with Stripe?
To integrate ShipStation with Stripe, you'll first need accounts on both platforms. In our Zapier dashboard, select ShipStation as your trigger app and choose a specific event like 'New Order' or 'New Shipment.' Next, select Stripe as the action app and determine an action like 'Create Customer' or 'Create Charge.' Connect your accounts when prompted and test the integration.
Which trigger events are available in ShipStation for integration with Stripe?
In our platform, you can use several trigger events from ShipStation including 'New Order,' 'Order Shipped,' and 'Order Canceled.' These triggers can initiate actions in Stripe to streamline processes such as billing or customer notifications.
How does error handling work in the integration between ShipStation and Stripe?
We provide in-built error handling capabilities that notify you via email if an issue arises during the integration process. You can access detailed logs in the Zapier dashboard to troubleshoot errors related to triggers not firing or actions not executing properly.
Can I customize which data gets sent from ShipStation to Stripe?
Yes, during setup, you have the flexibility to map fields from ShipStation orders or shipments directly into corresponding fields in Stripe. You can select which order details, like customer name or shipment cost, are transferred ensuring precise data management.
Is it possible to create a new customer in Stripe when a new order is placed in ShipStation?
Absolutely. By using the 'New Order' trigger event from ShipStation and setting up a 'Create Customer' action in Stripe through our integration service, new customers are automatically added to your Stripe account as soon as an order is placed.
Are there any limitations on data types that can be synced between ShipStation and Stripe?
While most data types such as customer information, shipping details, and payment terms are transferrable, complex custom objects may require additional configuration. Reach out if you encounter specific data syncing requirements.
How secure is my data when integrating between ShipStation and Stripe?
Data security is our top priority. We use encryption protocols to ensure your data is safely transferred between ShipStation and Stripe. Plus, both platforms comply with industry standards for secure transactions.
Connect ShipStation and Stripe to unlock the power of automation
With Zapier's 7,000 integrations, you can unify your tools within a connected system to improve your team's efficiency and deepen their impact.
Supported triggers and actions
Zapier helps you create workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a workflow, and an action is an event a Zap performs.
- Restrict to Store?
Try It- Restrict to Store?
Try It- ShipStation Store
- Order #Required
- Order StatusRequired
- Unique IDRequired
- Order DateRequired
- Buyer NameRequired
- Payment Date
- Buyer Email
- Recipient NameRequired
- Recipient Company
- Recipient Address (Line 1)Required
- Recipient Address (Line 2)
- Recipient CityRequired
- Recipient State
- Recipient Postal CodeRequired
- Recipient Country Code
- Recipient Phone #
- Amount Paid
- Tax Paid
- Shipping Paid
- Customer's Notes
- Internal Notes
- Is a Gift?
- Gift Message
- Requested Shipping Method
- Sku
- Name
- Image URL
- Quantity
- Unit Price
- Canceled Subscription
Triggers when a subscription is canceled (by a subscriber or due to end of billing period).
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